This page contains information about every command available, its description, permissions, etc. Here are some syntax rules:
- when a command's argument is enclosed in
, it must be specified to make the command work - when a command's argument is enclosed in
, it is optional and can be omitted - when a command's argument contains
(example:<player|IP address>
), it means that you have to specify one of the options available - for commands that require you to specify a period of time, refer to the Getting started/Syntax/Timestamps page to find out the timestamps specifiable
Make sure to read any [?] notes which may be found throughout the tables.
Server commands
The following commands are executable on the server implementations (Bukkit, Sponge) of ChatPlugin.
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission(s) | Free version |
/chatplugin | chatpl , cp | Main command. | chatplugin.commands.chatplugin | ✔ | |
/chatplugin help [category] | ? | Display the help menu. |
| | ✔ |
/chatplugin info | information , contact , contacts , support | Display info about the plugin. | | ✔ | |
/chatplugin version | ver , build | Display info about ChatPlugin's version. | chatplugin.commands.version | ✔ | |
/chatplugin language <language> | languages , lang , langs , locale | Change your currently displayed language. |
| chatplugin.commands.language chatplugin.commands.language.cooldown-bypass | ✔ |
/chatplugin reload | rl , restart , reboot | Reload ChatPlugin. | chatplugin.commands.reload | ✔ | |
/chatplugin status [-chat] | overview , server | Display the server's current status. |
| chatplugin.commands.status | ✔ |
/chatplugin debug [manager|-file] | verbose | Toggle debug mode or print info about a manager. |
| chatplugin.commands.debug | ✔ |
/chatplugin recover [?] | Perform ChatPlugin recovery. | chatplugin.commands.recover | ✔ |
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission(s) | Free version |
/language <language> | languages , lang , langs , locale | Change your currently displayed language. |
| chatplugin.commands.language | ✔[?] |
/language | languages , lang , langs , locale | Open the Languages GUI. | chatplugin.commands.language | ❌[?] | |
/whisper <player> <message> | message , msg , tell , w , dm | Send a private message to another player. |
| chatplugin.commands.whisper chatplugin.commands.whisper.console to whisper to the consolechatplugin.commands.vanish to whisper to vanished players | ✔ |
/reply <message> | r | Reply to a private message. |
| chatplugin.commands.reply chatplugin.commands.vanish to reply to vanished players | ✔ |
/ignore | avoid | Manage ignored players. | chatplugin.commands.ignore | ✔ | |
/ignore add <player> | a | Ignore a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.ignore.add chatplugin.commands.ignore.add.bypass to prevent others from ignoring you | ✔ |
/ignore remove <player> | r | Unignore a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.ignore.remove | ✔ |
/ignore clear | c | Clear your ignored players. | chatplugin.commands.ignore.clear | ✔ | |
/ignore list [player] | ls , l | List yours or another player's ignored players. |
| chatplugin.commands.ignore.list chatplugin.commands.ignore.list.others | ✔ |
/ping [player] | pong , latency | Show yours or another player's latency in ms. |
| | ✔ |
/rankinfo <player> | rinfo , rank | Display info about a player's rank. |
| chatplugin.commands.rankinfo | ✔ |
/playerlist [rank] | plist , list , online | Display the online players' list. |
| chatplugin.commands.playerlist chatplugin.commands.vanish to show vanished players | ✔ |
/chatcolor <color> [player] | color , cc | Change your chat's default color. |
| chatplugin.commands.chatcolor chatplugin.commands.chatcolor.others chatplugin.commands.chatcolor.hex | ✔[?] |
/chatcolor [color] [player] | color , cc | Change your chat's default color. |
| chatplugin.commands.chatcolor chatplugin.commands.chatcolor.others chatplugin.commands.chatcolor.hex | ❌[?] |
/emojistone <tone> [player] | emojitone , skintone | Change your emojis' default tone. |
| chatplugin.commands.emojistone chatplugin.commands.emojistone.others | ✔[?] |
/emojistone [tone] [player] | emojitone , skintone | Change your emojis' default tone. |
| chatplugin.commands.emojistone chatplugin.commands.emojistone.others | ❌[?] |
/bossbar [player] | bbar , bb | Toggle the bossbar's visibility. |
| chatplugin.commands.bossbar chatplugin.commands.bossbar.others | ❌ |
/scoreboard [player] | sboard , sb | Toggle the scoreboard's visibility. |
| chatplugin.commands.scoreboard chatplugin.commands.scoreboard.others | ❌ |
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission(s) | Free version |
/staffchat [message] | schat , sc | Very handy cross-server Staff chat. |
| chatplugin.commands.staffchat | ✔ |
/socialspy | chatspy , ss | Spy other players' private messages | chatplugin.commands.socialspy | ✔ | |
/rangedchatspy | rcs | Spy other players' local messages. | chatplugin.commands.rangedchatspy | ✔ | |
/iplookup <player |IP address> | lookup , geolocate , ipl | Perform a lookup of an IP address |
| chatplugin.commands.iplookup | ✔ |
/lastseen <player> | seen , lastlogout , ls | Check when a player was last seen. |
| chatplugin.commands.lastseen | ✔ |
/clearchat | clc | Clear chat to hide last messages. | chatplugin.commands.clearchat chatplugin.commands.clearchat.bypass | ✔ | |
/muteall | togglechat , ma | Toggle chat for non Staff members. | chatplugin.commands.muteall | ✔ | |
/chatlog <player> <time> [page] [text] [-private messages] [-blocked] | chlog , clog , cl | Look up messages containing certain text. |
| chatplugin.commands.chatlog | ❌ |
/accountcheck <player> [max time played] [-iplookup] | alts , mac | Check a player's alt accounts. |
| chatplugin.commands.accountcheck | ❌ |
None of the following commands are available in the free version.
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission(s) |
/ban <player> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | permban , pban | Permanently ban a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.ban chatplugin.commands.ban.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.ban.offline chatplugin.notify.ban chatplugin.notify.ban.silent |
/tempban <player> <duration> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | tban | Temporarily ban a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.tempban chatplugin.commands.tempban.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.tempban.offline chatplugin.notify.ban chatplugin.notify.ban.silent + Staff members' ranks may have max /tempban durations |
/banip <player|IP address> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | permbanip , pbanip | Permanently ban a player or a IP address. |
| chatplugin.commands.banip chatplugin.commands.banip.not-stored-ips chatplugin.commands.banip.offline chatplugin.notify.banip chatplugin.notify.banip.silent |
/tempbanip <player|IP address> <duration> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | tbanip | Temporarily ban a player or an IP address. |
| chatplugin.commands.tempbanip chatplugin.commands.tempbanip.not-stored-ips chatplugin.commands.tempbanip.offline chatplugin.notify.banip chatplugin.notify.banip.silent + Staff members' ranks may have max /tempbanip durations |
/unban <ID|player> [server] | pardon , rmban | Unban a previously banned player. |
| chatplugin.commands.unban chatplugin.notify.ban chatplugin.notify.ban.silent chatplugin.notify.banip chatplugin.notify.banip.silent |
/unbanip <player|IP address> [server] | pardonip , rmbanip | Unban a previously banned player or IP address. |
| chatplugin.commands.unbanip chatplugin.notify.banip chatplugin.notify.banip.silent |
/baninfo <ID> | checkban , banipinfo , checkbanip | Check a ban by its ID. |
| chatplugin.commands.baninfo |
/addbanwaveentry <player> <duration> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | addbwentry | Add an entry to the next banwave. |
| chatplugin.commands.addbanwaveentry chatplugin.commands.tempban.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.tempban.offline chatplugin.notify.ban chatplugin.notify.ban.silent chatplugin.commands.tempban to prevent others from banning you |
/addbanwaveipentry <player|IP address> <duration> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | addbwipentry | Add an IP entry to the next banwave. |
| chatplugin.commands.addbanwaveipentry chatplugin.commands.tempbanip.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.tempbanip.offline chatplugin.notify.banip chatplugin.notify.banip.silent chatplugin.commands.tempbanip to prevent others from banning you |
/removebanwaveentry <player> [server] | rmbwentry | Remove an entry not yet executed. |
| chatplugin.commands.removebanwaveentry chatplugin.notify.ban chatplugin.notify.ban.silent |
/removebanwaveipentry <player|IP address> [server] | rmbwipentry | Remove an entry not yet executed. |
| chatplugin.commands.removebanwaveipentry chatplugin.notify.banip chatplugin.notify.banip.silent |
/warning <player> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | warn | Warn a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.warning chatplugin.commands.warning.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.warning.offline chatplugin.notify.warning chatplugin.notify.warning.silent |
/unwarn <ID> | rmwarning , rmw | Unwarn a previously warned player. |
| chatplugin.commands.unwarn chatplugin.notify.warning chatplugin.notify.warning.silent |
/removelastwarning <player> [server] | rmlw | Remove a player's last warning. |
| chatplugin.commands.removelastwarning chatplugin.notify.warning chatplugin.notify.warning.silent |
/clearwarnings <player> | clw | Clear a player's warnings. |
| chatplugin.commands.clearwarnings chatplugin.notify.warning chatplugin.notify.warning.silent |
/warninginfo <ID> | checkwarning | Check a warning by its ID. |
| chatplugin.commands.warninginfo |
/kick <player> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | disconnect | Disconnect a player from the server. |
| chatplugin.commands.kick chatplugin.notify.kick |
/kickinfo <ID> | checkkick | Check a kick by its ID. |
| chatplugin.commands.kickinfo |
/fakekick <player> [-chat] | fkick , fk | Kick using a random error as reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ |
| chatplugin.commands.fakekick chatplugin.commands.kick to prevent others from kicking you |
/mute <player> <duration> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | tempmute , tmute | Make a player unable to use the chat. |
| chatplugin.commands.mute chatplugin.commands.mute.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.mute.offline chatplugin.notify.mute chatplugin.notify.mute.silent + Staff members' ranks may have max /mute durations |
/permmute <player> [reason] [-silent] [-type] | pmute | Permanently mute a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.permmute chatplugin.commands.permmute.not-stored-players chatplugin.commands.permmute.offline chatplugin.notify.mute chatplugin.notify.mute.silent |
/unmute <ID|player> [server] | rmmute | Unmute a previously muted player. |
| chatplugin.commands.unmute chatplugin.notify.mute chatplugin.notify.mute.silent |
/muteinfo <ID> | checkmute | Check a mute by its ID. |
| chatplugin.commands.muteinfo |
None of the following commands are available in the free version.
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission |
/gui <open|refresh> | customgui | Command to interact with GUIs. | chatplugin.commands.gui | |
/gui open <ID> [player] [page] [-openactions] | show , o | Open GUI command. |
| |
/gui refresh <ID> | reload , r | Refresh a player's open GUI. |
| chatplugin.commands.gui.refresh |
/banlist [-ids] | blist , bl , bans | Open the Banlist GUI or show bans' IDs. |
| chatplugin.commands.banlist |
/warnlist [-ids] | wlist , wl , warnings | Open the Warnlist GUI or show warnings' IDs. |
| chatplugin.commands.warnlist |
/mutelist [-ids] | mlist , ml , mutes | Open the Mutelist GUI or show mutes' IDs. |
| chatplugin.commands.mutelist |
/violations | viols , vls | Display last players' violations. | chatplugin.commands.violations | |
/playerinfo <player> [-chat] | pinfo , whois , pi | Show detailed info about a player. |
| chatplugin.commands.playerinfo |
/playerpunishments <player> [-ids] | ppunishments , pps | Show a player's punishments list. |
| chatplugin.commands.playerpunishments |
/playerviolations <player> | pviolations , pvls | Show a player's last violations. |
| chatplugin.commands.playerviolations |
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission(s) | Free version |
/vanish [player] | hide , fade | Become invisible to non Staff members. |
| chatplugin.commands.vanish chatplugin.commands.vanish.others | ✔ |
/fakejoin | fjoin , fj | Send fake join message and disable vanish. | chatplugin.commands.fakejoin | ❌ | |
/fakequit | fquit , fq | Send fake quit message and enable vanish. | chatplugin.commands.fakequit | ❌ | |
/silentteleport | stp | Silently teleport somewhere else. | chatplugin.commands.silentteleport | ❌ | |
/silentteleport player <target> | p | Silently teleport to another player. |
| chatplugin.commands.silentteleport.player | ❌ |
/silentteleport server <target> | p | Silently teleport to another server. |
| chatplugin.commands.silentteleport.server | ❌ |
Command | Aliases | Description | Arguments | Permission | Free version |
/tps | tickspersecond , ticks , lag | Display the server's current ticks per second. | chatplugin.commands.tps | ✔ | |
/ad | ads , sendad | Command to interact with ads. | | ✔ | |
/ad send <player> <ID> | s | Send a loaded ad to a player. |
| | ✔ |
/ad list | ls , l | Display the loaded ads' IDs. | | ✔ | |
/broadcast <message> | bcast , shout , local , bc | Send a message to every online player. |
| chatplugin.commands.broadcast | ✔ |
/broadcastraw <message> | bcastraw , shoutraw , localraw , bcr | Like /broadcast, but without the prefix. |
| chatplugin.commands.broadcastraw | ✔ |
/globalbroadcast <message> | bcastglobal , shoutglobal , global , gbc | Like /broadcast, but cross-server. |
| chatplugin.commands.globalbroadcast | ❌ |
/discordmessage | discordmsg , dsmsg | Send a message through the bot. | chatplugin.commands.discordmessage | ❌ | |
/discordmessage plain <channel ID> <message> | p | Send a plain message. |
| chatplugin.commands.discordmessage.plain | ❌ |
/discordmessage embed <channel ID> <JSON> | json , e | Send an embed message. |
| chatplugin.commands.discordmessage.embed | ❌ |
Proxy commands
The following commands are executable on the proxy implementations (BungeeCord, Velocity) of ChatPlugin. None of them are available in the free version.
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/chatpluginproxy | chatplproxy , cpp | Main command. | chatplugin.commands.chatpluginproxy |
/chatpluginproxy help | ? | Display the help menu. | |
/chatpluginproxy info | information , contact , contacts , support | Display info about the plugin on the proxy. | |
/chatpluginproxy version | ver , build | Display info about ChatPlugin's version on the proxy. | chatplugin.commands.version |
/chatpluginproxy reload | rl , restart , reboot | Reload ChatPlugin on the proxy. | chatplugin.commands.reload |
/chatpluginproxy status | overview , server | Display the proxy's current status. | chatplugin.commands.status |
/chatpluginproxy debug | verbose | Toggle debug mode on the proxy. | chatplugin.commands.debug |
/chatpluginproxy recover [?] | Perform ChatPlugin recovery. | chatplugin.commands.recover |
ChatPlugin - A complete yet lightweight plugin which handles just too many features!
This wiki is currently updated to version 1.9.10.
© 2024 Remigio07
Please report any mistakes and misspellings as described at Home/Reporting issues.