
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ACCEPTED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
The client accepted the pack and is beginning a download of it.
ACCOUNT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanType
Represents a username/UUID based ban.
AccountCheckManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles account checks.
AccountCheckManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Actionbar - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar
Represents an actionbar handled by the ActionbarManager.
Actionbar(String, Map<Language, String>, boolean) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.Actionbar
Constructs a new actionbar.
ACTIONBAR_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Pattern representing the allowed actionbar IDs.
ActionbarManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar
Manager that handles Actionbars.
ActionbarManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
ACTIONBARS - Enum constant in enum class
Actionbars' configuration file.
ActionbarSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar
Represents an event called when an Actionbar is sent to a player.
ActionbarSendEvent(Actionbar, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar.ActionbarSendEvent
Constructs a new actionbar send event.
ACTIVATION_FRAMEWORK - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Activation Framework library.
ActivityTypeAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents an activity's type.
Ad - Class in
Represents an ad handled by the AdManager.
Ad(String, Map<Language, String>, Map<Language, String>, ClickActionAdapter, Map<Language, String>, List<Rank>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new ad.
AD_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern representing the allowed ad IDs.
ADD - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.ViolationPacketType
Represents a packet used to add a violation to a player's violations.
addAndGet(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Creates a copy of the input collection, adds the specified collection's elements and then returns it.
addBanwaveEntry(String, UUID, String, InetAddress, String, String, BanType, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in class
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in class
Adds a default value at the specified path.
addEntry(OfflinePlayer, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Adds a new banwave entry which will be executed by the next banwave.
addFiller(GUIFiller<T>, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Adds a filler to this GUI.
addFiller(T, BiFunction<String, Language, String>, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Adds a filler to this GUI.
addGUI(GUI) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Adds a GUI to GUIManager.getGUIs().
addIPEntry(InetAddress, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Adds a new banwave IP entry which will be executed by the next banwave.
addIPEntry(OfflinePlayer, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Adds a new banwave IP entry which will be executed by the next banwave.
addItemFlags(ItemFlagAdapter...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Adds item flags to this item.
addManager(Class<? extends ChatPluginManager>, ChatPluginManager) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Adds a manager to ChatPluginManagers.getManagers() and initializes it using ChatPluginManager.load().
addPlayer(UUID) - Method in class
addPlayer(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Adds a player to Scoreboard.getPlayers().
addPlayer(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Adds a player to the bossbar's players list.
addPlayerViolation(String, UUID, String, IntegrationType<AnticheatIntegration>, String, String, int, int, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Adds a violation to the specified player's violations using a packet of type ViolationPacketType.ADD.
addScoreboard(Scoreboard) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
addViolation(OfflinePlayer, IntegrationType<AnticheatIntegration>, String, String, String, int, int, double, VersionUtils.Version) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
AdManager - Class in
Manager that handles Ads.
AdManager() - Constructor for class
ADS - Enum constant in enum class
Ads' configuration file.
AdSendEvent - Class in
Represents an event called when an Ad is sent to a player.
AdSendEvent(Ad, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new ad send event.
ADVENTURE_API - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure API library.
ADVENTURE_KEY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Key library.
ADVENTURE_NBT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure NBT library.
ADVENTURE_PLATFORM_API - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Platform API library.
ADVENTURE_PLATFORM_BUKKIT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Platform Bukkit library.
ADVENTURE_PLATFORM_BUNGEECORD - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Platform BungeeCord library.
ADVENTURE_PLATFORM_FACET - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Platform Facet library.
ADVENTURE_PLATFORM_SPONGEAPI - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Platform SpongeAPI library.
ADVENTURE_PLATFORM_VIAVERSION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Platform Viaversion library.
ADVENTURE_TEXT_SERIALIZER_GSON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Text Serializer Gson library.
ADVENTURE_TEXT_SERIALIZER_GSON_LEGACY_IMPL - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
ADVENTURE_TEXT_SERIALIZER_JSON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Text Serializer JSON library.
ADVENTURE_TEXT_SERIALIZER_JSON_LEGACY_IMPL - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
ADVENTURE_TEXT_SERIALIZER_LEGACY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Adventure Text Serializer Legacy library.
AIR - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Material adapter with ID "air".
AllowChatEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player's message is sent.
AllowChatEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new allow chat event.
AllowPrivateMessageEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player's private message is sent.
AllowPrivateMessageEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, OfflinePlayer, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new allow private message event.
ALREADY_CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
The client was already connected to the server.
andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends W>) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.TriFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
AnticheatIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration that provides a information about a ChatPluginServerPlayer's violations.
AnticheatManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat
Manager that handles an AnticheatIntegration's Violations.
AnticheatManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
AntispamManager - Class in
Manager that handles the antispam.
AntispamManager() - Constructor for class
APACHE_COMMONS_CODEC - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Apache Commons Codec library.
APACHE_COMMONS_COLLECTIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Apache Commons Collections library.
APACHE_COMMONS_LOGGING - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Apache Commons Logging library.
APACHE_COMMONS_MATH - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Apache Commons Math library.
APACHE_HTTPCLIENT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Apache HttpClient library.
APACHE_HTTPCORE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Apache HttpCore library.
apply(T, U, V) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.TriFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
AQUA - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
AQUA_AFFINITY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases the speed at which a player may mine underwater.
areAdvancementsEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if private messages received by players should also be displayed as custom advancements.
areBannedPlayerHoversEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getBannedPlayerHovers() should be displayed to banned players.
areBannedPlayerVersionNamesEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getBannedPlayerVersionNames() should be displayed to banned players.
areMutedPlayersBlocked() - Method in class
Checks if private messages sent by muted players should be blocked.
areOutdatedVersionHoversEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getOutdatedVersionHovers() should be displayed to players with an outdated version.
areOutdatedVersionVersionNamesEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getOutdatedVersionVersionNames() should be displayed to players with an outdated version.
areStoredPlayerHoversEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getStoredPlayerHovers() should be displayed to stored players.
areStoredPlayerVersionNamesEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getStoredPlayerVersionNames() should be displayed to stored players.
areTitlesEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if a title should be displayed to players when pinged.
areUnknownPlayerHoversEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getUnknownPlayerHovers() should be displayed to unknown players.
areUnknownPlayerVersionNamesEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if ServerMoTDManager.getUnknownPlayerVersionNames() should be displayed to unknown players.
arrayContains(String[], String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
arrayIndexOf(String[], String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Gets the index of the specified string in the given array.
ASM - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the ASM library.
ASM_COMMONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the ASM Commons library.
ASN - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType
Database containing info about an IP's ISP.
AT_LEAST_ONE_ONLINE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the at least one online message.
AT_LEAST_ONE_ONLINE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the at least one online message.
availableOnBukkit() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.GameFeature
Checks if this feature is available on Bukkit environments.
availableOnSponge() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.GameFeature
Checks if this feature is available on Sponge environments.


ban(OfflinePlayer, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Bans a player.
Ban - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban
Represents a ban handled by the BanManager.
BAN_ACTIVE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Ban's active message component.
BAN_GLOBAL_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Ban's global message component.
BAN_REASON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Ban's reason component.
BAN_SILENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Ban's silent message component.
BAN_TYPE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Ban's type component.
BANE_OF_ARTHROPODS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases damage against arthropod targets.
BanEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban
Represents the event called after a ban gets processed.
BanEvent(Ban) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.BanEvent
Constructs a new ban event.
banIP(InetAddress, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Bans an IP address.
banIP(OfflinePlayer, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Bans a player by their IP address.
BANLIST_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Banlist GUI's configuration file.
BanManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban
Manager that handles Bans and interacts with the storage.
BanManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
BANNED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban banned message.
BANNED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban banned message.
BANS - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the bans' data.
BANS - Static variable in class
Player's bans' amount.
BanType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban
Represents the type of a ban: account (username/UUID) or IP address.
BanUpdateEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban
Represents the event called after a ban gets updated.
BanUpdateEvent(Ban, Ban) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.BanUpdateEvent
Constructs a new ban update event.
banwaveEnd(String, int, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
BanwaveEndEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave
Represents the event called after a banwave has completed.
BanwaveEndEvent(int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEndEvent
Constructs a new banwave end event.
BanwaveEntry - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave
Represents a banwave entry handled by the BanwaveManager.
BanwaveEntryAddEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave
Represents the event called after a banwave entry gets added to the entries' list.
BanwaveEntryAddEvent(BanwaveEntry) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntryAddEvent
Constructs a new banwave entry add event.
BanwaveEntryRemoveEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave
Represents the event called after a banwave entry gets removed from the entries' list.
BanwaveEntryRemoveEvent(BanwaveEntry) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntryRemoveEvent
Constructs a new banwave entry remove event.
BanwaveEntryUpdateEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave
Represents the event called after a banwave entry gets updated.
BanwaveEntryUpdateEvent(BanwaveEntry, BanwaveEntry) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntryUpdateEvent
Constructs a new banwave entry update event.
BanwaveManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave
Manager that handles BanwaveEntry(i)es and interacts with the storage.
BanwaveManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
banwaveStart(String, long, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
BanwaveStartEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave
Represents the event called just before a banwave is executed.
BanwaveStartEvent(long) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveStartEvent
Constructs a new banwave start event.
BED_ENTER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player enters a bed.
BED_LEAVE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player leaves a bed.
BINDING_CURSE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Item cannot be removed.
BLACK - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
BLANK_MESSAGE - Static variable in class
The message String.isEmpty() after stripping colors and removing spaces.
BLAST_PROTECTION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides protection against explosive damage.
BLOCK_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player breaks a block.
BLOCK_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player places a block.
BlockAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) block adapter.
BlockAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Constructs a block adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: Block for Bukkit environments BlockSnapshot for Sponge environments
BLUE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
BLUE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a blue color.
BOLD - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Bossbar - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar
Represents a bossbar handled by the BossbarManager.
Bossbar(String, Map<Language, String>, ValueContainer<Double>, ValueContainer<Double>, BossbarColorAdapter, BossbarStyleAdapter, boolean) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Constructs a new bossbar.
BOSSBAR_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Pattern representing the allowed bossbar IDs.
BossbarAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) bossbar adapter.
BossbarAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Constructs a bossbar adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: BossBar for Bukkit environments ServerBossBar for Sponge environments
BossbarAdapter(String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Constructs a bossbar adapter with given ID, color and style.
BossbarColorAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) bossbar color adapter.
BossbarManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar
Manager that handles Bossbars.
BossbarManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
BossbarManager.ReflectionBossbarTimer - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar
Timer used to teleport the reflection bossbars' Withers.
BOSSBARS - Enum constant in enum class
Bossbars' configuration file.
BossbarSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar
Represents an event called when a Bossbar is sent to a player.
BossbarSendEvent(Bossbar, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar.BossbarSendEvent
Constructs a new bossbar send event.
BossbarStyleAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) bossbar style adapter.
BREACH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Reduces armor effectiveness against maces.
build() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout.Builder
Builds the GUI layout.
build() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUILayout.Builder
Builds the single page GUI layout.
build() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard.Builder
Builds the scoreboard.
Builder() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUILayout.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard.Builder
BUKKIT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Bukkit environment.
BukkitBootstrapper - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Represents the Bukkit's bootstrapper.
BukkitBootstrapper() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BukkitBootstrapper
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets the player adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the chat color adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankPermission
Gets the equivalent Bukkit's Permission with a default value of PermissionDefault.FALSE which prevents operators from having the highest rank in the ranks list.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Gets the render type adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Gets the block adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Gets the material adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets the bossbar adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Gets the bossbar color adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Gets the bossbar style adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.EntityAdapter
Gets the entity adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Gets the living entity adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Gets the inventory adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Gets the enchantment adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Gets the item flag adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets the item stack adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.ObjectiveAdapter
Gets the objective adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Gets the team adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Gets the command sender adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
Gets the resource pack status adapted for Bukkit environments.
bukkitValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Gets the sound adapted for Bukkit environments.
BUNGEECORD - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
BungeeCord environment.
BungeeCordBootstrapper - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Represents the BungeeCord's bootstrapper.
BungeeCordBootstrapper() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BungeeCordBootstrapper
bungeeCordValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd.FaviconAdapter
Gets the favicon adapted for BungeeCord environments.
bungeeCordValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets the player adapted for BungeeCord environments.
bungeeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the chat color adapted for BungeeCord environments.
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Represents a byte.
byteValue(List<PlaceholderType>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Translates ValueContainer.value() or ValueContainer.placeholder() into a string containing a byte value.


calcIconCoords(int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Calculates an icon's X and Y coordinates using its position.
calcIconPosition(int, int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Calculates an icon's position using its X and Y coordinates.
calculateRank(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Calculates a player's rank by checking every loaded rank's Rank.getPermission().
call() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ChatPluginEvent
Calls this event and passes it to its subscribers using
call(E) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
Calls an event and passes it to its subscribers.
cancelAsync(long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Cancels an asynchronous task.
CancellableEvent - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event
Represents a cancellable event.
cancelSync(long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Cancels a synchronous task.
capitalizeEveryWord(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Capitalizes every word in the specified string.
CAPS - Static variable in class
The message AntispamManager.exceedsMaxCapsLength(String) and AntispamManager.exceedsMaxCapsPercentage(String) and the sender does not have the permission "chatplugin.antispam.caps" or "chatplugin.antispam.bypass".
CHANGED_WORLD - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player changes world.
CHANNEL_ID - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Channel used to send F3 server names to loaded players.
CHANNELING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Strikes lightning when a mob is hit with a trident if conditions are stormy.
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickType
Represents a kick/ban message displayed when the player tries to connect to the target server (via the proxy) but cannot join or the message displayed when they are sent to the lobby using the chat kick mode.
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class
Chat's configuration file.
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player sends a message.
CHAT_COLOR - Static variable in class
Player's chat's color.
CHAT_COLOR_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Chat color GUI's configuration file.
ChatColor - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) chat color API with 1.16+ hex color codes support.
ChatEvent - Class in
Represents a chat-related event.
ChatLogManager - Class in
Manager that handles LoggedMessages.
ChatLogManager() - Constructor for class
ChatManager - Class in
Manager that handles the chat.
ChatManager() - Constructor for class
ChatPlugin - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api
ChatPlugin's main class's abstraction.
ChatPlugin() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
ChatPluginCrashEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin
Represents the event called when ChatPlugin crashes during a reload.
ChatPluginCrashEvent(String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginCrashEvent
Constructs a new crash event.
ChatPluginEvent - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event
Represents a ChatPlugin's event handled by the EventManager.
ChatPluginIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration
Represents an integration handled by the IntegrationManager.
ChatPluginLoadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin
Represents the event called after ChatPlugin is loaded.
ChatPluginLoadEvent(int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginLoadEvent
Constructs a new load event.
ChatPluginManager - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Interface that represents one of the managers used by ChatPlugin.
ChatPluginManagerException - Exception in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Represents an exception thrown by a ChatPluginManager, which could potentially prevent the plugin from starting or reloading correctly.
ChatPluginManagerException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagerException
Internal use only. You should declare what manager is throwing this exception.
ChatPluginManagerException(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagerException
Internal use only. You should declare what manager is throwing this exception.
ChatPluginManagerException(ChatPluginManager, Exception) - Constructor for exception me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagerException
Constructs an exception with the given exception for the specified manager.
ChatPluginManagerException(ChatPluginManager, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagerException
Constructs an exception with the given error message for the specified manager.
ChatPluginManagers - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Class that handles ChatPlugin's managers.
ChatPluginManagers() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
ChatPluginPlayer - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player
Represents a player handled by the PlayerManager loaded into the ChatPlugin system.
ChatPluginPlayerEvent - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.player
Represents a ChatPluginPlayer-related event.
ChatPluginProxyPlayer - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player
Represents a ChatPluginPlayer loaded on a proxy (BungeeCord/Velocity) environment.
ChatPluginProxyPlayerEvent - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player
Represents a ChatPluginProxyPlayer-related event.
ChatPluginReloadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin
Represents the event called after ChatPlugin is reloaded.
ChatPluginReloadEvent(int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginReloadEvent
Constructs a new reload event.
ChatPluginServerPlayer - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player
Represents a ChatPluginPlayer loaded on a server (Bukkit/Sponge) environment.
ChatPluginServerPlayerEvent - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player
Represents a ChatPluginServerPlayer-related event.
ChatPluginUnloadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin
Represents the event called just before ChatPlugin is unloaded.
ChatPluginUnloadEvent() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginUnloadEvent
Constructs a new unload event.
chatPluginValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets the player adapted as a ChatPluginPlayer loaded by the PlayerManager.
check(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Checks if the specified player owns multiple accounts according to the module's current configuration.
check(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SuggestedVersionManager
checkAvailability(boolean) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
Checks if this manager specifies a GameFeature annotation.
checkConnection() - Method in class
Checks if the connection is still open and valid and tries to open it again if it is closed.
CHECKER_QUAL - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Checker Qual library.
checkInterfaces(Class<?>) - Static method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
CITY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType
Database containing info about an IP's position.
cleanOldMessages() - Method in class
cleanOldPlayers() - Method in class
cleanOldPlayers() - Method in class
Cleans old players who haven't played for at least StorageManager.getPlayersAutoCleanerPeriod() from the storage.
clear() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Clears this inventory.
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.ViolationPacketType
Represents a packet used to clear a player's violations.
CLEARED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning cleared message.
CLEARED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning cleared message.
clearFillers(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Clears this GUI's fillers.
clearPlayers() - Method in class
clearPlayerViolation(String, UUID, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Clears all violations for the specified player using a packet of type ViolationPacketType.CLEAR.
clearViolations(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Clears violations for the specified player.
clearWarnings(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Disactives all active warnings in the storage for the specified player.
clearWarnings(OfflinePlayer, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Clears a player's active warnings.
ClearWarningsEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning
Represents the event called after a player's warnings get cleared.
ClearWarningsEvent(OfflinePlayer, String, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.ClearWarningsEvent
Constructs a new clear warnings event.
ClickActionAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text
Represents an action performed on a click event.
Client - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket
Client socket.
Client(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Constructs a new client socket.
CLIENT_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Pattern representing the allowed client IDs.
CLIENT_LOCALE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetectionMethod
Detection performed by checking the client's language settings.
ClientConnectionEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents an event called after a ClientHandler is connected to a Server.
ClientConnectionEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket
Represents an event called after a Client is connected to a server.
ClientConnectionEvent(ClientHandler) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ClientConnectionEvent
Constructs a new client connection event.
ClientConnectionEvent(Client) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket.ClientConnectionEvent
Constructs a new client connection event.
clientDisconnection(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Misc
ClientDisconnectionEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents an event called after a ClientHandler is disconnected from a Server.
ClientDisconnectionEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket
Represents an event called after a Client is disconnected from a server.
ClientDisconnectionEvent(ClientHandler) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ClientDisconnectionEvent
Constructs a new client disconnection event.
ClientDisconnectionEvent(Client) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket.ClientDisconnectionEvent
Constructs a new client disconnection event.
ClientEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket
Represents a Client-related event.
ClientHandler - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket
Client socket handler.
ClientHandlerEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents a ClientHandler-related event.
ClientReceivePacketEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket
Represents the event called after a Client has received a PacketDeserializer.
ClientReceivePacketEvent(Client, byte[]) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket.ClientReceivePacketEvent
Constructs a new client receive packet event.
clone() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
clone() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
closeInventory() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Closes the player's open inventory.
CODES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
String containing all default color and format codes.
COLOR_CODES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
String containing all default color codes.
COMBAT_TAG - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player tags another player.
CombatLogIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.combatlog
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check if a ChatPluginServerPlayer is in combat.
COMBATLOGX - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the CombatLogX integration.
CommandSenderAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) command sender adapter.
CommandSenderAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Constructs a command sender adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: CommandSender for Bukkit environments CommandSource for Sponge environments
compareTo(LoggedMessage) - Method in interface
Compares two logged messages based on their LoggedMessage.getDate().
COMPETING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Used to indicate that the activity should display as "Competing in...".
ComponentTranslator - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text
Util class used to send translatable ComponentTranslator.Components between the proxy and the servers.
ComponentTranslator() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator
ComponentTranslator.Component - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text
Represents the components used in the plugin's messages.
CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class
Main configuration file.
Configuration - Class in
Represents a YAML configuration handled by the ConfigurationManager.
Configuration(File) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new configuration of type ConfigurationType.CUSTOM.
Configuration(ConfigurationType) - Constructor for class
Internal use only. Use Configuration(File) instead.
ConfigurationManager - Class in
Manager that handles internal and custom Configurations.
ConfigurationManager() - Constructor for class
ConfigurationMappings - Class in
Represents mappings of keys and values in a Configuration.
ConfigurationMappings(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
Internal use only. Use Configuration( to create custom configurations and Configuration.load() to load them.
ConfigurationType - Enum Class in
Represents a configuration's type.
connect(String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Connects this player to the specified server.
connect(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Connects this client to its server using the given ID.
connect(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Connects the specified player to the given server.
ConnectionOutcome - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket
Represents the possible outcomes that may occur when Client.connect(String) is called.
CONSOLE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Represents the console.
contains(String) - Method in class
contains(String) - Method in class
Checks if a path is contained in this config.
containsBlacklistedWord(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified message contains a blacklisted word.
containsDisallowedIP(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified message contains a disallowed IP address.
containsDisallowedURL(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified message contains a disallowed URL.
containsFormattedText(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class
Checks if the specified String contains colored or formatted text.
containsItem(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Checks if this inventory contains an item at the specified position.
COPY_TEXT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Copies text to the player's clipboard.
CosmeticsIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.cosmetics
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to remove a ChatPluginServerPlayer's active cosmetics.
count() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Counts the supported placeholders.
count(DataContainer, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
count(DataContainer, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
Counts the entries in the specified position if the given conditions are met.
createDataContainer(DataContainer) - Method in class
createDataContainer(DataContainer) - Method in class
Creates the specified data container if it does not exist already.
createFile() - Method in class
Creates Configuration.getFile() if it does not exist.
createFillableGUI(FillableGUILayout) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Reads a fillable GUI from the specified GUI layout.
createFillableGUILayoutBuilder(String, int, OpenActions, SoundAdapter, Map<Language, String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Creates a new fillable GUI layout builder.
createGUI(GUILayout) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Reads a GUI from the specified GUI layout.
createGUILayout(Configuration) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Reads a GUI layout from the specified configuration.
createIcon(Configuration, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Reads an icon from the specified configuration and path.
createJSON(ComponentTranslator.Component, Object...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator
Creates a component's JSON representation with given values.
createPerPlayerGUI(GUILayout, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Reads a per-player GUI from the specified GUI layout for a player and adds it to GUIManager.getGUIs().
createScoreboard(Configuration) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Reads a scoreboard from the specified configuration.
createScoreboardBuilder(String, boolean, List<PlaceholderType>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Creates a new scoreboard builder.
createSinglePageGUI(SinglePageGUILayout) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Reads a single page GUI from the specified GUI layout.
createSinglePageGUILayoutBuilder(String, int, OpenActions, SoundAdapter, Map<Language, String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Creates a new single page GUI layout builder.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class
Represents a custom configuration which may be handled by another plugin.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconType
Represents a custom icon specified by the user.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardType
Represents a custom scoreboard.
CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDERS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.MessagePacketType
Represents a message composed of a path (which points to a message in messages' files) and placeholders that will be translated using custom identifiers.
CUSTOM_STATUS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Used to indicate that the activity should display as a custom status.
CUSTOM_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.NumbersDisplayMode
Scores will use custom text which may contain formatting codes and be animated.
customPlaceholdersPlayerDisconnect(String, UUID, String, String[], Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Disconnects a player specifying a MessagePacketType.CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDERS message as the kick's reason.
customPlaceholdersPlayerMessage(String, String, String, boolean, String, String[], Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Sends a MessagePacketType.CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDERS message to the specified target(s).
CustomSuffixManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix
Manager that handles custom suffixes in the Tablist.
CustomSuffixManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager


DARK_AQUA - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Dark aqua.
DARK_BLUE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Dark blue.
DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Dark gray.
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Dark green.
DARK_PURPLE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Dark purple.
DARK_RED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Dark red.
dash(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Applies dashes to the given UUID.
DatabaseConnector - Class in
Represents the database connector used by the plugin.
DatabaseConnector() - Constructor for class
DatabaseManager - Class in
Manager that handles connections to the database.
DatabaseManager() - Constructor for class
DataContainer - Enum Class in
Represents the storage's data's containers.
DATE_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Date format's component.
DateFormat - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util
Represents a date format (full, day only, hour only).
DAY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.DateFormat
Represents the day only date format, specified at in the messages' files.
DEATH - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player dies.
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Represents the debug level.
DEBUG_FILE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Represents the second debug level.
DECLINED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
The client declined to download the resource pack.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.NumbersDisplayMode
Scores will use red numbers from 0 to 14 based on the number of lines.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardType
Represents the default scoreboard.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Used to indicate that the activity should display as a normal message.
DEFAULT_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator
Default key used in most components' JSON representations.
DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD - Enum constant in enum class
Default scoreboard's configuration file.
DEFAULT_SERVER_ID - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
String containing the default server ID.
delete(DataContainer, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
delete(DataContainer, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
Deletes the data in the specified position if the given conditions are met.
DENSITY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases fall damage of maces.
DenyChatEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player's message is blocked.
DenyChatEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean, DenyChatReason<?>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new deny chat event.
DenyChatReason<H extends DenyChatReasonHandler> - Class in
Represents the reason why a message may be prevented from being sent.
DenyChatReasonHandler - Interface in
Interface used to indicate that a manager contains at least a method used to check if messages may be sent.
DenyPrivateMessageEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player's private message is blocked.
DenyPrivateMessageEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, OfflinePlayer, String, DenyChatReason<?>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new deny private message event.
DEPTH_STRIDER - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases walking speed while in water.
descriptions() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.MessageArguments
Gets the message's arguments' descriptions.
descriptions() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.MessageArguments
Gets the message's arguments' descriptions.
descriptions() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventArguments
Gets the arguments' descriptions.
deserializeBungeeCordText(TextComponent) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.Utils
Deserializes the specified input to a plain text.
deserializeEmbedMessage(String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Deserializes the specified JSON string to a net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageEmbed.
deserializeSpongeText(Text) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
Deserializes the specified input to a plain text.
detect(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Detects a player's language using LanguageDetector.getMethod().
detectUsingClientLocale(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Detects a player's language using LanguageDetectionMethod.CLIENT_LOCALE.
detectUsingGeolocalization(IPLookup) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Detects an IP lookup's language using LanguageDetectionMethod.GEOLOCALIZATION.
DISABLED_FEATURE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the disabled feature message.
DISABLED_FEATURE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the disabled feature message.
disactiveBan(Ban) - Method in class
Disactives a ban in the storage.
disactiveMute(Mute) - Method in class
Disactives a mute in the storage.
disactiveWarning(Warning) - Method in class
Disactives a warning in the storage.
disconnect() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Manually disconnects this client from the server.
disconnect(String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Disconnects this player with the specified reason.
disconnect(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Disconnects this player with the specified reason.
disconnect(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Manually disconnects this client from the server.
DISCORD_INTEGRATION - Enum constant in enum class
Discord integration's configuration file.
DiscordBot - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the Discord bot handled by the DiscordIntegrationManager.
DiscordIntegrationManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Manager that handles the plugin's DiscordBot.
DiscordIntegrationManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
DiscordMessage - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents a message type sent by the DiscordBot.
DiscordMessagePacketType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type
Represents the type of a packet sent through the DiscordMessage subchannel.
DiscordMessages - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Class containing implementations of DiscordMessage.
DiscordMessages() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages
DiscordMessages.Ban - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the ban messages.
DiscordMessages.Kick - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the kick messages.
DiscordMessages.Main - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the main messages.
DiscordMessages.MessageArguments - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Annotation used to describe the arguments of a DiscordMessage's DiscordMessage.getEmbed(Object...) method.
DiscordMessages.Misc - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the misc messages.
DiscordMessages.Mute - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the mute messages.
DiscordMessages.OfflinePlayer - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Not available yet.
DiscordMessages.OnlinePlayer - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Not available yet.
DiscordMessages.Warning - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents the warning messages.
DISCORDSRV - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the DiscordSRV integration.
disenchant() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Removes all enchantments from this item stack.
disenchant(EnchantmentAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Removes an enchantment from this item stack.
DOMAIN_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.URLValidator
Pattern representing the allowed domains.
doubleValue(List<PlaceholderType>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Translates ValueContainer.value() or ValueContainer.placeholder() into a string containing a double value.
downloadDatabase(LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Downloads an up to date copy of the database files from MaxMind's website.


EconomyIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.economy
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check an OfflinePlayer's balance.
EFFICIENCY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases the rate at which you mine/dig.
EMBED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.DiscordMessagePacketType
Represents an embed message sent through the bot using DiscordBot.sendEmbedMessage(long, Object).
EMBED_OPTIONS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages
Array containing the supported embed options.
embedDiscordMessage(String, String, long, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Sends a DiscordMessagePacketType.EMBED message to the specified Discord channel.
EmbedMessageSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord
Represents the event called just before an embed message is sent through the DiscordBot.
EmbedMessageSendEvent(long, Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.EmbedMessageSendEvent
Constructs a new embed message send event.
EMOJIS_TONE - Static variable in class
Player's emojis' tone.
EMOJIS_TONE_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Emojis' tone GUI's configuration file.
EMPTY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban empty list message.
EMPTY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute empty list message.
EMPTY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning empty list message.
EMPTY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban empty list message.
EMPTY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute empty list message.
EMPTY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning empty list message.
enchant(Map<EnchantmentAdapter, Integer>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Adds enchantments to this item stack.
enchant(EnchantmentAdapter, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Adds an enchantment to this item stack.
EnchantmentAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) enchantment adapter.
ENTITY_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player attacks an entity.
EntityAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) entity adapter.
EntityAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.EntityAdapter
Constructs an entity adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: Entity for Bukkit environments Entity for Sponge environments
Environment - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Represents the four server/proxy environments supported by ChatPlugin: Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity.
EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
Checks for equality between two values.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Checks if another object is an instance of OfflinePlayer and if this player's OfflinePlayer.getUUID() (if running on online mode) or OfflinePlayer.getName() (if running on offline mode) value is equal to the other object's one.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Checks if another object is an instance of ChatColor and if this color's ChatColor.toString() value is equal to the other object's one.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Checks if another object is an instance of MaterialAdapter and if this material's MaterialAdapter.getID() value is equal to the other object's one.
equals(Object) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Checks if another object is an instance of CommandSenderAdapter and if the sender specified by the constructor is equal to the other object's one.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Represents the error level.
ERROR_PRONE_ANNOTATIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Error Prone Annotations library.
ESSENTIALSX - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the EssentialsX integration.
EVENT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardType
Represents a scoreboard triggered by a ScoreboardEvent.
EventArguments - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event
Annotation used to provide information about the arguments passed to EventScoreboard.prepareEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, Object...).
EventManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event
Manager that handles ChatPluginEvents and EventSubscribers.
EventManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
EventScoreboard - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event
Represents a scoreboard triggered by a ScoreboardEvent.
EventSubscriber<E extends ChatPluginEvent> - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event
Represents an event subscriber handled by the EventManager which contains an event's class and a consumer to execute when the event is fired.
EventSubscriber(Class<E>, Consumer<E>) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Internal use only. Use EventManager.subscribe(Class, Consumer) to obtain instances of this class.
EXAMINATION_API - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Examination API library.
EXAMINATION_STRING - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Examination String library.
exceedsMaxCapsLength(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified message exceeds the maximum caps length allowed.
exceedsMaxCapsPercentage(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified message exceeds the maximum caps percentage allowed.
executeCommand(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Makes this player execute a command.
executeUpdate(String, Object...) - Method in class
Executes a SQL statement which must be a DML or a statement that returns nothing.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban expired message.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute expired message.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning expired message.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban expired message.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute expired message.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning expired message.


F3_SERVER_NAME_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Pattern representing the allowed F3 server name IDs.
F3_SERVER_NAMES - Enum constant in enum class
F3 server names' configuration file.
f3ServerName(String, UUID, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Updates a player's F3 server name.
F3ServerName - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername
Represents an F3 server name handled by the F3ServerNameManager.
F3ServerName(String, Map<Language, String>) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerName
Creates a new F3 server name.
F3ServerNameManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername
Manager that handles F3ServerNames.
F3ServerNameManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
F3ServerNameSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername
Represents an event called when an F3ServerName is sent to a player.
F3ServerNameSendEvent(F3ServerName, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername.F3ServerNameSendEvent
Constructs a new F3 server name send event.
FAILED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
The client accepted the pack, but download failed.
FAILURE_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Failure Access library.
FakeKickEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick
Represents the event called after a fake kick gets processed.
FakeKickEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, KickType) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick.FakeKickEvent
Constructs a new fake kick event.
FaviconAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) favicon adapter.
FaviconAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd.FaviconAdapter
Constructs a favicon adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: Favicon for Sponge environments Favicon for BungeeCord environments Favicon for Velocity environments
FEATHER_FALLING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides protection against fall damage.
FieldAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Represents a field.
FieldAdapter(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Creates a field wrapper.
FieldAdapter.Parser - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
Parser used to read FieldAdapters from YAML configurations and JSON strings.
FIFTEEN_MINUTES - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval
Represents a fifteen minutes time interval (15m).
FillableGUI<T> - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a GUI fillable with IconType.GENERATED icons.
FillableGUILayout - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a fillable GUI's layout.
FillableGUILayout.Builder - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
FINDBUGS_JSR305 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the FindBugs JSR305 library.
FIRE_ASPECT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
When attacking a target, has a chance to set them on fire.
FIRE_PROTECTION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides protection against fire damage.
FIRST_JOIN - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player joins for the first time.
FISH - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player catches something while fishing.
FIVE_MINUTES - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval
Represents a five minutes time interval (5m).
FLAME - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Sets entities on fire when hit by arrows shot from a bow.
FlatFileConnector - Class in
Represents the flat-file connector used by the plugin.
FlatFileConnector() - Constructor for class
FlatFileManager - Class in
Manager that handles connection to the flat-files.
FlatFileManager() - Constructor for class
floatValue(List<PlaceholderType>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Translates ValueContainer.value() or ValueContainer.placeholder() into a string containing a float value.
FLOOD - Static variable in class
The AntispamManager.getFloodCache() list contains the sender and they do not have the permission "chatplugin.antispam.flood" or "chatplugin.antispam.bypass".
format() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Formats this version according to the setting at settings.truncate-version-string in ConfigurationType.CONFIG.
FORMAT - Static variable in class
When the message FormattedChatManager.containsFormattedText(String, List, boolean) and the sender does not have the permission "chatplugin.formatted-chat".
FORMAT_CODES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
String containing all default format codes.
formatActiveMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Formats a ban's active message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatActiveMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Formats a mute's active message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatActiveMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Formats a warning's active message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatBalance(double, int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Formats the specified balance to a certain approximation like the following: 1,500 -> 1.5K 1,500,000 -> 1.5M 1,500,000 -> 1.5B
formatDate(long, Language, DateFormat) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
Formats the specified date according to one of the formats specified at "misc.simple-date-format" in the given language's messages' file.
formatGlobalMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Formats a ban's global message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatGlobalMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Formats a mute's global message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatGlobalMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Formats a warning's global message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatKickMessage(KickType, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Formats a ban's kick message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatKickMessage(KickType, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Formats a kick's kick message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatMemory(long) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Formats the given bytes amount using MemoryUtils.getDisplayedUnit() and cutting to the decimals places specified at settings.displayed-memory.decimals in config.yml.
formatMemory(long, MemoryUtils) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Formats the given bytes amount using the specified scale.
formatOnlineAndVanishedPlaceholders(String, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Translates "{online@server}" and "{vanished@server}" with the specified server's online and vanished players' amounts.
formatOnlineAndVanishedPlaceholders(String, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Translates "{online@server}" and "{vanished@server}" with the specified server's online and vanished players' amounts.
formatPing(int, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Returns a string formatted with given ping's PingManager.PingQuality's colors.
formatPing(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
formatPlaceholders(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Translates an input string with this IP lookup's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, GUI, Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Translates an input string containing placeholders for the specified GUI and language using GUI.getStringPlaceholdersTranslator().
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Translates an input string with this entry's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Translates an input string with this punishment's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in interface
Translates an input string with this message's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIFiller
Translates an input string containing placeholders for the specified language.
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Translates an input string with this violation's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
Translates an input string with this packet's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Translates an input string with this rank's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventScoreboard
Translates an input string with this event scoreboard's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Translates an input string list with this IP lookup's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, GUI, Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Translates an input string list containing placeholders for the specified GUI and language using GUI.getStringListPlaceholdersTranslator().
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Translates an input string list with this entry's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Translates an input string list with this punishment's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in interface
Translates an input string list with this message's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIFiller
Translates an input string list containing placeholders for the specified language.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Translates an input string with this violation's specific placeholders.
formatPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Translates an input string list with this rank's specific placeholders.
formatPosition() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets an alphabetically sortable String containing the rank's position in the following format: "03", "41", "17"...
formatReason(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Formats a punishment's reason checking if it was not specified (== null): in that case, it will be replaced with the default one set in the specified language's messages file.
formatSilentMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Formats a ban's silent message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatSilentMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Formats a kick's silent message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatSilentMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Formats a mute's silent message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatSilentMessage(boolean, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Formats a warning's silent message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatSubdivisions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Formats this lookup's position's subdivisions as a single string.
FormattedChatManager - Class in
Manager that handles formatted and colored messages in the chat.
FormattedChatManager() - Constructor for class
formatTime(long, Language, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
Formats the specified time according to the messages specified at "timestamps" in the given language's messages' file.
formatTPS(double, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Returns a string formatted with the given TPS' TPSManager.TPSQuality's colors.
formatTPS(TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Returns a string formatted with given time interval's TPSManager.TPSQuality's colors.
formatTypeMessage(BanType, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Formats a ban's type message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatTypeMessage(KickType, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Formats a kick's type message using the message set in the specified language's messages file.
formatURL(LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Formats the MaxMind website's database download URL with your license key.
FORTUNE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides a chance of gaining extra loot when destroying blocks.
fromJSON(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter.Parser
Parses the list of fields contained in the specified JSON string.
fromPacket(byte[]) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Reads a MoTD from a MoTDResponse packet.
fromYAML(Configuration, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter.Parser
Parses the list of fields contained in the specified YAML configuration at a certain path.
FROST_WALKER - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Freezes any still water adjacent to ice / frost which player is walking on.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.DateFormat
Represents the full date format, specified at misc.simple-date-format.full in the messages' files.


GADGETSMENU - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the GadgetsMenu integration.
GAME_FEATURE - Static variable in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ServerImplementationOnly
String useful to avoid text repetition in each annotation.
GameFeature - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util
Annotation used to indicate that a Minecraft feature handled by a ChatPluginManager is not available under certain circumstances.
GENERATED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconType
Internal use only.
GEOLOCALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetectionMethod
Detection performed through IPLookups.
get() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Gets the instance of the class used by ChatPlugin to interact with the plugin.
get() - Method in enum class
Gets this configuration from the loaded ConfigurationManager.getConfigurations().
get(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Gets a scoreboard's event by its ID.
get(String, int, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class
Gets the data in the first row returned by the specified query.
get(String, T) - Method in class
Gets the value at the specified path.
get(String, String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class
Gets the data in the first row returned by the specified query.
getAccounts(OfflinePlayer, long, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets a list of the accounts owned by the specified player, including it at the first position of the list held by the future.
getAccuracyRadius() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's accuracy radius, in kilometers.
getActionbar() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar.ActionbarSendEvent
Gets the actionbar sent to the player.
getActionbar(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets an actionbar from ActionbarManager.getActionbars() by its ID.
getActionbars() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets the list of loaded actionbars.
getActiveBan(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets the active ban for the specified ID.
getActiveBan(InetAddress, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets the active ban for the specified IP address and server.
getActiveBan(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets the active ban for the specified player and server.
getActiveBans() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets the active bans' list.
getActiveBans(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets the active bans' list for the specified IP address.
getActiveBans(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets the active bans' list for the specified player.
getActiveMute(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Gets the active mute for the specified ID.
getActiveMute(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Gets the active mute for the specified player and server.
getActiveMutes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Gets the active mutes' list.
getActiveMutes(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Gets the active mutes' list for the specified player.
getActiveWarning(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the active warning for the specified ID.
getActiveWarnings() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the active warnings' list.
getActiveWarnings(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the active warnings' list for the specified player.
getActiveWarnings(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the active warnings' list for the specified player and server.
getActivityType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.StatusUpdateEvent
Gets the new status' activity's type
getAd() - Method in class
Gets the ad sent to the player.
getAd(String) - Method in class
Gets an ad from AdManager.getAds() by its ID.
getAds() - Method in class
Gets the list of loaded ads.
getAdvancementsFormat() - Method in class
Gets the advancement format displayed to players when they receive a private message from someone else.
getAdvancementsIconMaterial() - Method in class
Gets the material of the icon of the advancement displayed to players when they receive a private message from someone else.
getAdvancementsMaxMessageLength() - Method in class
Gets the max length of private messages displayed as custom advancements.
getAliases() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Gets this enchantment's aliases.
getAllowedDomains() - Method in class
Gets the list containing the URLs' allowed domains.
getAmount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's items' amount.
getAmount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's items' amount.
getAmount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets the amount of times the player has been flagged.
getAmount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets the amount of items in this item stack.
getAntiBanEvadingCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets the commands executed when a ban is detected.
getAnticheat() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets the IntegrationType that flagged the player.
getAnticheatBans() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's anticheat bans from DataContainer.BANS.
getAnticheatKicks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's anticheat kicks from DataContainer.KICKS.
getAnticheatMutes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's anticheat mutes from DataContainer.MUTES.
getAnticheatStorageCount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Gets the amount of punishments performed by the anticheat stored in the storage.
getAnticheatWarnings() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's anticheat warnings from DataContainer.WARNINGS.
getAPI() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.ChatPluginIntegration
Gets this integration's API object, if present.
getApplicationID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the application's ID.
getASNDatabaseFile() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Gets the MaxMind's ASN local database file.
getASNDatabaseReader() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Gets the MaxMind's ASN local database reader.
getAsyncTasks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Gets the asynchronous tasks map.
getBalance(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.economy.EconomyIntegration
Gets an offline player's balance.
getBan() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.BanEvent
Gets the ban involved with this event.
getBan(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets a ban from the database.
getBan(int) - Method in class
Gets a Ban object from the storage.
getBannedPlayerDescriptions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's descriptions for a banned player.
getBannedPlayerHovers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's hovers for a banned player.
getBannedPlayerIconURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the URL of the icon displayed to banned players.
getBannedPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEndEvent
Gets the amount of players the banwave has banned.
getBannedPlayerVersionNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's version names for a banned player.
getBans() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getBase64AuthString() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the Base64 string used for authentication on MaxMind's website.
getBedrockPlayers() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the online Bedrock players' UUIDs.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class
getBoolean(String) - Method in class
Gets a boolean value.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
Gets a boolean value.
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class
Gets a Boolean list value.
getBossbar() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar.BossbarSendEvent
Gets the bossbar sent to the player.
getBossbar() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's active bossbar.
getBossbar(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets a bossbar from BossbarManager.getBossbars() by its ID.
getBossbars() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the list of loaded bossbars.
getBot() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's instance.
getBot() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's instance.
getByChar(char) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets a default chat color by its code.
getBypassAntispamChecks() - Method in class
Gets the antispam's checks to bypass when checking the private messages.
getByte(String) - Method in class
getByte(String) - Method in class
Gets a byte value.
getByte(String, byte) - Method in class
getByte(String, byte) - Method in class
Gets a byte value.
getByteList(String) - Method in class
getByteList(String) - Method in class
Gets a Byte list value.
getCache() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the cached IP lookups.
getCachedPing(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Returns a player's cached ping.
getCacheTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the time a lookup will be cached for, in milliseconds.
getCapeTextureURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Gets a premium player's cape's texture's URL.
getCapeTextureURL(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Gets a premium player's cape's texture's URL.
getCapsLength(String) - Method in class
Gets the amount of caps characters in the specified message.
getCapsPercentage(String) - Method in class
Gets the caps percentage amount of a message.
getChannelID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.EmbedMessageSendEvent
Gets the ID of the channel the embed message has been sent through.
getChannelID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.PlainMessageSendEvent
Gets the ID of the channel the plain message has been sent through.
getChatColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's chat's default color.
getChatColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets the default chat color this rank will have.
getChatEventPriority() - Method in class
Gets the priority of ChatPlugin's chat event.
getChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets ChatManager.getFormat() split around placeholders contained in the format.
getChatID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.MessageSendEvent
Gets the ID of the chat the message has been sent through.
getChatID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's chat's ID.
getCheatDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets this violation's cheat's display name found in ConfigurationType.VIOLATIONS_ICONS.
getCheater() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets this violation's cheater.
getCheatID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets this violation's cheat's ID.
getChild(String) - Method in class
Gets a path's child path.
getCity() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's city.
getCityDatabaseFile() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Gets the MaxMind's city local database file.
getCityDatabaseReader() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Gets the MaxMind's city local database reader.
getClazz() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Gets this integration's main class or a random class if a main class is not applicable.
getClazz() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Gets one of this library's classes.
getClickAction() - Method in class
Gets this ad's click action.
getClickSound() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's click sound.
getClickValue(Language) - Method in class
Gets this ad's click value for the specified language.
getClickValues() - Method in class
Gets this ad's click values.
getClient() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket.ClientEvent
Gets the client involved with this event.
getClientHandler() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ClientHandlerEvent
Gets the client handler involved with this event.
getClientHandlers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.Server
Gets the list of the connected client handlers.
getClosestDefaultColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the default color closest to this color.
getCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets this color's code.
getColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets this color's Color value.
getColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's color.
getColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Gets this bossbar's color.
getColor() - Method in class
Gets the color pings in chat will have.
getColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets this bossbar's color.
getColor(Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager.PingQuality
Gets this quality's color.
getColor(Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSQuality
Gets this quality's color.
getColumns() - Method in enum class
Gets this data type's columns' labels.
getColumnValues(String, int, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class
Gets the list of data in the column returned by the specified query.
getColumnValues(String, String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class
Gets the list of data in the column returned by the specified query.
getColumnValues(DataContainer, String, Class<T>, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
getColumnValues(DataContainer, String, Class<T>, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
Gets the list of data in the specified position if the given conditions are met.
getCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets the commands that will be executed when this icon is clicked.
getCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets the commands that will be executed when this icon layout is clicked.
getComponent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets this violation's component.
getComponent(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator
Gets the component specified in the given JSON string obtained using ComponentTranslator.createJSON(Component, Object...).
getConfiguration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets the configuration associated with this GUI layout.
getConfiguration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets the messages configuration associated with this language.
getConfiguration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets the configuration associated with this scoreboard.
getConfiguration(ConfigurationType) - Method in class
Gets a configuration from its type.
getConfigurations() - Method in class
Gets the loaded configurations' map.
getConfigurationTypes() - Static method in enum class
Gets the configuration types available on Environment.getCurrent().
getConnection() - Method in class
Gets the connection to the database currently in use.
getConnector() - Method in class
getConnector() - Method in class
getConnector() - Method in class
Gets the connector currently in use.
getConsoleChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed to Staff members when the console sends a message using the Staff chat.
getConsoleFormat() - Method in class
Gets the format used to send messages to the console.
getConsoleTerminalFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed in the terminal when the console sends a message using the Staff chat.
getConsumer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Gets this subscriber's consumer.
getContent() - Method in interface
Gets the message's content.
getContinent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's continent.
getCountry() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's country.
getCountryCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's ISO 3166-2 country code.
getCountryCodes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets this language's list of ISO 3166-2 country codes.
getCurrent() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Gets the current environment.
getCurrentAsyncID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Gets the current async task's ID.
getCustomIconURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Gets this MoTD's custom icon's URL.
getCustomTextColorsCycleTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets the timeout between color cycles, in milliseconds.
getCustomTextColorsGradient() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets the colors used to create the gradient.
getCustomTextColorsInterpolated() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets the colors interpolated using variants of the original colors.
getCustomTextColorsInterpolations() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets the amount of interpolations (or variations) between each color of ScoreboardNumbers.customTextColorsGradient.
getCustomTextValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets these numbers' custom text's value.
getDamage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's items' damage.
getDamage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's items' damage.
getDamage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item stack's current damage.
getDatabaseTableID() - Method in enum class
Gets this data type's database table's ID, preceded by DatabaseManager.getTablePrefix().
getDatabaseTableID() - Method in class
Gets this data type's database table's ID.
getDataContainer(String) - Static method in enum class
Gets a data container by its database table's ID with the prefix.
getDataFolder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Gets ChatPlugin's data folder in plugins folder.
getDate() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's creation or modification date, in milliseconds.
getDate() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Gets this punishment's creation or modification date, in milliseconds.
getDate() - Method in interface
Gets this message's sending date, in milliseconds.
getDateFormat() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Gets the date format used to write logs to file.
getDefaultKickMessageType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Gets the default kick message type.
getDefaultRank() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Gets the default rank that those who are not part of any other rank will have.
getDefaultTone() - Method in class
Gets the default instant emojis' tone.
getDelay() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the delay to wait after each ban, in milliseconds.
getDelay() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the delay to wait before sending the join title, in milliseconds.
getDelay() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SuggestedVersionManager
Gets the delay to wait before sending the suggested version message, in milliseconds.
getDelay() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Gets the delay to wait before sending the welcome message, in milliseconds.
getDelay() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Gets the delay to wait before detecting a new player's language, in milliseconds.
getDenyChatReason() - Method in interface
Gets the reason why the message has been blocked by a DenyChatReasonHandler.
getDenyChatReason(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, List<DenyChatReason<AntispamManager>>) - Method in class
Gets the reason why the specified message should be blocked.
getDescription() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Gets this MoTD's description.
getDescription(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's description for the specified language.
getDescriptions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's descriptions.
getDetector() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Gets the language detector currently in use.
getDisabledFeatureConstructor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets a fake IP lookup used to replace every placeholder when this module is disabled.
getDisabledRanks() - Method in class
Gets the list of ranks that will not receive this ad.
getDisplayedUnit() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Gets the default displayed memory unit, specified at settings.displayed-memory.unit in config.yml.
getDisplayedValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Gets the displayed value of the custom suffix.
getDisplayMode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets these numbers' display mode.
getDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
getDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets this language's display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item's display name.
getDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.ObjectiveAdapter
Gets this objective's display name.
getDisplayNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's display names.
getDisplayNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's display names.
getDomainName(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.URLValidator
Gets the specified URL's domain name.
getDouble(String) - Method in class
getDouble(String) - Method in class
Gets a double value.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class
Gets a double value.
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class
Gets a Double list value.
getDurability() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item stack's current durability.
getDuration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets this ban's duration, in milliseconds.
getDuration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's duration, in milliseconds.
getDuration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Gets this mute's duration, in milliseconds.
getDuration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Gets this warning's duration, in milliseconds.
getDuration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the warnings' duration, in milliseconds.
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessage
Gets this message's net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageEmbed value.
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Kick
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OfflinePlayer
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OnlinePlayer
getEmbed(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
getEmbedMessage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.EmbedMessageSendEvent
Gets this event's embed message.
getEmojisTone() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's emojis' tone.
getEmptyListIcon() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Gets the icon displayed when FillableGUI.getFillers() is empty.
getEnabledManagers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Gets a list containing enabled managers.
getEnabledWorlds() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the list of enabled worlds.
getEnabledWorlds() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the list of the enabled worlds.
getEnableMethodArgsTypes() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Gets the arguments' types used by the implementation's enable(...) method.
getEnchantments() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's enchantments.
getEnchantments() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's enchantments.
getEnchantments() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets the enchantments applied to this item stack.
getEndCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the list of commands executed when a banwave has executed all bans and stopped.
getEndSlot() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Gets the filling function's end slot's position in this GUI layout.
getEngineName() - Method in class
Gets the connector's engine's name.
getEngineVersion() - Method in class
Gets the connector's engine's version.
getEntries() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the banwave entries' list.
getEntries(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the active entries' list for the specified IP address.
getEntries(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the active entries' list for the specified player.
getEntry() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntryAddEvent
Gets the entry involved with this event.
getEntry(InetAddress, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the entry for the specified IP address and server.
getEntry(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the entry for the specified player and server.
getEstimatedDuration() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveStartEvent
Gets the banwave's estimated duration, in milliseconds.
getEvent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Gets this subscriber's event's class.
getEvent() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventScoreboard
Gets the event that triggers this scoreboard.
getExcludedClasspaths() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Gets the JAR in JAR's classpaths that should not be loaded when running ChatPlugin on this environment.
getF3ServerName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername.F3ServerNameSendEvent
Gets the F3 server name sent to the player.
getF3ServerName(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Gets an F3ServerName from F3ServerNameManager.getF3ServerNames() by its ID.
getF3ServerNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Gets the list of loaded F3 server names.
getFadeIn() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the time for the join title to fade in, in milliseconds.
getFadeOut() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the time for the join title to fade out, in milliseconds.
getFakeQuits() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets the list of players that have performed a fake quit.
getFile() - Method in class
Gets this configuration's file.
getFile() - Method in enum class
Gets this configuration's file.
getFile() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Gets the log file.
getFileName() - Method in enum class
Gets this configuration's file's name.
getFileName() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Gets this library's JAR file's name.
getFiller() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIFiller
Gets the filler's instance.
getFiller(T) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets a filler from this GUI.
getFillers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's fillers.
getFirstTermPosition() - Method in class
Gets this condition's first term's position.
getFlatFile() - Method in enum class
Gets this data container's flat-file.
getFloat(String) - Method in class
getFloat(String) - Method in class
Gets a float value.
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class
Gets a float value.
getFloatList(String) - Method in class
getFloatList(String) - Method in class
Gets a Float list value.
getFloodCache() - Method in class
Gets the flood cache set, whose elements are players' UUIDs.
getFolder() - Method in enum class
Gets this configuration's folder's path.
getFolder() - Method in class
Gets the folder used to store files.
getFooter(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Gets this tablist's footer for the specified language.
getFooters() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Gets this tablist's footers.
getFormat() - Method in class
Gets the format used to send messages to players.
getFreeStorage() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Gets the free storage available on /, in bytes.
getFromCache(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets a cached IP lookup.
getGeneratedIcons() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's generated icons.
getGeneratedIcons(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's generated icons for the specified page.
getGlobalChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets RangedChatManager.getGlobalModeFormat() split around placeholders contained in the format.
getGlobalModeFormat() - Method in class
Gets the format used to send global messages to players.
getGlobalModePrefix() - Method in class
Gets the prefix required to treat a message as global.
getGUI() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIEvent
Gets the GUI involved with this event.
getGUI() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIFiller
Gets the GUI containing the filler.
getGUI(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Gets a GUI from GUIManager.getGUIs() by its ID.
getGuildID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the guild's ID.
getGUIs() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Gets the loaded GUIs' list.
getHandlerClass() - Method in class
Gets this deny chat reason's handler's class.
getHeader(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Gets this tablist's header for the specified language.
getHeaderPlaceholders() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the values that will translate the {header} placeholder.
getHeaders() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Gets this tablist's headers.
getHealth() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Gets this living entity's health.
getHover() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Gets this MoTD's hover.
getHover(Language) - Method in class
Gets this ad's hover for the specified language.
getHovers() - Method in class
Gets this ad's hovers.
getIcon() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIClickEvent
Gets the clicked icon.
getIcon(Icon) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIFiller
Gets this filler's icon.
getIconLayout() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIFiller
Gets this filler's icon's layout.
getIconLayout(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Gets an icon layout from FillableGUILayout.getIconsLayouts() by its ID.
getIcons() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's icons.
getIconsLayouts() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Gets the filling function's icons' layouts.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Gets this punishment's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Gets this action's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Gets this server's ID.
getID() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Gets this component's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Gets this client handler's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.Actionbar
Gets this actionbar's ID.
getID() - Method in class
Gets this ad's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's ID.
getID() - Method in class
Gets this emoji's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerName
Gets this F3 server name's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Gets this GUI's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets this language's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's PlayersDataType.ID from DataContainer.PLAYERS.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's ID.
getID() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Gets this event's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets this scoreboard's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Gets this tablist's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Gets this material's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets this bossbar's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Gets this sound's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager.PingQuality
Gets this quality's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSQuality
Gets this quality's ID.
getID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Gets this client's ID.
getIDColumn() - Method in enum class
Gets this data type's ID column's label.
getIDs() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Gets this item flag's IDs.
getIDs(DataContainer) - Method in class
getIDs(DataContainer) - Method in class
Gets all entries' IDs in the specified data container.
getIgnoredPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the ignored player.
getIgnoredPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getIgnoredPlayers(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Gets a list of players ignored by the specified player.
getImplementationName() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Gets the current environment's implementation's name.
getImplementationVersion() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Gets the current environment's implementation's version.
getIndex() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Gets this version change's index.
getInetAddress(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Evaluates an IP address using InetAddress.getByAddress(byte[]) to avoid pinging it, making this method faster than InetAddress.getByName(String).
getInput() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Gets the data input stream associated with this packet deserializer.
getInput() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Gets this client handler's data input stream.
getInput() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Gets this client's data input stream.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Gets ChatPlugin's instance, the main one.
getInstance() - Static method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Gets the bot's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter.Parser
Gets this parser's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTDManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets the current connector's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets the current connector's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
Gets the bot's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Gets the current instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator
Gets the translator's current instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Gets the fetcher's current instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SuggestedVersionManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Gets this module's manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets this manager's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BukkitBootstrapper
Gets this Bukkit plugin's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BungeeCordBootstrapper
Gets this BungeeCord plugin's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.IsolatedClassLoader
Gets the loader's current instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.JARLibraryLoader
Gets the loader's current instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.SpongeBootstrapper
Gets this Sponge plugin's instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.VelocityBootstrapper
Gets this Velocity plugin's instance.
getInstantEmoji(String) - Method in class
Gets an instant emoji from InstantEmojisManager.getInstantEmojis() by its ID.
getInstantEmojis() - Method in class
Gets the list of loaded instant emojis.
getInt(String) - Method in class
getInt(String) - Method in class
Gets an int value.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class
getInt(String, int) - Method in class
Gets an int value.
getIntegerList(String) - Method in class
getIntegerList(String) - Method in class
Gets an Integer list value.
getIntegration(IntegrationType<T>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
Gets an integration's instance.
getIntegrations() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
Gets the integrations map, where the keys are IntegrationType.getSupportedIntegrations() and the values are the corresponding ChatPluginIntegrations' instances, which may either be enabled or not (ChatPluginIntegration.isEnabled()).
getInventories() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's inventories.
getInventories() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Gets this GUI's inventories.
getInventories(Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's inventories for the specified language.
getInventory(Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Gets this GUI's inventory for the specified language.
getInventory(Language, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's inventory for the specified language and page.
getIPAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's IP address.
getIPAddress() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Gets this player's IP address.
getIPAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's IP address.
getIPAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets the IP address the player had when this ban occurred.
getIPAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's IP address.
getIPAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.Kick
Gets the IP address the player had when this kick occurred.
getIPAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets this player's IP address.
getIpLookup() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup.IPLookupEvent
Gets the IP lookup involved with this event.
getIPLookup(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets an IP lookup for this player's IP address.
getIPLookup(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Calls IPLookupManager.getIPLookup(InetAddress, String) specifying null as requesterName.
getIPLookup(InetAddress, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets an IP lookup for the specified IPv4 address.
getIPsWhitelist() - Method in class
Gets the list containing the whitelisted IP addresses.
getISP() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's Internet Service Provider.
getItem(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Gets the item at the specified position.
getItemFlags() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's item flags.
getItemFlags() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's item flags.
getItemFlags() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item's item flags.
getJavaTelegramBotAPIVersion() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the Java Telegram Bot API's version.
getJDA() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Gets the bot's JDA instance.
getJDAVersion() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the JDA's version.
getJoinMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Gets a random join message from JoinMessageManager.getJoinMessages() translated for the specified player and language.
getJoinMessages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Gets the map of loaded join messages.
getJoinMessages(Rank, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Gets the list of loaded join messages for the specified rank and language.
getKeys() - Method in class
getKeys() - Method in class
Gets the keys at the root path.
getKeys() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Gets this component's keys used in the JSON representation.
getKeys(String) - Method in class
getKeys(String) - Method in class
Gets the keys at the specified path.
getKick() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.kick.KickEvent
Gets the kick involved with this event.
getKick(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Gets a kick from the database.
getKick(int) - Method in class
Gets a Kick object from the storage.
getKicks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getLanguage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.language.LanguageChangeEvent
Gets the language involved with this event.
getLanguage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's language.
getLanguage(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Gets a language from LanguageManager.getLanguages() by its ID.
getLanguage(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Gets a player's language using ChatPluginServerPlayer.getLanguage() if they are loaded or from the storage if they are offline.
getLanguages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Gets the list of loaded languages.
getLastColors(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the last colors contained in a string.
getLastCorrespondent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets the last player that has sent a private message to this player.
getLastEdit() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Gets the last edit's time, in milliseconds
getLastReloadTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Gets the time elapsed during ChatPlugin's last reload, in milliseconds.
getLastReloadTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the time elapsed during the bot's last reload, in milliseconds.
getLastRunTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the last time's timer has been run, in milliseconds.
getLastScoreboards() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventScoreboard
Gets the scoreboards that players had before triggering EventScoreboard.getEvent().
getLastTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets the last time the anticheat flagged this Violation.getCheatID(), in milliseconds.
getLastVersionChange() - Method in class
Gets the last version change occurred.
getLatitude() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's latitude.
getLayout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
getLayout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Gets this GUI's layout.
getLayout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
getLeatherArmorColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's leather armor's color.
getLeatherArmorColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's leather armor's color.
getLeatherArmorColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this leather armor's color.
getLine(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines
Gets ScoreboardLines.getScoreboard()'s line for the specified line index.
getLineIndex() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Gets this line's index in ScoreboardLines.getLines().
getLines() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets this scoreboard's lines.
getLines() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines
getLines() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Gets the lines associated with this line.
getList(String) - Method in class
getList(String) - Method in class
Gets a list value.
getList(String, List<T>) - Method in class
getList(String, List<T>) - Method in class
Gets a list value.
getListFromString(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Creates a list from a string representation obtained using Utils.getStringFromList(List, boolean, boolean).
getLiteralPattern() - Method in class
Gets this emoji's literal pattern used with regular expressions.
getLoadindBossbarSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the timeout between sendings while loading the bossbar, in milliseconds.
getLoadingBossbarsTasks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the loading bossbars' tasks' map.
getLoadTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player.ProxyPlayerLoadEvent
Gets the time spent loading the player.
getLoadTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.ServerPlayerLoadEvent
Gets the time spent loading the player.
getLobbyServerID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Gets the lobby server's ID.
getLocale() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's locale set in their game's settings.
getLockFile() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Gets the .lock file associated with this server's databases.
getLogFilteredPackets() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets the IDs of the packets filtered by the LogManager.
getLoggedPrivateMessages(OfflinePlayer, long, String) - Method in class
Gets a logged private messages' list for the specified sender and text.
getLoggedPublicMessages(OfflinePlayer, long, String) - Method in class
Gets a logged public messages' list for the specified sender and text.
getLogger() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Gets the plugin's logger.
getLoggerType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Gets the current logger type.
getLoginTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's login time, in milliseconds.
getLong(String) - Method in class
getLong(String) - Method in class
Gets a long value.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class
getLong(String, long) - Method in class
Gets a long value.
getLongitude() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's longitude.
getLongList(String) - Method in class
getLongList(String) - Method in class
Gets a Long list value.
getLore() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item's lore.
getLores() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's lores.
getLores() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's lores.
getMainLanguage() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets the plugin's main and default language.
getMainLanguage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Gets the plugin's main and default language.
getManager() - Method in exception me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagerException
Gets the manager associated with this exception.
getManager(Class<T>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Gets a manager from the list of loaded managers.
getManager(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Names should not be used to identify managers. Use ChatPluginManagers.getManager(Class) instead.
getManagers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Gets the managers' manager.
getManagers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Gets the loaded managers map.
getMappings() - Method in class
Gets this configuration's mappings, which contains the keys and their values.
getMappings() - Method in class
Gets this configuration's mappings.
getMaterial() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's material.
getMaterial() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's material.
getMaxAccuracyRadius() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets an IP lookup's max IPLookup.getAccuracyRadius() allowed, in kilometers, to be considered reliable for a comparison.
getMaxAmount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the max amount of warnings executed before calling WarningManager.clearWarnings(OfflinePlayer, String, String).
getMaxCapsLength() - Method in class
Gets the max caps length allowed before checking if the message exceeds AntispamManager.getMaxCapsPercent().
getMaxCapsPercent() - Method in class
Gets the max caps percent allowed after checking if the message exceeds AntispamManager.getMaxCapsLength().
getMaxDurability() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item stack's max durability.
getMaxHealth() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Gets this living entity's max health.
getMaxIPsStored() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the maximum amount of IP addresses stored for each player.
getMaxMindUserID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the current MaxMind account's user ID.
getMaxMs() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager.PingQuality
Gets this quality's maximum milliseconds.
getMaxPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Gets this MoTD's max players' amount.
getMaxPlayers() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Gets the maximum online players' amount.
getMaxPlayersFixedValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the max players' fixed value.
getMaxPunishmentDurations() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's max punishment durations.
getMaxTimePlayed() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets a player's max PlayersDataType.TIME_PLAYED allowed, in milliseconds, to be considered reliable for a comparison.
getMaxValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's max value.
getMD5Hash() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Gets this library's MD5 hash.
getMessage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginCrashEvent
Gets the reason why the plugin crashed.
getMessage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.MessageSendEvent
Gets this event's message.
getMessage() - Method in class
Gets the message involved with this event
getMessage() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
Gets this connection outcome's message.
getMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets a message from this language's Language.getConfiguration() and translates its placeholders using Utils.numericPlaceholders(String, Object...).
getMessage(Language) - Method in class
Gets this deny chat reason's message translated for the specified language.
getMessage(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.OpenActions
Gets these open actions' message for the specified language.
getMessagePath() - Method in class
Gets this deny chat reason's message's path in the messages' files.
getMessages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.OpenActions
Gets these open actions' messages.
getMessagesAutoCleanerPeriod() - Method in class
Gets the period of time after which old messages will be removed from the storage by the auto cleaner, in milliseconds.
getMessagesSent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getMessagesWhitelist() - Method in class
Gets the list containing the whitelisted messages.
getMethod() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets the method used to obtain this lookup.
getMethod() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the IP lookup method currently in use.
getMethod() - Method in class
Gets the storage method currently in use.
getMethod() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Gets the language detection method currently in use.
getMinimumSupportedVersionProtocol() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the minimum supported version's protocol.
getMinTPS() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSQuality
Gets this quality's minimum TPS.
getMissingDataContainers() - Method in class
getMissingDataContainers() - Method in class
Gets the missing data containers in the storage.
getMoTD(InetAddress, VersionUtils.Version) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets a new MoTD for an IP address translated using LanguageDetector.detectUsingGeolocalization(IPLookup) if necessary (if it is not associated to a player's language).
getMoTD(InetAddress, VersionUtils.Version, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets a new MoTD for an IP address translated using the specified language.
getMute() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute.MuteEvent
Gets the mute involved with this event.
getMute(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Gets a mute from the database.
getMute(int) - Method in class
Gets a Mute object from the storage.
getMutes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getName() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType
Gets this database type's name.
getName() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Gets this player's name.
getName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's name.
getName() - Method in enum class
Returns name().toLowerCase().replace('_', '-').
getName() - Method in class
Returns name().toLowerCase().replace('_', '-').
getName() - Method in enum class
Gets this storage method's name.
getName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets this player's name.
getName() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Gets this library's name.
getName() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Gets this version's name.
getName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.EntityAdapter
Gets this entity's name.
getName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Gets this living entity's name.
getName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Gets this team's name.
getName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Gets this command sender's name.
getName() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Gets this environment's name.
getNameColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankTag
Gets this tag's name color.
getNextID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Gets the next punishment's ID.
getNextID(DataContainer) - Method in class
Gets the next entry's ID in the specified data container.
getNextSpongeID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Gets the current Sponge sync task's ID.
getNMSVersion() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Gets the current environment's NMS version.
getNumbers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets this scoreboard's numbers.
getObjective() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's objective.
getOfflineUUID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Calculates the specified player's offline UUID v3 using UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(byte[]).
getOldBan() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.BanUpdateEvent
Gets a copy of BanEvent.getBan() with its old values.
getOldEntry() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntryUpdateEvent
Gets a copy of BanwaveEntryAddEvent.getEntry() with its old values.
getOldMute() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute.MuteUpdateEvent
Gets a copy of MuteEvent.getMute() with its old values.
getOldPackages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library.Relocation
Gets the list of old packages.
getOnlineName(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Fetches the specified player's name from Mojang's servers.
getOnlinePlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Gets this MoTD's online players' amount.
getOnlinePlayers() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets the online players' list.
getOnlinePlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Gets the online players in this server.
getOnlinePlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.Language
Gets a list containing all online players with this language set as their current language.
getOnlinePlayers(String, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Gets the amount of online players in the specified server.
getOnlinePlayers(String, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets the amount of online players in the specified server.
getOnlineServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets the adjusted amount of players in this server, subtracting the vanished players' amount.
getOnlineUsers() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Gets the amount of users currently online on the Discord server.
getOnlineUUID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Fetches the specified player's online UUID v4 from Mojang's servers.
getOnlineWorld(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets the adjusted amount of players in a certain world, subtracting the vanished players' amount.
getOnlineWorld(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
Gets the online players in the specified world.
getOnScreenTime() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventScoreboard
Gets the time this scoreboard should be displayed for before showing again the previous one, in milliseconds.
getOpenActions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's open actions.
getOpenGUI(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Gets the GUI the specified player is currently viewing.
getOperator() - Method in class
Gets this condition's operator.
getOriginalClass(ChatPluginManager) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Gets the original (abstract, API) class of the specified manager's instance.
getOther() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickType
Gets the other kick type.
getOutdatedVersionDescriptions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's descriptions for a player with an outdated version.
getOutdatedVersionHovers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's hovers for a player with an outdated version.
getOutdatedVersionIconURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the URL of the icon displayed to players running an outdated version.
getOutdatedVersionVersionNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's version names for a player with an outdated version.
getOutput() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Gets this client handler's data output stream.
getOutput() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Gets this client's data output stream.
getPacket() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ServerReceivePacketEvent
Gets the packet received by the server.
getPacket() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket.ClientReceivePacketEvent
Gets the packet received by the client.
getPacketsQueue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Internal use only.
getPage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIClickEvent
Gets the page containing GUIClickEvent.getIcon().
getPage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIOpenEvent
Gets the page opened to the player.
getPath() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessage
Gets this message's path in ConfigurationType.DISCORD_INTEGRATION.
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Kick
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OfflinePlayer
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OnlinePlayer
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
getPath() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessage
Gets this message's path in ConfigurationType.TELEGRAM_INTEGRATION.
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Kick
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OfflinePlayer
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OnlinePlayer
getPath() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
getPendingFutures() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Internal use only.
getPendingFutures() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Internal use only.
getPermission() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets the permission required to players to have this rank.
getPermissionFormat() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Gets the permission format used to check if a player is part of a certain rank.
getPerPlayerGUIsUnloadTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Gets the per-player GUIs' unload time, in milliseconds.
getPing() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets the cheater's latency at Violation.getLastTime(), in milliseconds.
getPing() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's ping, in milliseconds.
getPingedPlayers(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean) - Method in class
Gets the list of every loaded player contained in message.
getPingQuality(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Establishes what PingManager.PingQuality a ping belongs to according to the response time, expressed in milliseconds.
getPitch() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Gets this sound's pitch.
getPlaceholder(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Gets a placeholder type from an input String.
getPlaceholders() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Gets the array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with this event's information.
getPlaceholders() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Gets the list of available placeholders for this placeholder type.
getPlaceholders(List<String>) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Gets a placeholder types list from an input String list.
getPlaceholderType(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Gets the placeholder type that contains the given identifier.
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate Actionbar.getTexts().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate Ad.getTexts(), Ad.getHovers() and Ad.getClickValues().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate Bossbar.getTitles().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate messages sent in the chat.
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate messages sent using the Staff chat.
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate F3ServerName.getTexts().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate JoinMessageManager.getJoinMessages().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate JoinTitleManager.getTitles() and JoinTitleManager.getSubtitles().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate QuitMessageManager.getQuitMessages().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate SwitchMessageManager.getSwitchMessages().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate getWelcomeMessages().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate Scoreboard.getTitles() and Scoreboard.getLines().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate CustomSuffixManager.getDisplayedValue().
getPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate Tablist.getHeaders() and Tablist.getFooters().
getPlainMessage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.PlainMessageSendEvent
Gets this event's plain message.
getPlayer() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.player.ChatPluginPlayerEvent
Gets the player involved with this event.
getPlayer() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.player.OfflinePlayerEvent
Gets the player involved with this event.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.ClearWarningsEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets this ban's player.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's player.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.Kick
Gets this kick's player.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Gets this mute's player.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Gets this warning's player.
getPlayer() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player.ChatPluginProxyPlayerEvent
Gets the player involved with this event.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player.ProxyPlayerLoadEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player.ProxyPlayerUnloadEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Gets the player this bossbar is being displayed to.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar.ActionbarSendEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar.BossbarSendEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player involved with this event.
getPlayer() - Method in class
Gets the player involved with this event.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername.F3ServerNameSendEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIClickEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUICloseEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIOpenEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.language.LanguageChangeEvent
getPlayer() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.ChatPluginServerPlayerEvent
Gets the player involved with this event.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.PlayerFirstJoinEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.ServerPlayerLoadEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.ServerPlayerUnloadEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick.FakeKickEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist.TablistSendEvent
getPlayer() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.PerPlayerGUI
Gets this GUI's player.
getPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
Gets the player associated with this packet.
getPlayer(int) - Method in class
Gets a player from the storage.
getPlayer(String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets an online player by specifying their name.
getPlayer(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Names should not be used to identify players. Use PlayerManager.getPlayer(UUID) instead.
getPlayer(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
Names should not be used to identify players. Use ProxyPlayerManager.getPlayer(UUID) instead.
getPlayer(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Names should not be used to identify players. Use ServerPlayerManager.getPlayer(UUID) instead.
getPlayer(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets a player from PlayerManager.getPlayers() by their UUID.
getPlayer(UUID) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets an online player by specifying their UUID.
getPlayer(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
Gets a player from ProxyPlayerManager.getPlayers() by their UUID.
getPlayer(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets a player from ServerPlayerManager.getPlayers() by their UUID.
getPlayerChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed to Staff members when a player sends a message using the Staff chat.
getPlayerClickAction() - Method in class
Gets the click action executed when a player clicks a player's name in the chat.
getPlayerClickValue() - Method in class
Gets the value applied to HoverInfoManager.getPlayerClickAction() when a player clicks a player's name in the chat.
getPlayerConnection() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's connection's instance.
getPlayerData(PlayersDataType<T>, int) - Method in class
getPlayerData(PlayersDataType<T>, int) - Method in class
Gets a player's data from the storage.
getPlayerData(PlayersDataType<T>, OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
getPlayerData(PlayersDataType<T>, OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Gets a player's data from the storage.
getPlayerHovers() - Method in class
Gets the map of the hovers displayed when hovering over a player's name in the chat.
getPlayerID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
getPlayerLoginTime(UUID) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets an online player's login time.
getPlayerPlaceholderTypes() - Method in class
Gets the list of placeholder types used to translate players' hovers sent in the chat.
getPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets the loaded ChatPluginPlayers' map.
getPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
Gets the loaded ChatPluginProxyPlayers' map.
getPlayers() - Method in class
Gets the list of who has the Staff chat mode enabled.
getPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the loaded ChatPluginServerPlayers' map.
getPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets the list of players this scoreboard is being displayed to.
getPlayers(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets the list of loaded ChatPluginPlayers with the specified IP address.
getPlayers(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
Gets the list of loaded ChatPluginProxyPlayers with the specified IP address.
getPlayers(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the list of loaded ChatPluginServerPlayers with the specified IP address.
getPlayers(InetAddress, boolean) - Method in class
getPlayers(InetAddress, boolean) - Method in class
Gets all players with the specified IP address stored in DataContainer.PLAYERS.
getPlayersAutoCleanerPeriod() - Method in class
Gets the period of time after which inactive players will be removed from the storage by the auto cleaner, in milliseconds.
getPlayersIPs() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets the list of loaded players' IP addresses.
getPlayersLoginTimes() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the online players' login times.
getPlayersNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets the list of loaded players' names.
getPlayersVersions() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the online players' versions.
getPlayerTerminalFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed in the terminal when a player sends a message using the Staff chat.
getPlayerVersion(UUID) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets an online player's version.
getPlugin() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.ChatPluginIntegration
Gets this integration's plugin object.
getPlugin() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Gets this integration's plugin's name.
getPosition() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's position in the GUI's inventory.
getPosition() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's position in RankManager.getRanks().
getPostalCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's postal code.
getPrefix() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Gets this log level's prefix.
getPrefix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets the actionbars' prefix.
getPrefix() - Method in class
Gets the ads' prefix.
getPrefix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets the prefix every player in this rank will have.
getPrefix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankTag
Gets this tag's prefix.
getPrefix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Gets this team's prefix.
getPrefixFormat() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets the format of the prefix prepended to players' names in the tablist.
getPrivateMessage() - Method in class
Gets the private message involved with this event
getPrivateMessages(OfflinePlayer, long, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of logged private messages from the storage.
getProgress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Gets this bossbar's progress.
getProgress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets this bossbar's progress.
getProtocol() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Gets this version's protocol number.
getProviderServerID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD provider server's ID.
getProxy() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.VelocityBootstrapper
Gets the current ProxyServer instance.
getPublicMessages(OfflinePlayer, long, String) - Method in class
Gets a list of logged public messages from the storage.
getPunishCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the punish commands' map.
getPunishCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets the punish commands' map.
getPunishCommands(int, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets the punish commands that should be executed for the specified warnings' amount translated for the given language.
getPunishmentsChannelID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the ID of the channel used to announce punishments.
getQualities() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Gets the loaded ping qualities list.
getQualities() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Gets the loaded TPS qualities list.
getQuitMessage(QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets a random quit message from QuitMessageManager.getQuitMessages() translated for the specified packet and language.
getQuitMessages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets the map of loaded quit messages.
getQuitMessages(Rank, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets the list of loaded quit messages for the specified rank and language.
getQuitPackets() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Gets the loaded players' quit packets' map.
getRandomColor() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets a random color, format codes not included.
getRange() - Method in class
Gets the ranged chat's range, in blocks.
getRank() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
getRank() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's rank.
getRank() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankPermission
Gets the rank related to this object.
getRank() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankTag
Gets the rank associated with this tag.
getRank(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Gets a rank from RankManager.getRanks() by its ID.
getRankID() - Method in interface
Gets this message's sender's rank's ID.
getRanks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Gets the list of loaded ranks.
getRealTimePing(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
This method will return the ping directly from the player's connection class using reflection. You should use PingManager.getCachedPing(ChatPluginServerPlayer) instead for a cached and less resource demanding ping request if performing multiple calls of this method.
getReason() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's reason.
getReason() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Gets this punishment's reason.
getReason() - Method in class
Gets the reason why the message has been denied.
getReason() - Method in class
Gets the reason why the private message has been denied.
getReason() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick.FakeKickEvent
Gets the fake kick's reason.
getReasonsStartWith() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the list of strings a ban's reason has to start with to be considered a banwave entry instead of a normal ban.
getReasonsStartWith() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Gets the list of strings a punishment's reason has to start with to be considered created automatically by the anticheat.
getReceivedChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed to players when they receive a private message from someone else.
getReceivedTerminalFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed in the terminal when the console receives a private message from someone else.
getRecentTPS() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Gets the recent TPS in the last 1m, 5m, 15m.
getRecipient() - Method in interface
Gets this private message's recipient.
getRecipient() - Method in class
Gets this private message's recipient.
getRecognizedTLDs() - Method in class
Gets the list of recognized TLDs in the chat.
getReflectionBossbarTimer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the current reflection bossbar timer's instance.
getReflectionTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getReflectionWitherTeleportationDistance() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the distance from the player to which the Wither will be teleported to when using reflection.
getReflectionWitherTeleportationTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the timeout between Wither teleportations when using reflection, in milliseconds.
getRefreshTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIRefreshEvent
Gets the time spent refreshing the GUI.
getRegionID(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.region.RegionIntegration
Gets the ID of the protected region a player is currently inside of.
getReleaseDate() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Gets this version's release date, in milliseconds.
getReloadTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginReloadEvent
Gets the time elapsed during the last reload, in milliseconds.
getRelocation() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Gets this library's relocation data.
getRemainingTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets this ban's remaining time, in milliseconds.
getRemainingTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Gets this mute's remaining time, in milliseconds.
getRemainingTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Gets this warning's remaining time, in milliseconds.
getRemovalDate() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's removal's date, in milliseconds.
getRenderType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Gets the render type of the custom suffix.
getRows() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's rows.
getRowValues(DataContainer, int) - Method in class
getRowValues(DataContainer, int) - Method in class
Gets the list of data in the specified row.
getScoreboard() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardEvent
Gets the scoreboard involved with this event
getScoreboard() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's active scoreboard.
getScoreboard() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines
Gets the scoreboard associated with these lines.
getScoreboard() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Gets the scoreboard associated with these numbers.
getScoreboard() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Gets the scoreboard associated with these titles.
getScoreboard(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Gets a scoreboard from ScoreboardManager.getScoreboards() by its ID.
getScoreboards() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Gets the list of loaded scoreboards.
getSecondsBetweenMsg() - Method in class
Gets the seconds every player has to wait between two consecutive sendings.
getSecondsBetweenSameMsg() - Method in class
Gets the seconds every player has to wait between sendings of two identical messages.
getSecondTermValue() - Method in class
Gets this condition's second term's value.
getSection(String) - Method in class
getSection(String) - Method in class
Gets the section at the specified path.
getSender() - Method in interface
Gets this message's sender.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSendingTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets the timeout between sendings, in milliseconds.
getSentChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed to players when they send a private message to someone else.
getSentTerminalFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed in the terminal when the console sends a private message to someone else.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.ClearWarningsEvent
Gets this event's origin server.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's origin server.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Gets this punishment's origin server.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ServerEvent
Gets the server involved with this event.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD packet server socket.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ChatPluginProxyPlayer
Gets this player's current server.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Gets this client handler's server.
getServer() - Method in interface
Gets this message's origin server.
getServer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets this violation's origin server.
getServerAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Gets this client's server's address.
getServerDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets this server's display name.
getServerID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets this server's ID.
getServerPort() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Gets this client's server's port.
getServersIDs() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets a list containing the IDs of the servers under the network.
getServersInformation() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Gets a map containing information about servers under the network.
getServersInformation() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets a map containing information about servers under the network.
getServerSocketAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the server socket's address.
getServerSocketPort() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets the port number used by the server socket to make MoTD requests to the provider server.
getServerSocketPort() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the server socket's port.
getServerUnreachableDescription() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets the description displayed to players when the MoTD provider server is not reachable within 5 seconds.
getServerUnreachableFavicon() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets the favicon displayed to players when the MoTD provider server is not reachable within 5 seconds.
getServerUnreachableIconURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Gets the URL of the icon displayed to players when the MoTD provider server is not reachable within 5 seconds.
getShort(String) - Method in class
getShort(String) - Method in class
Gets a short value.
getShort(String, short) - Method in class
getShort(String, short) - Method in class
Gets a short value.
getShortList(String) - Method in class
getShortList(String) - Method in class
Gets a Short list value.
getSize() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's size.
getSize() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Gets this inventory's size.
getSkinTextureURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Gets a premium player's skin's texture's URL.
getSkinTextureURL(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Gets a premium player's skin's texture's URL.
getSkullOwner() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's skull's owner.
getSkullOwner() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's skull's owner.
getSkullOwner() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this skull's owner.
getSkullTextureURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's skull's texture's URL.
getSkullTextureURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Gets this icon layout's skull's texture's URL.
getSkullTextureURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this skull's texture's URL.
getSocialspyChatFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed to Staff members when players send a private message to someone else.
getSocialspyTerminalFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed in the terminal when players send a private message to someone else.
getSocket() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Gets this client handler's socket.
getSocket() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.Server
Gets the socket associated with this server.
getSocket() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Gets this client's socket.
getSound() - Method in class
Gets the sound played to players when they receive an ad.
getSound() - Method in class
Gets the sound that pings will produce.
getSound() - Method in class
Gets the sound that private messages will produce.
getSound() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.OpenActions
Gets these open actions' sound.
getSource() - Method in exception me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagerException
Gets this exception's source's representation.
getSpamCache() - Method in class
Gets the spam cache's map, whose keys are players' UUIDs and values are the message they have just sent.
getSpongeID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Get the corresponding BossBarOverlays' ID.
getSpyFormat() - Method in class
Gets the chat format displayed to Staff members when players send a local message.
getStaffMember() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets who punished the player.
getStaffMember() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Gets who punished the player.
getStaffNotificationsChannelID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the ID of the channel used to announce Staff notifications.
getStaffStorageCount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Gets the amount of punishments performed by Staff members stored in the storage.
getStartCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the list of commands executed when starting a banwave.
getStartSlot() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Gets the filling function's start slot's position in this GUI layout.
getStartupTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Gets the time elapsed during ChatPlugin's startup, in milliseconds.
getStartupTime() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginLoadEvent
Gets the time elapsed during the startup, in milliseconds.
getStatusActivityType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's status' activity's type.
getStatusUpdateTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getStatusUpdateTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getStatusUpdateTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the timeout between status updates, in milliseconds.
getStatusUpdateTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the timeout between status updates, in milliseconds.
getStatusValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's status' value.
getStatusValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's status' value.
getStay() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the time for the join title to stay, in milliseconds.
getStorageCount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Gets the amount of punishments stored in the storage.
getStorageCount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Gets the total amount of players stored in the storage.
getStoredPlayerDescriptions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's descriptions for a stored player.
getStoredPlayerHovers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's hovers for a stored player.
getStoredPlayerIconURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the URL of the icon displayed to stored players.
getStoredPlayerVersionNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's version names for a stored player.
getString() - Method in class
Gets this emoji's string, may contain translated colors.
getString(String) - Method in class
getString(String) - Method in class
Gets a String value.
getString(String, String) - Method in class
getString(String, String) - Method in class
Gets a String value.
getStringFromList(List<?>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Creates a string representation of the specified list like the following:
"[random string, 3, that was a number as a string]"
getStringList(String) - Method in class
getStringList(String) - Method in class
Gets a String list value.
getStringListPlaceholdersTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Gets this GUI's string list placeholders' translator function.
getStringPlaceholdersTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Gets this GUI's string placeholders' translator function.
getStyle() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's style.
getStyle() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Gets this bossbar's style.
getStyle() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets this bossbar's style.
getSubdivisions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets this lookup's position's subdivisions.
getSubscribers(Class<E>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
Gets an event's subscribers' list.
getSubtitle(Language, boolean) - Method in class
Gets the subtitle for the specified language.
getSubtitle(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the subtitle for the specified language.
getSubtitles() - Method in class
Gets the map of loaded subtitles.
getSubtitles() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the map of loaded subtitles.
getSuffix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets the suffix every player in this rank will have.
getSuffix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankTag
Gets this tag's suffix.
getSuffix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Gets this team's suffix.
getSuffixFormat() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets the format of the suffix appended to players' names in the tablist.
getSupportedEnvironments() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Gets a list containing the environments this integrations can run on.
getSupportedIntegrations() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Gets the integrations types supported on Environment.getCurrent().
getSwitchMessage(QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Gets a random switch message from SwitchMessageManager.getSwitchMessages() translated for the specified player and language.
getSwitchMessages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Gets the loaded switch messages' map.
getSwitchMessages(Rank, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Gets the list of loaded switch messages for the specified rank and language.
getSyncTasks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Gets the synchronous tasks map.
getTablePrefix() - Static method in class
Gets the database's table prefix.
getTablist() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist.TablistSendEvent
Gets the tablist sent to the player.
getTablist(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets a tablist from TablistManager.getTablists() by its ID.
getTablists() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets the list of loaded tablists.
getTag() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets the tag every player in this rank will have.
getTarget() - Method in class
Gets the target player of the ping specified in ChatEvent.getMessage().
getTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets this ban's expiration task's ID.
getTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Gets this mute's expiration task's ID.
getTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Gets this warning's expiration task's ID.
getTeamName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Gets this rank's ID which will be set as the Vanilla team name.
getText() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Gets this field's text.
getText(Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager.PingQuality
Gets this quality's text.
getText(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.Actionbar
Gets this actionbar's text for the specified language.
getText(Language, boolean) - Method in class
Gets this ad's text for the specified language.
getText(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerName
Gets this F3 server name's text for the specified language.
getTexts() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.Actionbar
Gets this actionbar's texts.
getTexts() - Method in class
Gets this ad's texts.
getTexts() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerName
Gets this F3 server name's texts.
getTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Converts the specified years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds to their milliseconds value.
getTime(String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Calculates the time in milliseconds expressed by an input string.
getTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Gets the timeout between banwaves, in milliseconds.
getTimeoutBetweenChecks() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Gets the timeout to wait between each check, in milliseconds.
getTimer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Gets the timer used to schedule scoreboard updates.
getTimerIndex() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
getTimerIndex() - Method in class
Gets the's timer's index of AdManager.getAds().
getTimerIndex() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
getTimerIndex() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
getTimerIndex() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
getTimerIndex() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
getTimerIndexes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
getTimerIndexes() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Gets the's timer's task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Gets the update task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Gets the update task's ID.
getTimerTaskID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Gets the update task's ID.
getTitle() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Gets this field's title.
getTitle() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Gets this bossbar's title.
getTitle() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets this bossbar's title.
getTitle(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's title for the specified language.
getTitle(Language, boolean) - Method in class
Gets the title for the specified language.
getTitle(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's title for the specified language.
getTitle(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the title for the specified language.
getTitles() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's titles.
getTitles() - Method in class
Gets the map of loaded titles.
getTitles() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout
Gets this GUI layout's titles.
getTitles() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Gets the map of loaded titles.
getTitles() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets this scoreboard's titles.
getTitlesFadeIn() - Method in class
Gets the time for the titles to fade in, in milliseconds.
getTitlesFadeOut() - Method in class
Gets the time for the titles to fade out, in milliseconds.
getTitlesStay() - Method in class
Gets the time for the titles to stay, in milliseconds.
getTitlesTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's titles' translator function.
getTitlesTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Gets this GUI's titles' translator function.
getToBytesRatio() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Gets this unit's to bytes ratio.
getToken() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's token.
getToken() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's token.
getTones() - Method in class
Gets the list of loaded instant emojis' tones.
getTotalPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Gets the loaded players' amount.
getTotalStorage() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Gets the total storage installed on /, in bytes.
getTPS() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
getTPS(TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Gets the TPS for the specified time interval.
getTPSQuality(double) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Establishes what TPSManager.TPSQuality a TPS value belongs to.
getType() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.ChatPluginIntegration
Gets this integration's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets this ban's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets this entry's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.Kick
Gets this kick's type.
getType() - Method in class
Gets this configuration's type.
getType() - Method in class
Gets this data type's content's class.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick.FakeKickEvent
Gets the fake kick's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Gets this icon's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Gets this scoreboard's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Gets this block's type.
getType() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets this item stack's type.
getType(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardType
Gets a scoreboard's type by its ID.
getUnbanDate() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets this ban's unban date, in milliseconds.
getUnit() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Gets this unit's string representation.
getUnknownPlayerDescriptions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's descriptions for an unknown player.
getUnknownPlayerHovers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's hovers for an unknown player.
getUnknownPlayerIconURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the URL of the icon displayed to unknown players.
getUnknownPlayerVersionNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Gets the MoTD's version names for an unknown player.
getUnloadTaskID() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.PerPlayerGUI
Gets this GUI's unload task's ID.
getUnmuteDate() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Gets this mute's unmute date, in milliseconds.
getUnwarnDate() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Gets this warning's unwarn date, in milliseconds.
getUpdateTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Gets the timeout between ping updates, in milliseconds.
getUpdateTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Gets the timeout between TPS updates, in milliseconds.
getURL() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Gets the URL used for remote IP lookups (through MaxMind's website).
getURL() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType
Gets the download URL of this database type.
getURL() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Gets this library's download URL.
getURLColor() - Method in class
Gets the color that will be applied to valid URLs sent in the chat.
getURLHovers() - Method in class
Gets the map of the hovers displayed when hovering over a URL in the chat.
getURLs(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.URLValidator
Gets the list of the URLs contained in the input String.
getURLsWhitelist() - Method in class
Gets the list containing the whitelisted URLs.
getUsername() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Gets the bot's username.
getUsersAmount() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
Gets the amount of users in the Telegram group.
getUUID() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Gets this player's UUID.
getUUID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's UUID.
getUUID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets this player's UUID.
getUUID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.EntityAdapter
Gets this entity's UUID.
getUUID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Gets this living entity's UUID.
getUUID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Gets this command sender's UUID.
getUUID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
getValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.StatusUpdateEvent
Gets the new status' value.
getValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.StatusUpdateEvent
Gets the new status' value.
getValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Gets this bossbar's value.
getValue(Object...) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessage
Gets this message's value.
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Kick
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OfflinePlayer
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OnlinePlayer
getValue(Object...) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
getValues() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Gets this line's values.
getValues() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Gets these titles' values.
getValues(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Gets this line's values for the specified language.
getValues(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Gets these titles's values for the specified language.
getVanillaNames() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Gets the enchantments' Vanilla names.
getVanishedAmount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets the vanished players' amount in the current server.
getVanishedList() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets a list containing the vanished players.
getVanishedList(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets the vanished players' list in the specified world.
getVanishedMap() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets the vanished players' map.
getVanishedNames() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Gets a list containing the vanished players' names.
getVanishedPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Gets the vanished players in this server.
getVanishedPlayers(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Gets the amount of vanished players in the specified server.
getVanishedPlayers(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Gets the amount of vanished players in the specified server.
getVersion() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Gets this player's version.
getVersion() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Gets the current environment's version.
getVersion() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ChatPluginProxyPlayer
getVersion() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Gets the cheater's version.
getVersion() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SuggestedVersionManager
Gets the version suggested to players.
getVersion() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getVersion(int, boolean) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Gets a version from its protocol number.
getVersion(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Gets a version from the specified input.
getVersion(PlayerAdapter) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.version.VersionIntegration
Gets a player's version.
getVersionChange(String, String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Gets the version change by comparing the specified version to another one.
getVersionChange(Configuration, String, String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Gets the version change by comparing the version in the specified configuration to another one.
getVersionName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Gets this MoTD's version name.
getViewers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Gets this GUI's viewers.
getViewers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Gets this GUI's viewers.
getViewers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Gets the list of the loaded players who have this inventory open.
getViolations() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Gets current violations' map.
getViolations(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Gets a list of violations from AnticheatManager.getViolations().
getViolations(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatIntegration
Gets a player's violations' amount for the specified cheat's ID.
getViolationsExpirationTimeout() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Gets the time required for a violation to expire, in milliseconds.
getVolume() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Gets this sound's volume.
getWarning() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.WarningEvent
Gets the warning involved with this event.
getWarning(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Gets a warning from the database.
getWarning(int) - Method in class
Gets a Warning object from the storage.
getWarnings() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
getWelcomeMessage(Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Gets the welcome message for the specified language.
getWelcomeMessages() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Gets the map of loaded welcome messages.
getWhoRemoved() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Gets who removed the entry.
getWhoUnbanned() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Gets who unbanned Ban.getPlayer().
getWhoUnmuted() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Gets who unmuted Mute.getPlayer().
getWhoUnwarned() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.ClearWarningsEvent
Gets the staff member who unwarned the player.
getWhoUnwarned() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Gets who unwarned Warning.getPlayer().
getWordsBlacklist() - Method in class
Gets the list containing the blacklisted words.
getWorld() - Method in interface
Gets this message's origin world.
getWorld() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's world's name.
getWorlds() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
Gets a list of the worlds' names.
getX() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's location's X coordinate.
getX() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Gets this block's X coordinate.
getY() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's location's Y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Gets this block's Y coordinate.
getYAML() - Method in class
Gets this configuration's Yaml object.
getZ() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Gets this player's location's Z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Gets this block's Z coordinate.
GEYSERMC - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the GeyserMC integration.
GIGABYTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Represents a gigabyte (1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).
GNU_TROVE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the GNU Trove library.
GOLD - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
GRAY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
GREATER_THAN - Enum constant in enum class
Checks if the first value is bigger than the second one.
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
Checks if the first value is bigger than or equal to the second one.
GREEN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
GREEN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a green color.
GROUP_ONLY_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the group only action message.
GSON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Gson library.
GUAVA - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Guava library.
GUI - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a GUI handled by the GUIManager.
GUI_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Pattern representing the allowed GUI IDs.
GUIClickEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui
Represents an event called when a player clicks a slot in a GUI.
GUIClickEvent(GUI, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Icon, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIClickEvent
Constructs a new GUI click event.
GUICloseEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui
Represents an event called after a player closes a GUI in a forced way or not.
GUICloseEvent(GUI, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUICloseEvent
Constructs a new GUI close event.
GUIEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui
Represents a GUI-related event.
GUIFiller<T> - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a FillableGUI's slots filler.
GUILayout - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a GUI's layout.
GUILayout.Builder - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents the builder used to create GUILayouts.
GUILD_ONLY_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the guild only action message.
GUIManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Manager that handles GUIs.
GUIManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
GUIOpenEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui
Represents an event called just before a GUI is opened to a player.
GUIOpenEvent(GUI, ChatPluginServerPlayer, int, boolean) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIOpenEvent
Constructs a new GUI open event.
GUIRefreshEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui
Represents the event called after a GUI is refreshed.
GUIRefreshEvent(GUI, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIRefreshEvent
Constructs a new GUI refresh event.


H2 - Enum constant in enum class
H2 database storage method.
H2_DATABASE_ENGINE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the H2 Database Engine library.
handleChatEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Method in interface
Handles and processes a chat event.
handleClickEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Handles and processes a click event.
handleClickEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, int, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Handles and processes a click event.
hasDisplayName() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item has a display name.
hasFakeQuit(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Checks if the specified player has performed a fake quit.
hashCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets this color's hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Gets this material's hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Gets this sender's hash code.
hasItemFlag(ItemFlagAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item has the specified item flag.
hasItemMeta() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item stack has item meta.
hasLore() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item has a lore.
hasPermission(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Checks if this player has the specified permission in their current context (world, dimension...).
hasPermission(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Checks if this command sender has the specified permission.
hasPermission(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Checks if this player has the specified permission.
hasPermission(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.permission.PermissionIntegration
Checks if an offline player has the specified permission.
hasPlayedBefore() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Checks if this player is contained in the DataContainer.PLAYERS data container using StorageConnector.isPlayerStored(OfflinePlayer).
hasPrefix() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Checks if ActionbarManager.getPrefix() should be applied to actionbars.
hasPrefix() - Method in class
Checks if AdManager.getPrefix() should be applied to ads.
hasRangedChatSpyEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Checks if this player has the ranged chat spy enabled.
hasSocialspyEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Checks if this player has socialspy enabled.
hasStarted() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Checks if ChatPlugin has started correctly.
HEARTS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Displays red hearts after the player's name; supports the "{health}" placeholder only.
HELP - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Represents the help message.
HELP - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Represents the help message.
HEX_COLORS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Patterns used to identify hex colors.
hide(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Hides a player from the ones who do not have the VanishManager.VANISH_PERMISSION.
HIDE_ARMOR_TRIM - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides trim upgrades applied to an armor.
HIDE_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides attributes applied to an item.
HIDE_CAN_BE_PLACED_ON - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides what the item can be placed on.
HIDE_CAN_DESTROY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides what the item can destroy.
HIDE_DYE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides a leather armor's color information.
HIDE_ENCHANTMENTS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides enchantments applied to an item.
HIDE_MISCELLANEOUS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides an item's potion effects, book and firework information, map tooltips, patterns of banners and enchantments of enchanted books.
HIDE_UNBREAKABLE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Hides the "Unbreakable" state of an item.
HOUR - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.DateFormat
Represents the hour only date format, specified at misc.simple-date-format.hour in the messages' files.
HoverInfoManager - Class in
Manager that handles hover info in the chat.
HoverInfoManager() - Constructor for class


ICE_TAR - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Ice TAR library.
Icon - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents an icon inside of a GUI.
Icon(String, IconType, MaterialAdapter, ValueContainer<Short>, short, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Constructs a new icon specifying only the essential options and assuming the others as their default values.
Icon(String, IconType, MaterialAdapter, ValueContainer<Short>, short, boolean, boolean, int, String, String, Color, List<String>, List<ItemFlagAdapter>, Map<Language, String>, Map<Language, List<String>>, Map<EnchantmentAdapter, Integer>) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Constructs a new icon specifying all the available options.
Icon(Icon) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Constructs a new icon specifying another icon's values.
ICON_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Pattern representing the allowed icon IDs.
IconLayout - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a IconType.GENERATED icon's layout inside of a FillableGUI.
IconLayout(String, MaterialAdapter, boolean, boolean, ValueContainer<Short>, short) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Constructs a new icon layout specifying onlt the essential options and assuming the others as their default values.
IconLayout(String, MaterialAdapter, ValueContainer<Short>, short, boolean, boolean, String, String, Color, List<String>, List<ItemFlagAdapter>, Map<Language, String>, Map<Language, List<String>>, Map<EnchantmentAdapter, Integer>) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Constructs a new icon layout specifying all the available options.
IconLayout(Configuration, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Reads an icon layout from the specified configuration and path.
IconType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents an icon's type.
ID - Static variable in class
Player's ID.
ID_ALREADY_IN_USE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
The specified ID was already in use by another client.
ID_BASED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.PunishmentPacketType
Represents a packet used to remove a punishment based on its ID.
idBasedPlayerUnban(String, String, long, int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
idBasedPlayerUnmute(String, String, long, int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
ignore(OfflinePlayer, OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Makes the specified player ignore another player.
IGNORED_PLAYERS - Static variable in class
Player's ignored players' IDs.
IgnoreEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player starts ignoring another player.
IgnoreEvent(OfflinePlayer, OfflinePlayer) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new ignore event.
IMPALING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Deals more damage to mobs that live in the ocean.
importData(ItemStackAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Imports all supported data from another item stack.
incrementPlayerStat(PlayersDataType<? extends Number>, OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
INEXISTENT_ID - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the inexistent ID message.
INEXISTENT_ID - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the inexistent ID message.
INFINITY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides infinite arrows when shooting a bow.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Kick
Represents the kick info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Represents the info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Kick
Represents the kick info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Represents the info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Represents the information level.
initialize(Object...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.JARLibraryLoader
Initializes ChatPlugin.
initVersionUtils() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Internal use only.
insertNewBan(Ban) - Method in class
Inserts a new ban in the storage.
insertNewKick(Kick) - Method in class
Inserts a new kick in the storage.
insertNewMessage(LoggedMessage) - Method in class
Inserts a new logged message in the storage.
insertNewMute(Mute) - Method in class
Inserts a new mute in the storage.
insertNewPlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
insertNewPlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Inserts a new player in the storage.
insertNewWarning(Warning) - Method in class
Inserts a new warning in the storage.
InstantEmoji(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instant emoji.
InstantEmojisManager - Class in
Manager that handles InstantEmojisManager.InstantEmojis.
InstantEmojisManager() - Constructor for class
InstantEmojisManager.InstantEmoji - Class in
Represents an instant emoji handled by the InstantEmojisManager.
INTEGER - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Displays a yellow Integer after the player's name.
integerListToStringList(List<Integer>) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Calls String.valueOf(Object) for every element in the specified list.
IntegrationManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration
Manager that handles ChatPluginIntegrations.
IntegrationManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
INTEGRATIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Represents integrations' placeholders (includes also PlaceholderAPI's and MVdWPlaceholderAPI's).
IntegrationType<T extends ChatPluginIntegration> - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration
Class that contains information about plugins which ChatPlugin can interact with.
intValue(List<PlaceholderType>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Translates ValueContainer.value() or ValueContainer.placeholder() into a string containing an integer value.
INVALID_ID - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
The specified ID did not respect ClientHandler.CLIENT_ID_PATTERN.
INVALID_IP_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the invalid IP address message.
INVALID_IP_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the invalid IP address message.
INVALID_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the invalid number message.
InventoryAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) inventory adapter.
InventoryAdapter(int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Constructs an item stack with the given title and rows.
invokeBungeeCordMethod(String, Class<?>[], Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.Utils
Invokes a method of the net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord class reflectively as its API does not expose that class.
IP_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanType
Represents an IP address based ban.
IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class
When the message AntispamManager.containsDisallowedIP(String) and the sender does not have the permission "chatplugin.antispam.bypass".
IP_ADDRESSES - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the players' IP addresses.
IP_LOOKUP - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the IP lookup message.
IP_LOOKUP - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the IP lookup message.
IP_LOOKUP_ACCURACY_RADIUS_KM - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's accuracy radius (in km) component.
IP_LOOKUP_ACCURACY_RADIUS_MI - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's accuracy radius (in mi) component.
IP_LOOKUP_ACCURACY_RADIUS_NM - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's accuracy radius (in nm) component.
IP_LOOKUP_CITY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's city component.
IP_LOOKUP_CONTINENT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's continent component.
IP_LOOKUP_COUNTRY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's country component.
IP_LOOKUP_COUNTRY_CODE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's country code component.
IP_LOOKUP_ISP - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's ISP component.
IP_LOOKUP_LATITUDE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's latitude component.
IP_LOOKUP_LONGITUDE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's longitude component.
IP_LOOKUP_POSTAL_CODE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's postal code component.
IP_LOOKUP_SUBDIVISIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
IP lookup's subdivisions component.
IPLookup - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup
Represents an IP lookup handled by the IPLookupManager.
IPLookup() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
IPLookupCacheEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup
Represents the event called after an IPLookup is cached into IPLookupManager.getCache().
IPLookupCacheEvent(IPLookup) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup.IPLookupCacheEvent
Constructs a new IP lookup cache event.
IPLookupCleanCacheEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup
Represents the event called just before an IPLookup is removed from IPLookupManager.getCache().
IPLookupCleanCacheEvent(IPLookup) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup.IPLookupCleanCacheEvent
Constructs a new IP lookup clean cache event.
IPLookupEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup
Represents an IPLookup-related event.
IPLookupManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup
Manager that handles IPLookups.
IPLookupManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
IPLookupMethod - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup
Represents an IP lookup's method.
ipLookupRequest(String, InetAddress, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Makes an IP lookup request to the proxy.
ipLookupResponse(String, InetAddress, String, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Internal use only.
IPV4_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Pattern representing the allowed IPv4s.
isActive() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Checks if this ban is active at the moment.
isActive() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Checks if this mute is active at the moment.
isActive() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Checks if this warning is active at the moment.
isAdvancementsIconGlowing() - Method in class
Checks if the glowing effect should be applied to the icon of the advancement displayed to players.
isAmountPunished(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Checks if the specified amount of warnings should be punished.
isAnnounce() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Checks if banwave start messages should be announced.
isAntiBanEvadingSystemEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Checks if the anti ban evading system is enabled.
isAnticheatReason(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Checks if the specified punishment's reason is contained in AnticheatManager.getReasonsStartWith().
isArclight() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Checks if this is an Arclight environment.
isAtLeast(VersionUtils.Version) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Checks if this version is at least as recent as another one.
isAtLeastOneAnticheatEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
Checks if IntegrationType.MATRIX.isEnabled() || IntegrationType.VULCAN.isEnabled() || IntegrationType.NEGATIVITY.isEnabled().
isAtSignRequired() - Method in class
Checks if @ in front of player names is required to ping them; example: "@Remigio07".
isAvailableOnProxy() - Method in enum class
Checks if this configuration is available on the proxy implementation of the plugin.
isBanned(InetAddress, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Checks if an IP address is banned in the specified server.
isBanned(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Checks if a player is banned in the specified server.
isBannedPlayerMoTDEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if a custom MoTD should be displayed to banned players.
isBanwaveReason(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Checks if the specified banwave entry's reason is contained in BanwaveManager.getReasonsStartWith().
isBedrockPlayer() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Checks if this player is connected through IntegrationType.GEYSERMC.
isBedrockPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ChatPluginProxyPlayer
isBedrockPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
isBedrockPlayer(UUID) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Checks if the specified player is connected through IntegrationType.GEYSERMC.
isBedrockPlayer(PlayerAdapter) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.multiplatform.MultiPlatformIntegration
Checks if the specified player is connected through IntegrationType.GEYSERMC.
isBukkit() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Checks if the current environment is Bukkit.
isBungeeCord() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Checks if the current environment is BungeeCord.
isCancelled() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.CancellableEvent
Checks if this event has been cancelled and will not be executed.
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.EmbedMessageSendEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.PlainMessageSendEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.StatusUpdateEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup.IPLookupCleanCacheEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginCrashEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.MessageSendEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.StatusUpdateEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar.ActionbarSendEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar.BossbarSendEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername.F3ServerNameSendEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIClickEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIOpenEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick.FakeKickEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardAddPlayerEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist.TablistSendEvent
isChatColorCommandEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if /chatcolor should be enabled.
isChatMuted() - Method in class
Checks if the chat is globally muted.
isColorCode(char) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Checks if the specified character is a valid color code.
isColorString(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Checks if the specified string contains color codes.
isConnected() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Checks if this client is currently connected to the server.
isConsole() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Checks if this command sender is the console or a command block.
isCustomIconDisplayed() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Checks if the favicon found at MoTD.getCustomIconURL() should be displayed.
isDatabase() - Method in enum class
Checks if this is a database storage method.
isDebug() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Checks if the debug mode is enabled.
isDefaultColor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Checks if this is a default color.
isDefaultGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Checks if bans should be global by default.
isDefaultGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Checks if mutes should be global by default.
isDefaultGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Checks if warnings should be global by default.
isDefaultHTTPS() - Method in class
Checks if "https://" should be automatically applied to URLs sent in the chat.
isDenied() - Method in interface
Checks if the message has been blocked by a DenyChatReasonHandler.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessage
Checks if this message is enabled and should be sent.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
isEnabled() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.ChatPluginIntegration
Checks if this integration is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Checks if this integration is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTDManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessage
Checks if this message is enabled and should be sent.
isEnabled() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SuggestedVersionManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Checks if the language detector is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Checks if this manager is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
isEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
isEnchanted() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item stack has any enchantments.
isFlameCord() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Checks if this is a FlameCord environment.
isFlatFile() - Method in enum class
Checks if this is a flat-file storage method.
isFloat(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified input is a valid float using Float.parseFloat(String).
isFormatCode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Checks if this is a format code.
isFormatCode(char) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Checks if the specified character is a valid format code.
isForwardProxyCommands() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Checks if commands set in the proxy's config should be forwarded to the servers under the network.
isGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Checks if this ban affects all servers inside of the network.
isGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Checks if this entry affects all servers inside of the network.
isGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Checks if this mute affects all servers inside of the network.
isGlobal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Checks if this warning affects all servers inside of the network.
isGlobal() - Method in interface
Checks whether this message has been sent using the global chat mode.
isGlobal() - Method in class
Checks whether the message has been sent using the global chat mode.
isGlobalModeEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if messages will be considered global when they start with RangedChatManager.getGlobalModePrefix().
isGlowing() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Checks if the glowing effect should be applied to this icon.
isGlowing() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Checks if the glowing effect should be applied to this icon layout.
isGlowing() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item has the glowing effect (when ItemStackAdapter.isEnchanted() and ItemStackAdapter.getItemFlags() contains ItemFlagAdapter.HIDE_ENCHANTMENTS).
isHidden() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.Actionbar
Checks if this actionbar is hidden.
isHidden() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Checks if this bossbar is hidden.
isHidden() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Checks if this bossbar is hidden.
isHoverDisplayed() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Checks if MoTD.getHover() should be displayed.
isInCombat(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.combatlog.CombatLogIntegration
Checks if a player is currently in combat (tagged).
isInline() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Checks if this field is inline.
isInRegion(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.region.RegionIntegration
Checks if a player is inside of a protected region.
isInsideEU() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Checks if this lookup's position is inside the European Union.
isInteger(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified input is a valid integer using Integer.parseInt(String).
isInvisibility() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Checks if invisibility should be applied to vanished players.
isIPLookupEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Checks if IP lookups of every IP address should be performed when checking accounts.
isIPsPreventionEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if the antispam should prevent disallowed IP addresses from being sent.
isKeepOpen() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Checks if the GUI should be kept open when this icon is clicked.
isKeepOpen() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Checks if the GUI should be kept open when this icon layout is clicked.
isLeatherArmor() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item is a dyeable leather armor.
isLeetFilterEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if the antispam should consider leetspeak when checking if a message AntispamManager.containsBlacklistedWord(String).
isLoaded() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Checks if ChatPlugin has finished (re)loading.
isLoaded() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Checks if this player is loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Checks if this player is loaded by the PlayerManager.
isLoaded() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Checks if this GUI is loaded and is ready to be shown to players.
isLoaded() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Checks if this command sender is a player and loaded.
isLoadingBossbarEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if an animation should be shown while loading the bossbar when a player joins.
isLoadOnJoin() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Checks if a lookup should be performed every time a player joins.
isLong(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified input is a valid long using Long.parseLong(String).
isMajor() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Checks if this is a major version change.
isMaxPlayersPlusOneEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if one player more than the online players' amount should be displayed instead of ServerMoTDManager.getMaxPlayersFixedValue() as the max players' count when version names are not displayed.
isMessageWhitelisted(String) - Method in class
Checks if a message is whitelisted.
isMinor() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Checks if this is a minor version change.
isMuted(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Checks if a player is muted in the specified server.
isNumber(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified input is a valid number using Double.parseDouble(String).
IsolatedClassLoader - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Class used to load ChatPlugin's libraries that require to be isolated from the server's code.
isOlderThan(VersionUtils.Version) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Checks if this version is older than another one.
isOnline() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Checks if this player is online.
isOnlineMode() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Checks if ChatPlugin is running on online mode.
isOpenActions() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIOpenEvent
Checks if open actions have been performed while opening.
isOutdatedVersionMoTDEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
Checks if a custom MoTD should be displayed to players with an outdated version.
isPaper() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Checks if this is a Paper environment.
isPatch() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Checks if this is a patch version change.
isPerformOnFirstJoin() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.AccountCheckManager
Checks if an account check should be performed the first time a (new) player joins.
isPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Checks if this command sender is a player.
isPlayerHead() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Checks if this item is a player head.
isPlayerHoverEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if info should be displayed when hovering over a player's name in the chat.
isPlayerIPStored(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Checks if a player's IP address is stored in the storage.
isPlayerStored(int) - Method in class
Checks if a player is stored in the storage.
isPlayerStored(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Checks if a player is stored in the storage.
isPositiveInteger(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified input is a positive integer using Integer.parseInt(String).
isPositiveLong(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified input is a positive long using Long.parseLong(String).
isPremium() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Checks if a licensed copy of ChatPlugin is running.
isPremiumAccount() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Checks if the specified player corresponds to a registered premium username.
isPreNettyRewrite() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Checks if this version is a pre-Netty rewrite version.
isPrintToLogFile() - Method in class
Checks if messages should be printed to LogManager.getFile().
isProxy() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Checks if the current environment is a proxy (BungeeCord or Velocity).
isPurpur() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Checks if this is a Purpur environment.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Checks if the actionbars should be sent in a random order.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class
Checks if the ads should be sent in a random order.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if the bossbars should be sent in a random order.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Checks if the F3 server names should be sent in a random order.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Checks if the values should be sent in a random order.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Checks if the values should be sent in a random order.
isRandomOrder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Checks if the tablists should be sent in a random order.
isRankHoverEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if info should be displayed when hovering over a player's rank in the chat.
isReloadable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
isReloadable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
isReloadable() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
Checks if this manager will be reloaded on a plugin reload.
isReloadable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
isReloading() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Checks if a reload is being performed.
isRunning() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Checks if a banwave is being executed.
isSendAnyway() - Method in class
Checks if formatted messages should be always sent, even if players do not have the permission "chatplugin.formatted-chat".
isSilent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Checks if this entry is silent.
isSilent() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Checks if this punishment is silent.
isSocialspyOnJoinEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if socialspy should be enabled for players who join the server and have the permission "chatplugin.commands.socialspy".
isSortingEnabled() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Checks if ranks should be sorted in the tablist.
isSortingFromTablistTop() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Checks if ranks should be sorted from the top of the tablist.
isSoundEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if AdManager.getSound() should be played when sending ads.
isSoundEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if players should hear a sound when pinged.
isSoundEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if players should hear a sound when receiving a private message.
isSpigot() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Checks if this is a Spigot environment.
isSponge() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Checks if the current environment is Sponge.
isSpyOnJoinEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if the ranged chat spy should be enabled for players who join the server and have the permission "chatplugin.commands.rangedchatspy".
isSupported() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Checks if this version change is supported.
isSupported() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.NumbersDisplayMode
Checks if this numbers display mode is supported on VersionUtils.getVersion().
isSupported() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Checks if this color is supported on VersionUtils.getVersion().
isSupported() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Checks if this style is supported on VersionUtils.getVersion().
isURLHoverEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if text should be displayed when hovering over a URL in the chat.
isURLsPreventionEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if the antispam should prevent disallowed URLs from being sent.
isUseLoopbackAddress() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
Checks if the server socket's address should be InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() instead of InetAddress.getLocalHost().
isUsingStaffChat(UUID) - Method in class
Checks if the specified player has the Staff chat mode enabled.
isValid() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Checks if this lookup is valid.
isValidActionbarID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid actionbar ID.
isValidAdID(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified String is a valid ad ID.
isValidBossbarID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid bossbar ID.
isValidClientID(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Checks if the specified String is a valid client ID.
isValidF3ServerNameID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid F3 server name ID.
isValidGUIID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid GUI ID.
isValidIconID(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Checks if the specified String is a valid icon ID.
isValidIPv4(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified String is a valid IPv4.
isValidLanguageID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid language ID.
isValidPerPlayerGUIID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid per-player GUI ID.
isValidRankID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid rank ID.
isValidScoreboardID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid scoreboard ID.
isValidServerID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid server ID.
isValidTablistID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Checks if the specified String is a valid tablist ID.
isValidUsername(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Checks if the specified String is a valid username.
isVanished() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
isVanished() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Checks if this player is vanished.
isVanished(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Checks if a player is vanished.
isVelocity() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Checks if the current environment is Velocity.
isVersionNameDisplayed() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Checks if MoTD.getVersionName() should be displayed.
isVisible() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Checks if this bossbar is visible.
isWarned(OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Checks if a player is warned in the specified server.
isWaterfall() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
Checks if this is a Waterfall environment.
isWorldEnabled(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if a world is contained in the enabled worlds' list.
isWorldEnabled(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Checks if a world is contained in the enabled worlds' list.
ITALIC - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
ItemFlagAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) item flag adapter.
ItemStackAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) item stack adapter.
ItemStackAdapter(MaterialAdapter) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Constructs an item stack with the given material, default amount of 1 and default damage of 0.
ItemStackAdapter(MaterialAdapter, short) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Constructs an item stack with the given material and amount and default damage of 0.
ItemStackAdapter(MaterialAdapter, short, short) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Constructs an item stack with the given material, amount and damage.
ItemStackAdapter(ItemStack) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Constructs an item stack with the given ItemStack.
ItemStackAdapter(ItemStack) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Constructs an item stack with the given ItemStack.


J2OBJC_ANNOTATIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the J2ObjC Annotations library.
JACKSON_ANNOTATIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Jackson Annotations library.
JACKSON_CORE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Jackson Core library.
JACKSON_DATABIND - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Jackson Databind library.
JAR_RELOCATOR - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the JAR Relocator library.
JARLibraryLoader - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Class used to load ChatPlugin's libraries from JAR files.
JAVA - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LoggerType
Represents the Java integrated logger (Logger).
JAVA_NATIVE_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Java Native Access library.
JAVA_TELEGRAM_BOT_API - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Java Telegram Bot API library.
JAVAX_ANNOTATION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Javax Annotation library.
JDA - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the JDA library.
jdaValue(List<FieldAdapter>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter.Parser
This method returns a list containing converted values of the specified adapters just by iterating over them and calling FieldAdapter.Parser.jdaValue(FieldAdapter) every time.
jdaValue(FieldAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter.Parser
Gets the equivalent JDA's net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageEmbed.Field.
JETBRAINS_ANNOTATIONS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Jetbrains Annotations library.
JOIN - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player joins.
JOIN_QUIT_MODULES - Enum constant in enum class
Join/quit modules' configuration file.
JoinMessageManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles join messages.
JoinMessageManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
JoinQuit() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.JoinQuit
JoinTitleManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles join titles.
JoinTitleManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
JSON - Enum constant in enum class
JSON flat-file storage method.
JSON_SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the JSON.simple library.
JUST_NAME - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Will translate only the {player} placeholder.


kick(ChatPluginPlayer, String, String, String, String, KickType, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
Kicks a player.
Kick - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick
Represents a kick handled by the KickManager.
KICK - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickType
Represents a kick/ban message displayed when the player gets kicked.
KICK_REASON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Kick's reason component.
KICK_SILENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Kick's silent message component.
KICK_TYPE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Kick's type message component.
KICKED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Kick
Represents the kick kicked message.
KICKED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Kick
Represents the kick kicked message.
KickEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.kick
Represents the event called after a kick gets processed.
KickEvent(Kick) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.kick.KickEvent
Constructs a new kick event.
KickManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick
Manager that handles Kicks and interacts with the storage.
KickManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickManager
KICKS - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the kicks' data.
KICKS - Static variable in class
Player's kicks' amount.
KickType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick
Represents a kick message type.
KILOBYTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Represents a kilobyte (1024 bytes).
kilometersToMiles(long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Converts the specified kilometers to miles.
kilometersToNauticalMiles(long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Converts the specified kilometers to nautical miles.
KNOCKBACK - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
All damage to other targets will knock them back when hit.
KOTLIN_STDLIB - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Kotlin Stdlib library.


Language - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language
Represents a language handled by the LanguageManager.
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class
Player's language's ID.
LANGUAGE_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Pattern representing the allowed language IDs.
LanguageChangeEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.language
Represents an event called after a player's language is changed.
LanguageChangeEvent(OfflinePlayer, Language) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.language.LanguageChangeEvent
Constructs a new language change event.
LanguageDetectionMethod - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language
Represents a language detection's method.
LanguageDetector - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language
Represents the language detector used by ChatPlugin.
LanguageDetector() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
LanguageManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language
Manager that handles Languages.
LanguageManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
LANGUAGES_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Languages GUI's configuration file.
LAST_LOGOUT - Static variable in class
Player's last logout time, in milliseconds.
LESS_THAN - Enum constant in enum class
Checks if the first value is smaller than the second one.
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
Checks if the first value is smaller than or equal to the second one.
LEVEL_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player changes their level.
LIBRARIES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Array containing all the libraries required for this module to work.
LIBRARIES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Array containing all the libraries required for this module to work.
LIBRARIES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Array containing all the libraries required for this module to work.
Library - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Represents the libraries used by ChatPlugin.
Library.Relocation - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Relocation util used to relocate libraries.
LIGHT_PURPLE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Light purple.
LINE_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines
String containing the "line too long" text indicator.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban list message.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute list message.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning list message.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban list message.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute list message.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning list message.
LISTENING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Used to indicate that the activity should display as "Listening...".
LivingEntityAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) living entity adapter.
LivingEntityAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Constructs a living entity adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: LivingEntity for Bukkit environments Living for Sponge environments
load() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Loads the Discord bot.
load() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.ChatPluginIntegration
Loads this integration and enable it if present in the server.
load() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in class
Loads (or reloads) this connector.
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
Loads the Telegram bot.
load() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
Loads (or reloads) this manager.
load() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
load() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
load() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
load() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Loads the language detector.
load() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
load(File) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.IsolatedClassLoader
Loads a library contained in the specified JAR file.
load(File) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.JARLibraryLoader
Loads a library contained in the specified JAR file.
loadAll() - Method in class
Loads every internal configuration from its file.
loadManagers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Initializes every manager in the loaded managers map.
loadOnlinePlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
Loads all online players in the network (if run on a proxy) or in an enabled world (if run on a server).
loadPlayer(PlayerAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
loadPlayer(PlayerAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupMethod
A local request handled by the local database.
LOCALE_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player changes their language.
LocalIPLookupManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup
Manager that handles IPLookup requests to the local database.
LocalIPLookupManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup
Represents the type of a local database.
log(String, int, Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Logs a message and writes it to file.
LoggedMessage - Interface in
Represents a logged message.
LoggedPrivateMessage - Interface in
Represents a logged private message handled by the PrivateMessagesManager.
LoggedPublicMessage - Interface in
Represents a logged public message handled by the ChatManager.
LOGGING_INTERCEPTOR - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Logging Interceptor library.
LogManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Manager that handles logging, the log file and the debug mode.
LogManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
LogManager.LoggerType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Represents a logger type.
LogManager.LogLevel - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Represents a log level.
logMessage(String, LogManager.LogLevel, Object...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Logs a message and writes it to file.
logPrivateMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer, OfflinePlayer, String, DenyChatReason<?>) - Method in class
Logs a player's private message and inserts it into DataContainer.PRIVATE_MESSAGES.
logPublicMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean, DenyChatReason<?>) - Method in class
Logs a player's public message and inserts it into DataContainer.PUBLIC_MESSAGES.
longValue(List<PlaceholderType>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Translates ValueContainer.value() or ValueContainer.placeholder() into a string containing a long value.
LOOTING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides a chance of gaining extra loot when killing monsters.
LOYALTY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Causes a thrown trident to return to the player who threw it.
LUCK_OF_THE_SEA - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Decreases odds of catching worthless junk.
LUCKPERMS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the LuckPerms integration.
LURE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases rate of fish biting your hook.


MAIN_FOLDER - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
File that indicates the current drive's main folder.
MAIN_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Main GUI's configuration file.
MAJOR_DOWNGRADE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a major version downgrade (X.x.x).
MAJOR_UPGRADE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a major version upgrade (X.x.x).
MaterialAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) material adapter.
MaterialAdapter(String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Constructs a material adapter that accepts a Bukkit's Material or Sponge's ItemTypes compatible material ID as input.
MATRIX - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the Matrix integration.
MAX_LINE_LENGTH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines
Value representing the max line length.
MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Value representing the max title length.
MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Value representing the max title length.
MAXMIND_DB_READER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the MaxMind DB Reader library.
MAXMIND_GEOIP2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the MaxMind GeoIP2 library.
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.player - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.player
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.banwave
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.kick - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.kick
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.multiplatform - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.multiplatform
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.permission - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.permission
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.version - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.version
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning - package - package - package - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar - package - package - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.language - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.language
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.socket
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.combatlog - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.combatlog
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.cosmetics - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.cosmetics
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.economy - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.economy
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.placeholder - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.placeholder
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.region - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.region - package
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket
me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap - package me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
MEGABYTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Represents a megabyte (1024 * 1024 bytes).
MEMORY_DEFAULT_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Memory default format's component.
MEMORY_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Memory format's component.
MemoryUtils - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Util class that contains methods to convert memory units of measure.
MENDING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Allows mending the item using experience orbs.
MessagePacketType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type
Represents the type of a packet sent through the PlayerMessage or the PlayerDisconnect subchannel.
Messages() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class
Default language's messages' file.
MESSAGES_SENT - Static variable in class
Player's messages sent amount.
MessageSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram
Represents the event called just before a message is sent through the TelegramBot.
MessageSendEvent(long, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.MessageSendEvent
Constructs a new message send event.
minimumBukkitVersion() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.GameFeature
Gets the minimum Vanilla version required to run this feature on a Bukkit environment.
minimumSpongeVersion() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.GameFeature
Gets the minimum Vanilla version required to run this feature on a Sponge environment.
MINOR_DOWNGRADE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a minor version downgrade (x.X.x).
MINOR_UPGRADE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a minor version upgrade (x.X.x).
Misc() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Misc
MoTD - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd
Represents a MoTD handled by the MoTDManager.
MoTD(String, String, String, URL, boolean, boolean, boolean, ValueContainer<Integer>, ValueContainer<Integer>) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Constructs a new MoTD.
MOTD - Enum constant in enum class
MoTD's configuration file.
MoTDManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd
Manager that handles MoTDs.
MoTDManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTDManager
motdRequest(String, InetAddress, int, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Makes a MoTD request to the proxy for the specified IP address.
motdResponse(String, InetAddress, String, String, String, URL, boolean, boolean, boolean, ValueContainer<Integer>, ValueContainer<Integer>) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Internal use only.
MultiPlatformIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.multiplatform
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check if a PlayerAdapter is connected through a Bedrock client.
MULTISHOT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Shoot multiple arrows from crossbows.
mute(OfflinePlayer, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Mutes a player.
Mute - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute
Represents a mute handled by the MuteManager.
MUTE - Static variable in class
MUTE_ACTIVE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Mute's active message component.
MUTE_GLOBAL_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Mute's global message component.
MUTE_REASON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Mute's reason component.
MUTE_SILENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Mute's silent message component.
MUTEALL - Static variable in class
MUTED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute muted message.
MUTED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute muted message.
MuteEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute
Represents the event called after a mute gets processed.
MuteEvent(Mute) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute.MuteEvent
Constructs a new mute event.
MUTELIST_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Mutelist GUI's configuration file.
MuteManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute
Manager that handles Mutes and interacts with the storage.
MuteManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
MUTES - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the mutes' data.
MUTES - Static variable in class
Player's mutes' amount.
MuteUpdateEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute
Represents the event called after a mute gets updated.
MuteUpdateEvent(Mute, Mute) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute.MuteUpdateEvent
Constructs a new mute update event.
MVDWPLACEHOLDERAPI - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the MVdWPlaceholderAPI integration.
MYSQL - Enum constant in enum class
MySQL database storage method.
MYSQL_CONNECTOR_J - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the MySQL Connector/J library.


name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType's equivalent.
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
Equivalent of
name() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.GameFeature
Gets this feature's name.
NEGATIVITY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the Negativity integration.
newEmbedMessage(String, String, String, List<FieldAdapter>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Color) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Gets a new embed message.
newEmbedMessage(List<String>, List<FieldAdapter>) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Gets a new embed message.
NIL_UUID - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
UUID representing the nil UUID.
NO_LANGUAGES - Static variable in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ServerImplementationOnly
String useful to avoid text repetition in each annotation.
NO_PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Represents the no permission message.
NO_PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the no permission message.
NO_PLUGIN_MESSAGE - Static variable in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ProxyImplementationOnly
String useful to avoid text repetition in each annotation.
NO_PLUGIN_MESSAGE - Static variable in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ServerImplementationOnly
String useful to avoid text repetition in each annotation.
NOT_APPLICABLE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
String containing the "not applicable" text indicator.
NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
Checks for inequality between two values.
NotNull - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation
Annotation used to indicate that the annotated element must not be null after construction has completed.
NULL - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a null version change (x.x.x).
NULL_TABLIST - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Tablist used to reset a player's header and footer.
Nullable - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation
Annotation used to indicate that the annotated element could be null under some circustances.
numberListToIntegerList(List<Number>) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Calls Number.intValue() for every element in the specified list.
NumbersDisplayMode - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents the display mode of ScoreboardNumbers: default, only zeros and custom text.
NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDERS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.MessagePacketType
Represents a message composed of a path (which points to a message in messages' files) and placeholders that will be translated using Utils.numericPlaceholders(String, Object...).
numericPlaceholders(String, Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Replaces numeric placeholders in a string with the given arguments: {0} will be replaced with args[0] {1} will be replaced with args[1] {7} will be replaced with args[7] ...and so on.
numericPlaceholders(List<String>, Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Calls Utils.numericPlaceholders(String, Object...) for every string in the specified list.
numericPlaceholdersPlayerDisconnect(String, UUID, String, Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Disconnects a player specifying a MessagePacketType.NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDERS message as the kick's reason.
numericPlaceholdersPlayerMessage(String, String, String, boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Sends a MessagePacketType.NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDERS message to the specified target(s).
NV_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the NV WebSocket Client library.


OBFUSCATED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
ObjectiveAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) objective adapter.
ObjectiveAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.ObjectiveAdapter
Constructs an objective adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: Objective for Bukkit environments Objective for Sponge environments
of(Color) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets a chat color from given Color.
of(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets a chat color from given hex color code.
OfflinePlayer - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player
Represents an offline player.
OfflinePlayer(String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets an offline player by their name.
OfflinePlayer(UUID) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets an offline player by their UUID.
OfflinePlayer(UUID, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Constructs an offline player using given UUID and name.
OfflinePlayer(PlayerAdapter) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Constructs an offline player using an existing PlayerAdapter's UUID and name.
OfflinePlayer(CommandSenderAdapter) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Constructs an offline player using an existing CommandSenderAdapter's UUID and name.
OfflinePlayerEvent - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.player
Represents an OfflinePlayer-related event.
OKHTTP - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the OkHttp library.
OKIO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Okio library.
onDisable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BukkitBootstrapper
onDisable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BungeeCordBootstrapper
ONE_MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval
Represents a one minute time interval (1m).
onEnable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BukkitBootstrapper
onEnable() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.BungeeCordBootstrapper
onGameStartedServer(GameStartedServerEvent) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.SpongeBootstrapper
Event automatically called on server startup.
onGameStoppedServer(GameStoppedServerEvent) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.SpongeBootstrapper
Event automatically called on server shutdown.
ONLY_ZEROS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.NumbersDisplayMode
Scores will use red zeros for every line.
onProxyInitialize(ProxyInitializeEvent) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.VelocityBootstrapper
Event automatically called on proxy startup.
open(ChatPluginServerPlayer, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Opens this GUI to the specified player.
open(ChatPluginServerPlayer, int, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Opens this GUI to the specified player.
OPEN_URL - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Opens the URL in the player's browser.
OpenActions - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents the actions performed on GUIs' openings.
OpenActions(Map<Language, String>, SoundAdapter) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.OpenActions
Constructs a new instance of this class.
OpenActions(Configuration) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.OpenActions
Constructs a new instance of this class passing values found at "" - for OpenActions.getMessages() "" - for OpenActions.getSound() to OpenActions(Map, SoundAdapter).
openInventory(InventoryAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Opens an inventory to this player.
OPTION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the Option library.
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().
ordinal() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
Equivalent of Enum.ordinal().


PacketDeserializer - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Util class used to deserialize packets sent through the proxy.
PacketDeserializer(byte[]) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Initializes this packet deserializer.
Packets - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Class used to create packets using PacketSerializer.
Packets() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets
Packets.JoinQuit - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Contains packets used to inform the servers about players' joins and quits.
Packets.Messages - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Contains packets used to send messages to players.
Packets.Misc - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Internal use only.
Packets.Punishments - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Internal use only.
Packets.Sync - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Contains packets used to synchronize servers with the proxy.
PacketScope - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Annotation used in Packets to indicate a packet's scope.
PacketScope.Scope - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Represents a packet's scope.
PacketSerializer - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Util class used to serialize packets sent through the proxy.
PacketSerializer(String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Initializes this packet serializer.
PAGE_SWITCHER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconType
Represents one of the IconType.PAGE_SWITCHER_ICONS_IDS.
PAGE_SWITCHER_ICONS_IDS - Static variable in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconType
List containing page switcher icons' IDs in FillableGUIs.
Parser() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter.Parser
PATCH_DOWNGRADE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a patch version downgrade (x.x.X).
PATCH_UPGRADE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Represents a patch version upgrade (x.x.X).
PER_PLAYER_GUI_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUIManager
Pattern representing the allowed per-player GUI IDs.
perform(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.OpenActions
Performs these open actions.
performPing(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean) - Method in class
Pings every loaded player contained in message and returns the message with their names colored using PlayerPingManager.getColor().
PermissionIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.permission
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check an OfflinePlayer's permissions.
PerPlayerGUI - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a GUI obtained through GUIManager.createPerPlayerGUI(GUILayout, ChatPluginServerPlayer) that features a player and a task ID that unloads the GUI after GUIManager.getPerPlayerGUIsUnloadTime() of inactivity (GUIOpenEvent, GUIClickEvent).
PIERCING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Crossbow projectiles pierce entities.
PingManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Manager that handles loaded players' pings.
PingManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
PingManager.PingQuality - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Represents a ping quality.
PingQuality(String, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager.PingQuality
Constructs a new ping quality.
PINK - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a pink color.
placeholder() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Gets this container's placeholder.
PLACEHOLDERAPI - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the PlaceholderAPI integration.
PlaceholderIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.placeholder
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration that translates placeholders for a ChatPluginServerPlayer.
PlaceholderManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Manager that handles ChatPlugin's integrated (and its integrations') placeholders.
PlaceholderManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with an IP lookup's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a ban's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a banwave entry's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.Kick
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a kick's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a mute's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a warning's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in interface
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a logged private message's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in interface
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a logged public message's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.Violation
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a violation's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a packet's information.
PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.Rank
Array containing all available placeholders that can be translated with a rank's information.
PlaceholderType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util
Represents all ChatPlugin's integrated placeholders plus PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI extensions.
PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.DiscordMessagePacketType
Represents a plain message sent through the bot using DiscordBot.sendPlainMessage(long, String).
PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.MessagePacketType
Represents a plain message.
plainDiscordMessage(String, String, long, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Sends a DiscordMessagePacketType.PLAIN message to the specified Discord channel.
PlainMessageSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord
Represents the event called just before a plain message is sent through the DiscordBot.
PlainMessageSendEvent(long, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.PlainMessageSendEvent
Constructs a new plain message send event.
plainPlayerDisconnect(String, UUID, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Disconnects a player specifying a MessagePacketType.PLAIN message as the kick's reason.
plainPlayerMessage(String, String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Sends a MessagePacketType.PLAIN message to the specified target(s).
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.SilentTeleportPacketType
Represents a packet used to teleport a player to another player.
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Represents player-related placeholders.
PLAYER_BASED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.PunishmentPacketType
Represents a packet used to remove a punishment based on its player.
PLAYER_INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OnlinePlayer
Not available yet.
PLAYER_INFO - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OnlinePlayer
Not available yet.
PLAYER_INFO_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Player info GUI's configuration file.
PLAYER_IP - Static variable in class
Player's last IP address.
PLAYER_NAME - Static variable in class
Player's name.
PLAYER_PUNISHMENTS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OfflinePlayer
Not available yet.
PLAYER_PUNISHMENTS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OfflinePlayer
Not available yet.
PLAYER_PUNISHMENTS_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Player punishments GUI's configuration file.
PLAYER_UUID - Static variable in class
Player's UUID.
PLAYER_VIOLATIONS_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Player violations GUI's configuration file.
PlayerAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) player adapter.
PlayerAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Constructs a player adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: Player for Bukkit environments Player for Sponge environments ProxiedPlayer for BungeeCord environments Player for Velocity environments
playerBan(String, int, UUID, String, InetAddress, String, String, BanType, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
playerBasedPlayerUnban(String, String, long, UUID, String, InetAddress, BanType) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
playerBasedPlayerUnmute(String, String, long, UUID, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
PlayerBossbar - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar
Represents a ChatPluginServerPlayer's displayed bossbar.
playerClearWarnings(String, UUID, String, String, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
PlayerFirstJoinEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player
Represents the event called after a ChatPluginServerPlayer has joined for the first time.
PlayerFirstJoinEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.PlayerFirstJoinEvent
Constructs a new player first join event.
PlayerIgnoreManager - Class in
Manager that handles messages sent by players ignored by other players.
PlayerIgnoreManager() - Constructor for class
playerJoin(String, UUID, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.JoinQuit
Makes the target server load the specified player and send their join's message.
playerKick(String, int, UUID, String, InetAddress, String, String, String, KickType, long, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
PlayerManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player
Manager that handles ChatPluginPlayers and OfflinePlayers.
PlayerManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.PlayerManager
playerMute(String, int, UUID, String, String, String, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
PLAYERPARTICLES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the PlayerParticles integration.
PlayerPingEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player gets pinged by another player in the chat.
PlayerPingEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new player ping event.
PlayerPingManager - Class in
Manager that handles player pings in the chat.
PlayerPingManager() - Constructor for class
playerQuit(String, UUID) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.JoinQuit
Internal use only.
playerRemoveLastWarning(String, UUID, String, String, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the players' data.
PlayersDataType<T> - Class in
Represents the data types of DataContainer.PLAYERS used to store information.
playerSilentTeleport(String, UUID, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.JoinQuit
Makes the target server teleport the specified player to another player and enable vanish as soon as they switch servers.
playerSwitch(String, UUID, String, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.JoinQuit
Internal use only.
playerUnwarn(String, int, String, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
playerWarning(String, int, UUID, String, String, String, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
playPingSound(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class
Plays PlayerPingManager.getSound() to the specified player.
playSound(SoundAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Plays a sound to this player.
POWER - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides extra damage when shooting arrows from bows.
PreChatEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player's message gets processed.
PreChatEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new pre chat event.
PREFIX - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library.Relocation
Prefix used for relocation.
prepareEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, Object...) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventScoreboard
Prepares an event for this scoreboard.
prepareStatement(String, Object...) - Method in class
Prepares a statement and passes given parameters to it.
PrePrivateMessageEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player's private message gets processed.
PrePrivateMessageEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, OfflinePlayer, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new pre private message event.
printStartMessage() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Prints the beautiful start message.
PRIVATE_MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the private messages' data.
privateMessage(String, String, UUID, String, UUID, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Internal use only.
PrivateMessageEvent - Class in
Represents a private message-related event.
PrivateMessagesManager - Class in
Manager that handles private messages.
PrivateMessagesManager() - Constructor for class
PROJECTILE_PROTECTION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides protection against projectile damage.
PROTECTION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides protection against environmental damage.
PROTOCOLSUPPORT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the ProtocolSupport integration.
PROXY_TO_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketScope.Scope
Represents a packet sent to a server by the proxy.
ProxyImplementationOnly - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation
Annotation used to indicate that a method contained in a class inside of the me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common (or implementation's me.remigio07.chatplugin.common) package is available on proxy implementations only: BungeeCord and Velocity (plus their forks).
ProxyManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Manager that handles connections and integrations with the proxy.
ProxyManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
ProxyMessageManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager
Manager used to send plugin messages to the servers under the proxy.
ProxyMessageManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
ProxyMoTDManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd
Proxy abstraction of the MoTDManager.
ProxyMoTDManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.motd.ProxyMoTDManager
ProxyPlayerLoadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player
Represents the event called after a ChatPluginProxyPlayer is loaded.
ProxyPlayerLoadEvent(ChatPluginProxyPlayer, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player.ProxyPlayerLoadEvent
Constructs a new proxy player load event.
ProxyPlayerManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player
Manager that handles ChatPluginProxyPlayers.
ProxyPlayerManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
ProxyPlayerUnloadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player
Represents the event called just before a ChatPluginProxyPlayer is unloaded.
ProxyPlayerUnloadEvent(ChatPluginProxyPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.player.ProxyPlayerUnloadEvent
Constructs a new proxy player unload event.
proxyPluginLoad(String, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Internal use only.
PUBLIC_MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the public messages' data.
PublicMessageEvent - Class in
Represents a public message-related event.
PUNCH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Provides a knockback when an entity is hit by an arrow from a bow.
Punishment - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment
Represents a punishment (ban, warning, kick, mute) handled by a PunishmentManager.
PunishmentManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment
Abstract manager that handles Punishments and interacts with the storage.
PunishmentManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
PunishmentPacketType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type
Represents the type of a packet sent through the PlayerUnban, the PlayerUnwarn or the PlayerUnmute subchannel.
Punishments() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
PURPLE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a purple color.
putInCache(InetAddress, IPLookup) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Adds an IP address to IPLookupManager.getCache().


QUICK_CHARGE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Charges crossbows quickly.
QuitMessageManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles quit messages.
QuitMessageManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Represents a quit packet belonging to a player.
QuitPacket() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket


RANDOM - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a random color.
RANDOM - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Displays a random style.
RangedChatManager - Class in
Manager that handles the ranged chat.
RangedChatManager() - Constructor for class
Rank - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank
Represents a rank handled by the RankManager.
RANK_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
Pattern representing the allowed rank IDs.
RankManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank
Manager that handles Ranks.
RankManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankManager
RankPermission - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank
Permission adapter used to prevent compatibility issues between Bukkit's and Sponge's libraries.
RANKS - Enum constant in enum class
Ranks' configuration file.
RankTag - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank
Represents a rank's tag, composed of a prefix, a suffix and a name color.
readBoolean() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next boolean value.
readByte() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next byte value.
readChar() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next character value.
readDouble() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next double value.
readFloat() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next float value.
readInt() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next integer value.
readLong() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next long value.
readShort() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next short value.
readURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Reads the specified URL's content.
readURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher
Reads the content at the specified URL.
readUTF() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next UTF string value.
readUTFArray() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next UTF string array value.
readUUID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketDeserializer
Reads the next UUID value.
receivePluginMessage(byte[]) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Receives a plugin message.
RED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
RED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a red color.
ReflectionBossbarTimer() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager.ReflectionBossbarTimer
refresh() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Refreshes this GUI.
refreshDatabaseFile(LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Refreshes the specified database type's file.
REGION_ENTER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player enters a region.
REGION_LEAVE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player leaves a region.
RegionIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.region
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to determine if a ChatPluginServerPlayer is inside of a protected region.
reload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Reloads ChatPlugin.
reload() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
Reloads this manager.
reload(String, long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Reloads the bot.
RELOAD_END - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Represents the reload end message.
RELOAD_START - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Represents the reload start message.
reloadManagers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Reloads every reloadable manager in the list of loaded managers.
Relocation(String...) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library.Relocation
Constructs a new relocation.
REMOTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupMethod
A remote request from MaxMind's website.
remove() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Removes this bossbar from the server's loaded bossbars.
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.ViolationPacketType
Represents a packet used to remove a violation from a player's violations.
removeActiveCosmetics(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.cosmetics.CosmeticsIntegration
Removes a player's active cosmetics.
removeAndGet(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Creates a copy of the input collection, removes the specified collection's elements and then returns it.
removeBanwaveEntry(String, UUID, String, InetAddress, String, BanType, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Punishments
Internal use only.
REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning removed message.
REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning removed message.
removeEntry(OfflinePlayer, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Removes a banwave entry not yet executed.
removeEntry(DataContainer, int) - Method in class
removeEntry(DataContainer, int) - Method in class
Removes an entry from the specified data container by its ID.
removeFiller(T, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Removes a filler from this GUI.
removeFromArray(String[], String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Creates a copy of the specified array, removes the given string and then returns it.
removeFromCache(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupManager
Removes an IP address from IPLookupManager.getCache().
removeIcon(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout.Builder
Removes one of this builder's icons.
removeIconLayout(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Removes one of the filling function's filler icons' layouts.
removeIPEntry(InetAddress, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Removes a banwave entry not yet executed.
removeItemFlags(ItemFlagAdapter...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Removes item flags from this item.
removeLastWarning(OfflinePlayer, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Removes a player's last active warning.
RemoveLastWarningEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning
Represents the event called after a player's last warning gets removed.
RemoveLastWarningEvent(Warning) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.RemoveLastWarningEvent
Constructs a new remove last warning event.
removePlayer(UUID) - Method in class
Removes a player from StaffChatManager.getPlayers().
removePlayer(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Removes a player from Scoreboard.getPlayers().
removePlayer(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Remove a player from the bossbar's players list.
removePlayerViolation(String, UUID, String, IntegrationType<AnticheatIntegration>, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync
Removes violations of a certain type for the specified player using a packet of type ViolationPacketType.REMOVE.
removeViolation(OfflinePlayer, IntegrationType<AnticheatIntegration>, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat.AnticheatManager
Removes a violation from AnticheatManager.getViolations().
RenderType - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix
Represents the tablist's custom suffixes' render type.
RequiredIntegration - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration
Annotation used to indicate that a field or a method depends on a ChatPluginIntegration to work.
RESET - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
RESOURCE_PACK_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player changes their resource pack's status.
ResourcePackStatusAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) resource pack status adapter.
RESPAWN - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Event triggered when a player respawns.
RESPIRATION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Decreases the rate of air loss whilst underwater.
reverse(char[]) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Reverses the specified char array.
RIPTIDE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
When it is rainy, launches the player in the direction their trident is thrown.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordIntegrationManager
Automatic status updater, called once every DiscordIntegrationManager.getStatusUpdateTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveManager
Automatic banwave executor, called once every BanwaveManager.getTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
Automatic status updater, called once every TelegramIntegrationManager.getStatusUpdateTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Internal use only; do not call this method.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.Server
Internal use only; do not call this method.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Automatic actionbar sender, called once every ActionbarManager.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class
Automatic ad sender, called once every AdManager.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager.ReflectionBossbarTimer
Automatic reflection bossbar sender, called once every BossbarManager.getReflectionWitherTeleportationTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Automatic bossbar sender, called once every BossbarManager.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Automatic F3 server name sender, called once every F3ServerNameManager.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
Automatic line sender, called once every ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
Automatic color updater, called once every ScoreboardNumbers.getCustomTextColorsCycleTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
Automatic title sender, called once every ScoreboardTitles.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Automatic custom suffixes updater, called once every TablistManager.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Automatic tablist sender, called once every TablistManager.getSendingTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager
Automatic online players' ping updater, called once every PingManager.getUpdateTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Storage's placeholders updater, called once every in config.yml.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
Automatic server's TPS updater, called once every TPSManager.getUpdateTimeout() ms.
run() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Internal use only; do not call this method.
runAsync(Runnable, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Runs an asynchronous task on a new thread.
runConsoleCommand(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Runs a command from the console.
runSync(Runnable, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Runs a synchronous task on the main thread.


safeGet(String, int, T, Object...) - Method in class
safeGet(String, String, T, Object...) - Method in class
save() - Method in class
saveAll() - Method in class
Saves every internal configuration to its file.
scheduleAsync(Runnable, long, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Schedules an asynchronous task on a new thread.
scheduleSync(Runnable, long, long) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
Schedules a synchronous task on the main thread.
Scoreboard - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents a scoreboard handled by the ScoreboardManager.
Scoreboard() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
SCOREBOARD_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
Pattern representing the allowed scoreboard IDs.
Scoreboard.Builder - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
ScoreboardAddPlayerEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard
Represents the event called called just before a player is added to a Scoreboard.
ScoreboardAddPlayerEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, Scoreboard) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardAddPlayerEvent
Constructs a new scoreboard add player event.
ScoreboardEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard
Represents a Scoreboard-related event.
ScoreboardEvent - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event
Represents an event that triggers a Scoreboard of type ScoreboardType.EVENT.
ScoreboardLine() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine
ScoreboardLines - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents a Scoreboard's lines.
ScoreboardLines() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardLines
ScoreboardLines.ScoreboardLine - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents a Scoreboard's line.
ScoreboardManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Manager that handles Scoreboards.
ScoreboardManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager
ScoreboardNumbers - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents a Scoreboard's numbers.
ScoreboardNumbers() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardNumbers
ScoreboardRemovePlayerEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard
Represents the event called just before a player is removed from a Scoreboard.
ScoreboardRemovePlayerEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, Scoreboard) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardRemovePlayerEvent
Constructs a new scoreboard remove player event.
ScoreboardTitles - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents a Scoreboard's titles.
ScoreboardTitles() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
ScoreboardType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard
Represents the type of a scoreboard: default, event or custom.
SCORES - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Represents the scores' names used by the scoreboard.
SECONDS_IN_A_DAY - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Seconds in a day.
SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Seconds in a minute.
SECONDS_IN_A_MONTH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Seconds in a month.
SECONDS_IN_A_WEEK - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Seconds in a week.
SECONDS_IN_A_YEAR - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Seconds in a year.
SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Seconds in an hour.
SECTION_SIGN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Minecraft's character used as prefix of color codes.
SEGMENTED_10 - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Displays the bossbar split into 10 segments.
SEGMENTED_12 - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Displays the bossbar split into 12 segments.
SEGMENTED_20 - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Displays the bossbar split into 20 segments.
SEGMENTED_6 - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Displays the bossbar split into 6 segments.
select(DataContainer, String, Class<T>, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
select(DataContainer, String, Class<T>, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
Selects the data in the specified position if the given conditions are met.
SEND_MESSAGE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Makes the player send a message.
sendActionbar(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sends an actionbar to this player.
sendActionbar(Actionbar, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.ActionbarManager
Sends an actionbar to a loaded player.
sendAd(Ad, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class
Sends an ad to a loaded player.
sendBossbar(Bossbar, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Sends a bossbar to a loaded player.
sendConsoleMessage(String) - Method in class
Makes the console send a message using the Staff chat.
sendConsoleMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Sends a message to the console.
sendEmbedMessage(long, Object) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Sends an embed message to the specified channel.
sendEmbedMessage(long, DiscordMessage, Object...) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Sends an embed message to the specified channel.
sendF3ServerName(F3ServerName, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.f3servername.F3ServerNameManager
Sends an F3 server name to a loaded player.
sendJoinMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinMessageManager
Announces that the specified player has joined the server.
sendJoinTitle(ChatPluginServerPlayer, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.JoinTitleManager
Sends the join title to the specified player.
sendMessage(long, String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
Sends a message to the specified chat.
sendMessage(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Sends a plain message to this command sender.
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.ChatPluginPlayer
Sends a plain message to this player.
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
sendMessage(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Sends a plain message to this player.
sendOrQueuePluginMessage(String, PacketSerializer, long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Sends a plugin message to the specified server, even if the server has 0 players online.
sendPacket(Object) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Internal use only.
sendPacket(PacketSerializer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.ClientHandler
Sends a packet to this client handler.
sendPacket(PacketSerializer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.Client
Sends a packet to the server.
sendPlainMessage(long, String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Sends a plain message to the specified channel.
sendPlayerMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Method in class
Makes a player send a message using the Staff chat.
sendPluginMessage(String, PacketSerializer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
Sends a plugin message to the specified server.
sendPluginMessage(PacketSerializer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Sends a plugin message to the proxy.
sendPrivateMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer, OfflinePlayer, String) - Method in class
Sends a private message.
sendPunishment(DiscordMessage, Object...) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Sends a punishment to the DiscordIntegrationManager.getPunishmentsChannelID() channel.
sendQuitMessage(QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.QuitMessageManager
Announces that a player has quit the server.
sendReply(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Method in class
sendStaffNotification(DiscordMessage, Object...) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Sends a Staff notification to the DiscordIntegrationManager.getStaffNotificationsChannelID() channel.
sendSwitchMessage(QuitMessageManager.QuitPacket, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Announces that the specified player has switched servers.
sendTablist(Tablist, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Sends a tablist to a loaded player.
sendTitle(String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Calls ChatPluginServerPlayer.sendTitle(String, String, int, int, int) specifying default values of 500, 3500 and 1000 milliseconds (or 10, 70 and 20 ticks).
sendTitle(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sends a title and a subtitle to this player.
sendTranslatedMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sends a MessagePacketType.NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDERS message to this player.
sendTranslatedMessage(String, String[], Object...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sends a MessagePacketType.CUSTOM_PLACEHOLDERS message to this player.
sendWelcomeMessage(ChatPluginServerPlayer, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
Sends the welcome message to the specified player.
SensitiveData - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation
Annotation used to indicate that a field or a method contains or returns sensitive or private data, like for example the Discord integration's bot's token.
serializeBungeeCordText(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.Utils
Serializes the specified input to a BungeeCord-compatible text.
serializeEmbedMessage(Object) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Serializes the specified net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageEmbed to a JSON string.
serializeSpongeText(String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
Serializes the specified input to a Sponge-compatible text.
Server - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket
Server socket.
Server(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.Server
Constructs a new server socket.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.SilentTeleportPacketType
Represents a packet used to teleport a player to another server.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Represents server-side placeholders.
SERVER_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.ProxyManager
Pattern representing the allowed server IDs.
SERVER_TO_PROXY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketScope.Scope
Represents a packet sent to the proxy by a server.
SERVER_TO_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketScope.Scope
Represents a packet that is either: sent from a server to the proxy and then redirected to the target server sent from the proxy directly to the target server (no redirection) If a packet's method is denoted by this scope, you may specify "ALL" as the "server" variable (the first in most packets) and send it to the proxy to redirect it to every server under the network.
ServerEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents a Server-related event.
ServerImplementationOnly - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation
Annotation used to indicate that a method contained in a class inside of the me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common (or implementation's me.remigio07.chatplugin.common) package is available on server implementations only: Bukkit and Sponge (plus their forks).
serverInformation(String, int, int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Misc
Internal use only.
ServerInformation - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Holds information about a server under the proxy.
ServerInformation(String, int, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Constructs an instance for a server under the proxy.
ServerMoTDManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd
Server abstraction of the MoTDManager.
ServerMoTDManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.motd.ServerMoTDManager
ServerPlayerLoadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player
Represents the event called after a ChatPluginServerPlayer is loaded.
ServerPlayerLoadEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, int) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.ServerPlayerLoadEvent
Constructs a new server player load event.
ServerPlayerManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player
Manager that handles ChatPluginServerPlayers and enabled worlds.
ServerPlayerManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
ServerPlayerUnloadEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player
Represents the event called just before a ChatPluginServerPlayer is unloaded.
ServerPlayerUnloadEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.player.ServerPlayerUnloadEvent
Constructs a new server player unload event.
ServerReceivePacketEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents the event called after a Server has received a PacketDeserializer from a ClientHandler.
ServerReceivePacketEvent(ClientHandler, byte[]) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ServerReceivePacketEvent
Constructs a new server receive packet event.
ServerShutdownEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents the event called just before a Server is shut down.
ServerShutdownEvent(Server) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ServerShutdownEvent
Constructs a new server shutdown event.
serverSilentTeleport(String, UUID, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.JoinQuit
Makes the target server enable vanish for the specified player as soon as they switch servers.
ServerStartupEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket
Represents the event called after a Server is started up.
ServerStartupEvent(Server) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.event.socket.ServerStartupEvent
Constructs a new server startup event.
set(String, Object) - Method in class
set(String, Object) - Method in class
Sets a value at the specified path.
setAccuracyRadius(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's accuracy radius, in kilometers.
setAmount(short) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets the amount of items in this item stack.
setAmount(ValueContainer<Short>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's items' amount.
setAmount(ValueContainer<Short>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets this icon layout's items' amount.
setAnticheatStorageCount(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Sets the amount of punishments performed by the anticheat stored in the storage.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.CancellableEvent
Sets the cancellation state of this event.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.EmbedMessageSendEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.PlainMessageSendEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.StatusUpdateEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.ip_lookup.IPLookupCleanCacheEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.plugin.ChatPluginCrashEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.MessageSendEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.StatusUpdateEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.actionbar.ActionbarSendEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.bossbar.BossbarSendEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.f3servername.F3ServerNameSendEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIClickEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.gui.GUIOpenEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.punishment.kick.FakeKickEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardAddPlayerEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist.TablistSendEvent
setChatColor(ChatColor) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sets this player's chat's default color.
setChatMuted(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the chat should be globally muted.
setCity(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's city.
setClickAction(ClickActionAdapter) - Method in class
Sets this ad's click action.
setColor(BossbarColorAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Sets this bossbar's color.
setColor(BossbarColorAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Sets this bossbar's color.
setColor(BossbarColorAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Sets this bossbar's color.
setCommands(List<String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets the commands that will be executed when this icon is clicked.
setContinent(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's continent.
setCountry(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's country.
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's ISO 3166-2 country code.
setCustomIconDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets if the favicon found at MoTD.getCustomIconURL() should be displayed.
setCustomIconURL(URL) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets this MoTD's custom icon's URL.
setDamage(short) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's items' damage.
setDamage(short) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets this icon layout's items' damage.
setDamage(short) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this item stack's current damage.
setData(DataContainer, String, int, Object) - Method in class
setData(DataContainer, String, int, Object) - Method in class
Sets data in the storage.
setDate(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets this entry's modification date.
setDate(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Sets this punishment's modification date.
setDCurrent(Environment) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Internal use only.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Enables or disables the debug mode and writes changes to config.yml.
setDescription(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets this MoTD's description.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.ObjectiveAdapter
Sets this objective's display name.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this item's display name.
setDisplayNames(Map<Language, String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's display names.
setDurability(short) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this item stack's current durability
setDuration(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Sets this ban's duration, in milliseconds.
setDuration(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets this entry's duration, in milliseconds.
setDuration(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Sets this mute's duration, in milliseconds.
setEmojisTone(ChatColor) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sets this player's emojis' tone.
setEmptyListIcon(Icon) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Sets the icon displayed when FillableGUI.getFillers() is empty.
setEmptyListIcon(Icon) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout.Builder
Sets the icon displayed when FillableGUI.getFillers() is empty.
setEnchantments(Map<EnchantmentAdapter, Integer>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's enchantments.
setEndSlot(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Sets the filling function's end slot's position in this GUI layout.
setFillers(List<GUIFiller<T>>, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Sets this GUI's fillers.
setGlobal(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Sets if this ban should affect all servers inside of the network.
setGlobal(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets if this entry should affect all servers inside of the network.
setGlobal(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Sets if this mute should affect all servers inside of the network.
setGlobal(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Sets if this warning should affect all servers inside of the network.
setGlowing() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Applies the glowing effect to this item (when ItemStackAdapter.isEnchanted() and ItemStackAdapter.getItemFlags() contains ItemFlagAdapter.HIDE_ENCHANTMENTS).
setGlowing(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets if the glowing effect should be applied to this icon.
setGlowing(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets if the glowing effect should be applied to this icon layout.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.actionbar.Actionbar
Sets whether this actionbar should be hidden.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Sets whether this bossbar should be hidden.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Sets if this bossbar should be hidden.
setHover(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets this MoTD's hover.
setHoverDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets if MoTD.getHover() should be displayed.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUILayout.Builder
Sets one of this builder's icons.
setIconLayout(IconLayout) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Sets one of the filling function's filler icons' layouts.
setIconLayout(IconLayout) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout.Builder
Sets one of this builder's icons' layouts.
setID(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Sets this GUI's ID.
setInline(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Sets whether this field is inline.
setInsideEU(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets if this lookup's position is inside the European Union.
setISP(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's Internet Service Provider.
setItem(ItemStackAdapter, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Sets an item stack at the specified position.
setItemFlags(List<ItemFlagAdapter>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's item flags.
setJSON(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets the JSON string that represents this IP lookup and updates it with new values.
setKeepOpen(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets if the GUI should be kept open when this icon is clicked.
setKeepOpen(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets if the GUI should be kept open when this icon layout is clicked.
setLanguage(OfflinePlayer, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageManager
Sets a player's language, updates it in the storage and reloads the player if they are loaded.
setLatitude(double) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's latitude.
setLeatherArmorColor(Color) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's leather armor's color.
setLeatherArmorColor(Color) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets this icon layout's leather armor's color.
setLeatherArmorColor(Color) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this leather armor's color.
setLine(Map<Language, List<String>>, int, boolean, long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard.Builder
Sets one of this builder's lines.
setLoggerType(LogManager.LoggerType) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Sets the current logger type.
setLongitude(double) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's longitude.
setLore(List<String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this item's lore.
setLores(Map<Language, List<String>>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's lores.
setMaterial(MaterialAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's material.
setMaterial(MaterialAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets this icon layout's material.
setMaxMs(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PingManager.PingQuality
Sets this quality's max milliseconds.
setMaxPlayers(ValueContainer<Integer>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets this MoTD's max players' amount.
setMaxValue(ValueContainer<Double>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Sets this bossbar's max value.
setMethod(IPLookupMethod) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets the method used to obtain this lookup.
setMinTPS(double) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSQuality
Gets this quality's minimum TPS.
setNumbers(NumbersDisplayMode, String, long, int, List<ChatColor>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard.Builder
Sets this builder's numbers.
setOnlinePlayers(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Sets the online players in this server.
setOnlinePlayers(ValueContainer<Integer>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets this MoTD's online players' amount.
setPlayerData(PlayersDataType<?>, int, Object) - Method in class
setPlayerData(PlayersDataType<?>, int, Object) - Method in class
Sets data for a player in the storage.
setPlayerData(PlayersDataType<?>, OfflinePlayer, Object) - Method in class
setPlayerData(PlayersDataType<?>, OfflinePlayer, Object) - Method in class
Sets data for a player in the storage.
setPosition(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's position in the GUI's inventory.
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's postal code.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Sets this team's prefix.
setProgress(float) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Sets this bossbar's progress.
setProgress(float) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Sets this bossbar's progress.
setRangedChatSpyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sets whether this player should have the ranged chat spy enabled.
setReason(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets this entry's reason.
setReason(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Sets this punishment's reason.
setRemovalDate(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets this entry's removal's date, in milliseconds.
setServer(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets this entry's origin server.
setServer(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Sets this punishment's origin server.
setServerStringPlaceholdersTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Sets a string placeholders' translator that simply returns PlaceholderManager.translateServerPlaceholders(String, Language, boolean) (specifying false as the third argument) as its function's result.
setServerTitlesTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Sets a titles' translator that simply returns PlaceholderManager.translateServerPlaceholders(String, Language) as its function's result.
setServerTitlesTranslator() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Sets a titles' translator that simply returns PlaceholderManager.translateServerPlaceholders(String, Language) as its function's result.
setSilent(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets if this entry should be silent.
setSilent(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Sets if this punishment should be silent.
setSkullOwner(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's skull's owner.
setSkullOwner(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets this icon layout's skull's owner.
setSkullOwner(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this skull's owner.
setSkullTextureURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconLayout
Sets this icon layout's skull's texture's URL.
setSkullTextureURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets this icon's skull's texture's URL.
setSkullTextureURL(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Sets this skull's texture found at given URL.
setSlots(int, int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout.Builder
Sets the filling function's start and end slots' positions in the GUI layout.
setSocialspyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Sets whether this player should have socialspy enabled.
setStaffMember(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets who punished the player.
setStaffMember(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.Punishment
Sets who punished the player.
setStaffStorageCount(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Sets the amount of punishments performed by Staff members stored in the storage.
setStartSlot(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUILayout
Sets the filling function's start slot's position in this GUI layout.
setStatus(String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
Updates the bot's current status.
setStatus(ActivityTypeAdapter, String) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Updates the bot's current status.
setStorageCount(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.PunishmentManager
Sets the amount of punishments stored in the storage.
setStorageCount(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Sets the amount of players stored in the storage.
setStringListPlaceholdersTranslator(TriFunction<Icon, List<String>, Language, List<String>>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Sets this GUI's string list placeholders' translator function.
setStringPlaceholdersTranslator(TriFunction<Icon, String, Language, String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.GUI
Sets this GUI's string placeholders' translator function.
setStyle(BossbarStyleAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Sets this bossbar's style.
setStyle(BossbarStyleAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Sets this bossbar's style.
setStyle(BossbarStyleAdapter) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Sets this bossbar's style.
setSubdivisions(List<String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Sets this lookup's position's subdivisions.
setSuffix(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Sets this team's suffix.
setText(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Sets this field's text.
SETTINGS_NOT_PRESENT - Static variable in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ProxyImplementationOnly
String useful to avoid text repetition in each annotation.
SETTINGS_NOT_PRESENT - Static variable in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ServerImplementationOnly
String useful to avoid text repetition in each annotation.
setTitle(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.FieldAdapter
Sets this field's title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Sets this bossbar's title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Sets this bossbar's title.
setTitles(Map<Language, List<String>>, boolean, long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard.Builder
Sets this builder's titles.
setTitlesTranslator(BiFunction<SinglePageGUI, Language, String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.SinglePageGUI
Sets this GUI's titles' translator function.
setTitlesTranslator(TriFunction<FillableGUI<T>, Language, Integer, String>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.FillableGUI
Sets this GUI's titles' translator function.
setUnbanDate(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Sets this ban's unban date, in milliseconds.
setUnmuteDate(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Sets this mute's unmute date, in milliseconds.
setUnwarnDate(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Sets this warning's unwarn date, in milliseconds.
setValid(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Chooses if this lookup is valid.
setValue(ValueContainer<Double>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.Bossbar
Sets this bossbar's value.
setVanishedPlayers(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ServerInformation
Sets the vanished players in this server.
setVersionName(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets this MoTD's version name.
setVersionNameDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Sets if MoTD.getVersionName() should be displayed.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Sets whether this bossbar should be visible.
setWhoRemoved(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.banwave.BanwaveEntry
Sets who removed the entry.
setWhoUnbanned(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.Ban
Sets who unbanned Ban.getPlayer().
setWhoUnmuted(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.Mute
Sets who unmuted Mute.getPlayer().
setWhoUnwarned(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.Warning
Sets who unwarned Warning.getPlayer().
SHARPNESS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases damage against all targets.
shortValue(List<PlaceholderType>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Translates ValueContainer.value() or ValueContainer.placeholder() into a string containing a short value.
shouldAbbreviateLongText() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Checks if text (scoreboards' lines and titles) should be abbreviated by adding "..." at the end when it is too long to be displayed instead of ScoreboardTitles.TITLE_TOO_LONG or ScoreboardLines.LINE_TOO_LONG.
shouldAbbreviateLongTitles() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if bossbars' titles should be abbreviated by adding "..." at the end when they are too long to be displayed instead of BossbarManager.TITLE_TOO_LONG.
shouldBeSent() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Checks whether this log level's messages should be sent to the console.
shouldOverrideChatEvent() - Method in class
Checks if the chat event should be overridden by ChatPlugin or if it should only change its format and let other plugins handle it.
shouldSendFullToLegacyPlayers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Checks if bossbars sent to legacy (pre-1.9) players should always be full.
show(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Shows a player (who was previously vanished) to all online players.
shutdown() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.Server
Shuts down this server and closes its socket.
SilentTeleportPacketType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type
Represents the type of a packet sent through the SilentTeleport subchannel.
SILK_TOUCH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Allows blocks to drop themselves instead of fragments (for example, stone instead of cobblestone).
SinglePageGUI - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a single-paged GUI.
SinglePageGUILayout - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
Represents a single page GUI's layout.
SinglePageGUILayout.Builder - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui
SLF4J - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LoggerType
Represents the SLF4J logger (Logger).
SLF4J_API - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the SLF4J API library.
SLF4J_SIMPLE_PROVIDER - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the SLF4J Simple Provider library.
SMITE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases damage against undead targets.
SocialIntegration - Interface in
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to interact with a social platform, like Discord or Telegram.
SocketChannelPacket - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet
Annotation used in Packets to indicate that a packet is to be read/sent through the custom socket channel and not through the standard BungeeCord's plugin messaging channel.
SOLID - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Displays the bossbar as a solid segment.
SOUL_SPEED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Walk quicker on soul blocks.
SoundAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) sound adapter.
SoundAdapter(String, float, float) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Constructs a sound adapter that accepts a Bukkit's Sound or Sponge's SoundTypes compatible sound ID as input.
SoundAdapter(Configuration, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Constructs a sound adapter passing values found at path + ".id" - for SoundAdapter.getID(); path + ".volume" - for SoundAdapter.getVolume(); path + ".pitch" - for SoundAdapter.getPitch(); to SoundAdapter(String, float, float).
SPAM - Static variable in class
The AntispamManager.getSpamCache() map contains the sender and they do not have the permission "chatplugin.antispam.spam" or "chatplugin.antispam.bypass".
spigotRequired() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.GameFeature
Checks if Spigot is required to run this feature.
SPONGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Sponge environment.
SpongeBootstrapper - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Represents the Sponge's bootstrapper.
SpongeBootstrapper() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.SpongeBootstrapper
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd.FaviconAdapter
Gets the favicon adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets the player adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the chat color adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Gets the render type adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.BlockAdapter
Gets the block adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.block.MaterialAdapter
Gets the material adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarAdapter
Gets the bossbar adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Gets the bossbar color adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Gets the bossbar style adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.EntityAdapter
Gets the entity adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.entity.LivingEntityAdapter
Gets the living entity adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.InventoryAdapter
Gets the inventory adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Gets the enchantment adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Gets the item flag adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemStackAdapter
Gets the item stack adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.ObjectiveAdapter
Gets the objective adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Gets the team adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Gets the command sender adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
Gets the resource pack status adapted for Sponge environments.
spongeValue(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.SoundAdapter
Gets the sound adapted for Sponge environments.
SQLITE - Enum constant in enum class
SQLite database storage method.
SQLITE_JDBC - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Represents the SQLite JDBC library.
StaffChatEvent - Class in
Represents an event called when a message is sent to the staff chat.
StaffChatEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new staff chat event.
StaffChatManager - Class in
Manager that handles the Staff chat.
StaffChatManager() - Constructor for class
start() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.socket.Server
Starts this server.
startLoading(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
Starts displaying the loading bossbar to the specified player.
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Represents the status message.
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Represents the status message.
StatusUpdateEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord
Represents the event called just before the DiscordBot's status is changed.
StatusUpdateEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram
Represents the event called just before the TelegramBot's status is changed.
StatusUpdateEvent(String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.telegram.StatusUpdateEvent
Constructs a new status update event.
StatusUpdateEvent(ActivityTypeAdapter, String) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.discord.StatusUpdateEvent
Constructs a new status update event.
StorageConnector - Class in
Represents the storage connector used by the plugin.
StorageConnector() - Constructor for class
StorageConnector.WhereCondition - Class in
Represents a WHERE SQL condition.
StorageConnector.WhereCondition.WhereOperator - Enum Class in
Represents the operators supported by StorageConnector.WhereCondition.
StorageManager - Class in
Manager used to store, read and write the plugin's data.
StorageManager() - Constructor for class
StorageMethod - Enum Class in
Represents the supported storage methods.
STREAMING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Used to indicate that the activity should display as "Streaming...".
STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
STRING_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
String containing the "string not found" text indicator.
STRIP_COLOR - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Pattern used to strip color from a string.
stripColor(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Strips a string from any color and/or formatting codes.
stripProtocol(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.URLValidator
Strips the protocol from the specified URL.
subscribe(Class<E>, Consumer<E>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
Subscribes a new EventSubscriber and returns it.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
The connection was successful.
SUCCESSFULLY_DOWNLOADED - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
The pack URI was successfully loaded.
SUGGEST_TEXT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Suggests text in the player's chat.
SuggestedVersionManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles version suggestions.
SuggestedVersionManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SuggestedVersionManager
SWEAR - Static variable in class
When the message AntispamManager.containsBlacklistedWord(String) and the sender does not have the permission "chatplugin.antispam.bypass".
SWEEPING_EDGE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Increases damage against targets when using a sweep attack.
SWIFT_SNEAK - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Walk quicker while sneaking.
SwitchMessageManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles switch messages.
SwitchMessageManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.SwitchMessageManager
Sync() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Sync


Tablist - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist
Represents a tablist handled by the TablistManager.
Tablist(String, Map<Language, String>, Map<Language, String>) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.Tablist
Constructs a new tablist.
TABLIST_ID_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
Pattern representing the allowed tablist IDs.
TablistManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist
Manager that handles Tablists.
TablistManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.TablistManager
TABLISTS - Enum constant in enum class
Tablists' configuration file.
TablistSendEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist
Represents an event called when a Tablist is sent to a player.
TablistSendEvent(Tablist, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.event.tablist.TablistSendEvent
Constructs a new tablist send event.
TaskManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager
Manager that handles (a)synchronous tasks executed by ChatPlugin.
TaskManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.TaskManager
TeamAdapter - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) team adapter.
TeamAdapter(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.scoreboard.TeamAdapter
Constructs a team adapter that accepts one of the following specified as input: Team for Bukkit environments Team for Sponge environments
TELEGRAM_INTEGRATION - Enum constant in enum class
Telegram integration's configuration file.
TelegramBot - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the Telegram bot handled by the TelegramIntegrationManager.
TelegramIntegrationManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Manager that handles the plugin's TelegramBot.
TelegramIntegrationManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramIntegrationManager
telegramMessage(String, String, long, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.Packets.Messages
Sends a message to the specified Telegram chat.
TelegramMessage - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents a message type sent by the TelegramBot.
TelegramMessages - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Class containing implementations of TelegramMessage.
TelegramMessages() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages
TelegramMessages.Ban - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the ban messages.
TelegramMessages.Kick - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the kick messages.
TelegramMessages.Main - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the main messages.
TelegramMessages.MessageArguments - Annotation Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Annotation used to describe the arguments of a TelegramMessage's TelegramMessage.getValue(Object...) method.
TelegramMessages.Misc - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the misc messages.
TelegramMessages.Mute - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the mute messages.
TelegramMessages.OfflinePlayer - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Not available yet.
TelegramMessages.OnlinePlayer - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Not available yet.
TelegramMessages.Warning - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram
Represents the warning messages.
teleport(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ChatPluginServerPlayer
Teleports this player to another player.
TERABYTE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Represents a terabyte (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).
THORNS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Damages the attacker.
TIME_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Time format's component.
TIME_PLAYED - Static variable in class
Player's time played, in milliseconds.
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
The client was not able to reach the server within 5000ms.
TITLE_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.BossbarManager
String containing the "title too long" text indicator.
TITLE_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardTitles
String containing the "title too long" text indicator.
toAdapter() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's corresponding PlayerAdapter object.
toArray() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Converts this packet to a bytes array ready to be sent through the proxy.
ToggleChatMuteEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before the chat gets globally (un)muted.
ToggleChatMuteEvent(boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new toggle chat mute event.
toItemStackAdapter(GUI, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Generates an item stack for the specified language using this icon's values and translating placeholders using Icon.formatPlaceholders(String, GUI, Language, boolean) and Icon.formatPlaceholders(List, GUI, Language, boolean) translating colors when necessary.
toJSON() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookup
Gets the JSON String that represents this IP lookup.
toPacket(InetAddress) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.motd.MoTD
Initializes a MoTDResponse packet for the specified IP address.
toProxyPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's corresponding ChatPluginProxyPlayer object.
toServerPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.player.OfflinePlayer
Gets this player's corresponding ChatPluginServerPlayer object.
toServerPlayer() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.CommandSenderAdapter
Gets this player's corresponding ChatPluginServerPlayer object.
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the string representation of this color.
toString() - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
toString() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankPermission
Gets a string representing the permission required to players to have this rank.
toString() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.rank.RankTag
Get this tag's representation as a simple string.
TPSManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Manager that handles the server's TPS.
TPSManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager
TPSManager.TPSQuality - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Represents a TPS quality.
TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Represents a time interval (1m, 5m, 15m).
TPSQuality(String, double) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSQuality
Constructs a new TPS quality.
translate(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Calls ChatColor.translate(String, boolean), specifying true as the second argument.
translate(String, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Translates given string applying default ("&x") and hex ("&#rrggbb", "#rrggbb") color codes.
translate(List<String>) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Translates given string list.
translate(List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Translates given string list.
translate(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class
Translates the specified String containing colored or formatted text.
translate(Language, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator
Translates the given component's JSON representation.
TRANSLATED_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Translated message's (with no arguments) component.
TRANSLATED_MESSAGE_ARGS - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Translated message's (with arguments) component.
translateInstantEmojis(ChatPluginServerPlayer, String, boolean) - Method in class
Formats a message translating all the instant emojis loaded.
translateIntegrationsPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.INTEGRATIONS placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the player's language.
translateIntegrationsPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.INTEGRATIONS placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translateIntegrationsPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.INTEGRATIONS placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translateIntegrationsPlaceholders(List<String>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with PlaceholderType.INTEGRATIONS placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the player's language.
translateIntegrationsPlaceholders(List<String>, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with PlaceholderType.INTEGRATIONS placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translatePlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.placeholder.PlaceholderIntegration
Translates an input string with placeholders, formatted for the specified player.
translatePlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, List<PlaceholderType>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the player's language.
translatePlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language, List<PlaceholderType>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translatePlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language, List<PlaceholderType>, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translatePlaceholders(List<String>, ChatPluginServerPlayer, List<PlaceholderType>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the player's language.
translatePlaceholders(List<String>, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language, List<PlaceholderType>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translatePlayerPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.PLAYER placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the player's language.
translatePlayerPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.PLAYER placeholders, specified player and translated for the specified language.
translatePlayerPlaceholders(String, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.PLAYER placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translatePlayerPlaceholders(List<String>, ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with PlaceholderType.PLAYER placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the player's language.
translatePlayerPlaceholders(List<String>, ChatPluginServerPlayer, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with PlaceholderType.PLAYER placeholders, formatted for the specified player and translated for the specified language.
translateServerPlaceholders(String, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.SERVER placeholders, translated for the specified language.
translateServerPlaceholders(String, Language, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string with PlaceholderType.SERVER placeholders, translated for the specified language.
translateServerPlaceholders(List<String>, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.PlaceholderManager
Translates an input string list with PlaceholderType.SERVER placeholders, translated for the specified language.
translateStatus(String) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Translates an input String with the server's status' placeholders.
translateStatus(String) - Method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Translates an input String with the server's status' placeholders.
translateString(String) - Method in class
translateString(String) - Method in class
Calls ConfigurationMappings.translateString(String, String, boolean) specifying path, "" and true as arguments.
translateString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
translateString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
translateStringList(String) - Method in class
translateStringList(String) - Method in class
Calls ConfigurationMappings.translateStringList(String, List, boolean) specifying path, new ArrayList and true as arguments.
translateStringList(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class
translateStringList(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class
TriFunction<T,U,V,R> - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
truncate(double, int) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Truncates the specified double to a certain approximation.
types() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.MessageArguments
Gets the message's arguments' types.
types() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.MessageArguments
Gets the message's arguments' types.
types() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.EventArguments
Gets the arguments' types.


ULTRACOSMETICS - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the UltraCosmetics integration.
unban(int, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Unbans a player based on their ban's ID.
unban(OfflinePlayer, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Unbans a player.
UnbanEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban
Represents the event called after an unban gets processed.
UnbanEvent(Ban) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.ban.UnbanEvent
Constructs a new unban event.
unbanIP(InetAddress, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanManager
Unbans an IP address.
UNBANNED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban unbanned message.
UNBANNED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban unbanned message.
UNBREAKING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Decreases the rate at which a tool looses durability.
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
unignore(OfflinePlayer, OfflinePlayer) - Method in class
Makes the specified player unignore another player.
UnignoreEvent - Class in
Represents an event called before a player stops ignoring another player.
UnignoreEvent(OfflinePlayer, OfflinePlayer) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unignore event.
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
Internal use only. You should never need to manually unload ChatPlugin.
unload() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordBot
Unloads the Discord bot.
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationManager
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
Unloads this connector.
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramBot
Unloads the Telegram bot.
unload() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManager
Unloads this manager.
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.manager.ProxyMessageManager
unload() - Method in interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.PerPlayerGUI
Internal use only.
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetector
Unloads the language detector.
unload() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
unloadManagers() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.ChatPluginManagers
Unloads every manager in the list of loaded managers.
unloadPlayer(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.player.ProxyPlayerManager
Removes a player from ProxyPlayerManager.getPlayers().
unloadPlayer(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.player.ServerPlayerManager
Removes a player from ServerPlayerManager.getPlayers().
unmute(int, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Unmutes a player based on their mute's ID.
unmute(OfflinePlayer, String, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.mute.MuteManager
Unmutes a player.
UNMUTED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute unmuted message.
UNMUTED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute unmuted message.
UnmuteEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute
Represents the event called after an unmute gets processed.
UnmuteEvent(Mute) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.mute.UnmuteEvent
Constructs a new unmute event.
unregister() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.bossbar.PlayerBossbar
Unregisters this bossbar.
unsubscribe() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventSubscriber
Unsubscribe this event subscriber using EventManager.unsubscribe(EventSubscriber).
unsubscribe(EventSubscriber<E>) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.EventManager
Unsubscribes an existing EventSubscriber obtained with EventManager.subscribe(Class, Consumer).
UNSUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Represents an unsupported version.
unwarn(int, String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Unwarns a player based on their warning's ID.
UnwarnEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning
Represents the event called after a warning gets processed.
UnwarnEvent(Warning) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.UnwarnEvent
Constructs a new unwarn event.
update(IPLookup) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager
Updates an existing lookup with the local database's information.
update(DataContainer, String, Object, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
update(DataContainer, String, Object, StorageConnector.WhereCondition...) - Method in class
Updates the data in the specified position if the given conditions are met.
update(ChatPluginServerPlayer, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Updates a player's visibility.
updateBan(Ban, Ban) - Method in class
Updates an existing ban in the storage.
updateCustomSuffixes(ChatPluginServerPlayer) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.CustomSuffixManager
Updates custom suffixes to a player.
UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Represents the ban updated message.
UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Represents the mute updated message.
UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Represents the ban updated message.
UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Represents the mute updated message.
updateMute(Mute, Mute) - Method in class
Updates an existing mute in the storage.
updateSkullOwner(ItemStackAdapter, GUI, Language) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.Icon
Sets the skull's owner for the specified item stack if it is a player head.
URL - Static variable in class
When the message AntispamManager.containsDisallowedURL(String) and the sender does not have the permission "chatplugin.antispam.bypass".
URLValidator - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util
Util class used to validate URLs.
URLValidator() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.URLValidator
USERNAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Pattern representing the allowed usernames.
Utils - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Common utils class.
Utils - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util
Proxy utils class.
Utils - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util
Server utils class.
Utils() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Utils
Utils() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.proxy.util.Utils
Utils() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.Utils
UUIDFetcher - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Util class used to calculate and fetch players' UUIDs and names.
UUIDFetcher() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.UUIDFetcher


V1_0 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.0.
V1_0_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.0.1.
V1_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.1.
V1_10 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.10.
V1_10_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.10.1.
V1_10_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.10.2.
V1_11 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.11.
V1_11_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.11.1.
V1_11_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.11.2.
V1_12 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.12.
V1_12_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.12.1.
V1_12_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.12.2.
V1_13 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.13.
V1_13_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.13.1.
V1_13_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.13.2.
V1_14 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.14.
V1_14_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.14.1.
V1_14_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.14.2.
V1_14_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.14.3.
V1_14_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.14.4.
V1_15 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.15.
V1_15_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.15.1.
V1_15_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.15.2.
V1_16 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.16.
V1_16_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.16.1.
V1_16_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.16.2.
V1_16_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.16.3.
V1_16_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.16.4.
V1_16_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.16.5.
V1_17 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.17.
V1_17_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.17.1.
V1_18 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.18.
V1_18_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.18.1.
V1_18_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.18.2.
V1_19 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.19.
V1_19_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.19.1.
V1_19_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.19.2.
V1_19_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.19.3.
V1_19_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.19.4.
V1_2_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.2.1.
V1_2_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.2.2.
V1_2_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.2.3.
V1_2_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.2.4.
V1_2_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.2.5.
V1_20 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.
V1_20_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.1.
V1_20_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.2.
V1_20_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.3.
V1_20_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.4.
V1_20_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.5.
V1_20_6 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.20.6.
V1_21 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.21.
V1_21_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.21.1.
V1_3_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.3.1.
V1_3_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.3.2.
V1_4_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.4.2.
V1_4_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.4.4.
V1_4_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.4.5.
V1_4_6 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.4.6.
V1_4_7 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.4.7.
V1_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.5.
V1_5_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.5.1.
V1_5_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.5.2.
V1_6_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.6.1.
V1_6_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.6.2.
V1_6_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.6.4.
V1_7_10 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.10.
V1_7_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.2.
V1_7_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.4.
V1_7_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.5.
V1_7_6 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.6.
V1_7_7 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.7.
V1_7_8 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.8.
V1_7_9 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.7.9.
V1_8 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.
V1_8_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.1.
V1_8_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.2.
V1_8_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.3.
V1_8_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.4.
V1_8_5 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.5.
V1_8_6 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.6.
V1_8_7 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.7.
V1_8_8 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.8.
V1_8_9 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.8.9.
V1_9 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.9.
V1_9_1 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.9.1.
V1_9_2 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.9.2.
V1_9_3 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.9.3.
V1_9_4 - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Version 1.9.4.
value() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.RequiredIntegration
Gets the class of the required integration.
value() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketScope
Gets this packet's scope.
value() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Gets this container's fixed value.
ValueContainer<T extends Number> - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Util class used to contain a value that can be either a fixed number or a placeholder's variable value.
ValueContainer(Object) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.ValueContainer
Constructs a value container using given object, which can either extend Number or be a String placeholder.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Kick
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OfflinePlayer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OnlinePlayer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupMethod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Kick
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OfflinePlayer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OnlinePlayer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LoggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketScope.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.DiscordMessagePacketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.MessagePacketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.PunishmentPacketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.SilentTeleportPacketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.ViolationPacketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetectionMethod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.NumbersDisplayMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#valueOf(String), with the only difference that instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException null is returned if the constant's name is invalid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.DateFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Ban
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Kick
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Misc
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Mute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OfflinePlayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.OnlinePlayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.IPLookupMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.ip_lookup.LocalIPLookupManager.DatabaseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.ban.BanType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.kick.KickType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Ban
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Kick
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Mute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OfflinePlayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.OnlinePlayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.text.ClickActionAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.Library
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LoggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.MemoryUtils
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketScope.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.DiscordMessagePacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.MessagePacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.PunishmentPacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.SilentTeleportPacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type.ViolationPacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils.Version
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.gui.IconType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.language.LanguageDetectionMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.event.ScoreboardEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.NumbersDisplayMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.scoreboard.ScoreboardType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.tablist.custom_suffix.RenderType
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarStyleAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.user.ResourcePackStatusAdapter
Equivalent of Enum#values().
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.DateFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.TPSManager.TPSTimeInterval
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.PlaceholderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.socket.ConnectionOutcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valuesOf(Configuration, String) - Static method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.ItemFlagAdapter
Util method used to get item flags at the specified path inside of a configuration.
VANISH - Static variable in class
VANISH_PERMISSION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
Represents the permission required to vanish.
VANISHING_CURSE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Item disappears instead of dropping.
VanishManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager
Manager that handles vanished ChatPluginServerPlayers and fake players counters.
VanishManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.manager.VanishManager
VAULT - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the Vault integration.
VELOCITY - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.Environment
Velocity environment.
VelocityBootstrapper - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap
Represents the Velocity's bootstrapper.
VelocityBootstrapper(ProxyServer, Logger, Path) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.bootstrap.VelocityBootstrapper
Constructor automatically called on proxy startup.
velocityValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.motd.FaviconAdapter
Gets the favicon adapted for Velocity environments.
velocityValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.adapter.user.PlayerAdapter
Gets the player adapted for Velocity environments.
velocityValue() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
Gets the chat color adapted for Velocity environments.
VERSION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Main
Represents the version message.
VERSION - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Main
Represents the version message.
VERSION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.ChatPlugin
String containing the plugin's current version.
VersionChange - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Represents a major, minor or patch change in a version (example: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0).
VersionIntegration - Interface in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.version
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration that provides a PlayerAdapter's version.
VersionUtils - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Util class used to grab information about the current environment's version.
VersionUtils() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.VersionUtils
VersionUtils.Version - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util
Represents a Minecraft version.
VIAVERSION - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the ViaVersion integration.
Violation - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.integration.anticheat
Represents an AnticheatIntegration's violation handled by the AnticheatManager.
ViolationPacketType - Enum Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.type
Represents the type of a packet sent through the PlayerViolation subchannel.
VIOLATIONS_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Violations GUI's configuration file.
VIOLATIONS_ICONS - Enum constant in enum class
Violations icons' configuration file.
VULCAN - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the Vulcan integration.


warn(OfflinePlayer, String, String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
Warns a player.
WARNED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.DiscordMessages.Warning
Represents the warning warned message.
WARNED - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Warning
Represents the warning warned message.
warning() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.SensitiveData
Short explanation of why the data is sensitive.
Warning - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning
Represents a warning handled by the WarningManager.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager.LogLevel
Represents the warning level.
WARNING_ACTIVE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Warning's active message component.
WARNING_GLOBAL_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Warning's global message component.
WARNING_MAX_AMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Warning's max amount component.
WARNING_REASON - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Warning's reason component.
WARNING_SILENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ComponentTranslator.Component
Warning's silent message component.
WarningEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning
Represents the event called after a warning gets processed.
WarningEvent(Warning) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.WarningEvent
Constructs a new warning event.
WarningManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning
Manager that handles Warnings and interacts with the storage.
WarningManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.punishment.warning.WarningManager
WarningPunishEvent - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning
Represents the event called after a player gets punished because of a warning.
WarningPunishEvent(Warning) - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.event.punishment.warning.WarningPunishEvent
Constructs a new warning punish event.
WARNINGS - Enum constant in enum class
Represents the warnings' data.
WARNINGS - Static variable in class
Player's warnings' amount.
WARNLIST_GUI - Enum constant in enum class
Warnlist GUI's configuration file.
wasChatMuted() - Method in class
Checks if the chat was globally muted when this event was called.
WATCHING - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.discord.ActivityTypeAdapter
Used to indicate that the activity should display as "Watching...".
WelcomeMessageManager - Class in me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit
Manager that handles welcome messages.
WelcomeMessageManager() - Constructor for class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.join_quit.WelcomeMessageManager
WhereCondition(String, StorageConnector.WhereCondition.WhereOperator, Object) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new WHERE condition.
WHITE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
WHITE - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a white color.
why() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.Nullable
Short explanation of why the element could be null.
why() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ProxyImplementationOnly
Short explanation of why the method is only available on proxy implementations.
why() - Element in annotation interface me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.annotation.ServerImplementationOnly
Short explanation of why the method is only available on server implementations.
WIND_BURST - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.inventory.item.EnchantmentAdapter
Emits wind burst upon hitting enemy.
WORLDGUARD - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.integration.IntegrationType
Represents the WorldGuard integration.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a boolean value.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a byte value.
writeChar(char) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a character value.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a double value.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a float value.
writeInt(int) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes an integer value.
writeLong(long) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a long value.
writeServerID() - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes this server's ID.
writeShort(short) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes a short value.
writeToFile(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.manager.LogManager
Writes a line of text and the current date into LogManager.getFile().
writeUTF(String) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes an UTF string value.
writeUTFArray(String...) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes an UTF string array value.
writeUUID(UUID) - Method in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.packet.PacketSerializer
Writes an UUID value.
WRONG_SYNTAX - Enum constant in enum class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.telegram.TelegramMessages.Misc
Represents the wrong syntax message.


YAML - Enum constant in enum class
YAML flat-file storage method.
YELLOW - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common.util.text.ChatColor
YELLOW - Static variable in class me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.server.util.adapter.bossbar.BossbarColorAdapter
Displays a yellow color.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 
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