Wiki ​
Welcome to the BasicFunctions wiki. Here you will find the plugin's documentation, wiki and contacts in case you need support or you want to ask a question. Browse the pages in the sidebar to find what you need.
Support ​
The preferred way to ask for support is through the Discord server. To obtain support, please open a new ticket using the #basicfunctions-support
Reporting issues ​
The Issues section of the GitHub repository is the best place to report issues, bugs or more generally a problem related to the plugin. You will be asked to fill a form containing some information about the environment you are running BasicFunctions on (like your server's version, the plugins list, the Java version...). Make sure to answer all the points, otherwise the request will be rejected.
It is possible to use Discord to report smaller bugs or minor problems if you don't have a GitHub account/don't want to open a new issue, but note that this method is not accepting long/very specific reports: in that case you should use the Issues section instead.
Suggestions ​
Pull requests on GitHub are welcome but the Discord server is a valid option as well to discuss about changes. Thank you in advance for contributing to the project.
BasicFunctions - Un addon di ChatPlugin che contiene comandi essenziali e facili da usare.
Questa wiki è attualmente aggiornata alla versione 0.1.0.
© 2024  Remigio07
Si prega di segnalare imprecisioni ed errori di ortografia come descritto a Home/Reporting issues.