Permissions ​
This page is outdated; it will be updated as soon as possible.
This page contains information about permission nodes handled by ChatPlugin. They are organized in categories.
Commands ​
Every command requires one or more permissions to be executed. Browse the tables at Getting started/Commands.
Ranks ​
A permission is associated to every loaded rank. The default rank does not require any permission. You can find (and edit) ranks' permission format at Modules/Ranks/Setup.
max punishments durations are defined per-rank
chatplugin.commands.staffchat -> receive Staff chat messages (and send) chatplugin.commands.muteall -> able to speak when chat is muted via /muteall chatplugin.formatted-chat -> able to write formatted/colored messages chatplugin.deny-chat-notify -> receive antispam notifs chatplugin.player-ping -> able to @mention others
ChatPlugin - Un plugin completo ma leggero che gestisce semplicemente troppe funzionalità !
Questa wiki è attualmente aggiornata alla versione 1.10.0.
© 2024  Remigio07
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