All Classes and Interfaces

Manager that handles account checks.
Represents an actionbar handled by the ActionbarManager.
Manager that handles Actionbars.
Represents an event called when an Actionbar is sent to a player.
Represents an activity's type.
Represents an ad handled by the AdManager.
Manager that handles Ads.
Represents an event called when an Ad is sent to a player.
Represents an event called before a player's message is sent.
Represents an event called before a player's private message is sent.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration that provides a information about a ChatPluginServerPlayer's violations.
Manager that handles an AnticheatIntegration's Violations.
Manager that handles the antispam.
Represents a ban handled by the BanManager.
Represents the event called after a ban gets processed.
Manager that handles Bans and interacts with the storage.
Represents the type of a ban: account (username/UUID) or IP address.
Represents the event called after a ban gets updated.
Represents the event called after a banwave has completed.
Represents a banwave entry handled by the BanwaveManager.
Represents the event called after a banwave entry gets added to the entries' list.
Represents the event called after a banwave entry gets removed from the entries' list.
Represents the event called after a banwave entry gets updated.
Manager that handles BanwaveEntry(i)es and interacts with the storage.
Represents the event called just before a banwave is executed.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) block adapter.
Represents a bossbar handled by the BossbarManager.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) bossbar adapter.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) bossbar color adapter.
Manager that handles Bossbars.
Represents an event called when a Bossbar is sent to a player.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) bossbar style adapter.
Represents the Bukkit's bootstrapper.
Represents the BungeeCord's bootstrapper.
Represents a cancellable event.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) chat color API with 1.16+ hex color codes support.
Represents a chat-related event.
Manager that handles LoggedMessages.
Manager that handles the chat.
ChatPlugin's main class's abstraction.
Represents the event called when ChatPlugin crashes during a reload.
Represents a ChatPlugin's event handled by the EventManager.
Represents an integration handled by the IntegrationManager.
Represents the event called after ChatPlugin is loaded.
Interface that represents one of the managers used by ChatPlugin.
Represents an exception thrown by a ChatPluginManager, which could potentially prevent the plugin from starting or reloading correctly.
Class that handles ChatPlugin's managers.
Represents a player handled by the PlayerManager loaded into the ChatPlugin system.
Represents a ChatPluginPlayer-related event.
Represents a ChatPluginPlayer loaded on a proxy (BungeeCord/Velocity) environment.
Represents a ChatPluginProxyPlayer-related event.
Represents the event called after ChatPlugin is reloaded.
Represents a ChatPluginPlayer loaded on a server (Bukkit/Sponge) environment.
Represents a ChatPluginServerPlayer-related event.
Represents the event called just before ChatPlugin is unloaded.
Represents the event called after a player's warnings get cleared.
Represents an action performed on a click event.
Client socket.
Represents an event called after a ClientHandler is connected to a Server.
Represents an event called after a Client is connected to a server.
Represents an event called after a ClientHandler is disconnected from a Server.
Represents an event called after a Client is disconnected from a server.
Represents a Client-related event.
Client socket handler.
Represents a ClientHandler-related event.
Represents the event called after a Client has received a PacketDeserializer.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check if a ChatPluginServerPlayer is in combat.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) command sender adapter.
Util class used to send translatable ComponentTranslator.Components between the proxy and the servers.
Represents the components used in the plugin's messages.
Represents a YAML configuration handled by the ConfigurationManager.
Manager that handles internal and custom Configurations.
Represents mappings of keys and values in a Configuration.
Represents a configuration's type.
Represents the possible outcomes that may occur when Client.connect(String) is called.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to remove a ChatPluginServerPlayer's active cosmetics.
Manager that handles custom suffixes in the Tablist.
Represents the database connector used by the plugin.
Manager that handles connections to the database.
Represents the storage's data's containers.
Represents a date format (full, day only, hour only).
Represents an event called before a player's message is blocked.
Represents the reason why a message may be prevented from being sent.
Interface used to indicate that a manager contains at least a method used to check if messages may be sent.
Represents an event called before a player's private message is blocked.
Represents the Discord bot handled by the DiscordIntegrationManager.
Manager that handles the plugin's DiscordBot.
Represents a message type sent by the DiscordBot.
Represents the type of a packet sent through the DiscordMessage subchannel.
Class containing implementations of DiscordMessage.
Represents the ban messages.
Represents the kick messages.
Represents the main messages.
Annotation used to describe the arguments of a DiscordMessage's DiscordMessage.getEmbed(Object...) method.
Represents the misc messages.
Represents the mute messages.
Not available yet.
Not available yet.
Represents the warning messages.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check an OfflinePlayer's balance.
Represents the event called just before an embed message is sent through the DiscordBot.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) enchantment adapter.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) entity adapter.
Represents the four server/proxy environments supported by ChatPlugin: Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity.
Annotation used to provide information about the arguments passed to EventScoreboard.prepareEvent(ChatPluginServerPlayer, Object...).
Manager that handles ChatPluginEvents and EventSubscribers.
Represents a scoreboard triggered by a ScoreboardEvent.
Represents an event subscriber handled by the EventManager which contains an event's class and a consumer to execute when the event is fired.
Represents an F3 server name handled by the F3ServerNameManager.
Manager that handles F3ServerNames.
Represents an event called when an F3ServerName is sent to a player.
Represents the event called after a fake kick gets processed.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) favicon adapter.
Represents a field.
Parser used to read FieldAdapters from YAML configurations and JSON strings.
Represents a GUI fillable with IconType.GENERATED icons.
Represents a fillable GUI's layout.
Represents the flat-file connector used by the plugin.
Manager that handles connection to the flat-files.
Manager that handles formatted and colored messages in the chat.
Annotation used to indicate that a Minecraft feature handled by a ChatPluginManager is not available under certain circumstances.
Represents a GUI handled by the GUIManager.
Represents an event called when a player clicks a slot in a GUI.
Represents an event called after a player closes a GUI in a forced way or not.
Represents a GUI-related event.
Represents a FillableGUI's slots filler.
Represents a GUI's layout.
Represents the builder used to create GUILayouts.
Manager that handles GUIs.
Represents an event called just before a GUI is opened to a player.
Represents the event called after a GUI is refreshed.
Manager that handles hover info in the chat.
Represents an icon inside of a GUI.
Represents a IconType.GENERATED icon's layout inside of a FillableGUI.
Represents an icon's type.
Represents an event called before a player starts ignoring another player.
Manager that handles InstantEmojisManager.InstantEmojis.
Represents an instant emoji handled by the InstantEmojisManager.
Manager that handles ChatPluginIntegrations.
Class that contains information about plugins which ChatPlugin can interact with.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) inventory adapter.
Represents an IP lookup handled by the IPLookupManager.
Represents the event called after an IPLookup is cached into IPLookupManager.getCache().
Represents the event called just before an IPLookup is removed from IPLookupManager.getCache().
Represents an IPLookup-related event.
Manager that handles IPLookups.
Represents an IP lookup's method.
Class used to load ChatPlugin's libraries that require to be isolated from the server's code.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) item flag adapter.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) item stack adapter.
Class used to load ChatPlugin's libraries from JAR files.
Manager that handles join messages.
Manager that handles join titles.
Represents a kick handled by the KickManager.
Represents the event called after a kick gets processed.
Manager that handles Kicks and interacts with the storage.
Represents a kick message type.
Represents a language handled by the LanguageManager.
Represents an event called after a player's language is changed.
Represents a language detection's method.
Represents the language detector used by ChatPlugin.
Manager that handles Languages.
Represents the libraries used by ChatPlugin.
Relocation util used to relocate libraries.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) living entity adapter.
Manager that handles IPLookup requests to the local database.
Represents the type of a local database.
Represents a logged message.
Represents a logged private message handled by the PrivateMessagesManager.
Represents a logged public message handled by the ChatManager.
Manager that handles logging, the log file and the debug mode.
Represents a logger type.
Represents a log level.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) material adapter.
Util class that contains methods to convert memory units of measure.
Represents the type of a packet sent through the PlayerMessage or the PlayerDisconnect subchannel.
Represents the event called just before a message is sent through the TelegramBot.
Represents a MoTD handled by the MoTDManager.
Manager that handles MoTDs.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check if a PlayerAdapter is connected through a Bedrock client.
Represents a mute handled by the MuteManager.
Represents the event called after a mute gets processed.
Manager that handles Mutes and interacts with the storage.
Represents the event called after a mute gets updated.
Annotation used to indicate that the annotated element must not be null after construction has completed.
Annotation used to indicate that the annotated element could be null under some circustances.
Represents the display mode of ScoreboardNumbers: default, only zeros and custom text.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) objective adapter.
Represents an offline player.
Represents an OfflinePlayer-related event.
Represents the actions performed on GUIs' openings.
Util class used to deserialize packets sent through the proxy.
Class used to create packets using PacketSerializer.
Contains packets used to inform the servers about players' joins and quits.
Contains packets used to send messages to players.
Internal use only.
Internal use only.
Contains packets used to synchronize servers with the proxy.
Annotation used in Packets to indicate a packet's scope.
Represents a packet's scope.
Util class used to serialize packets sent through the proxy.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to check an OfflinePlayer's permissions.
Represents a GUI obtained through GUIManager.createPerPlayerGUI(GUILayout, ChatPluginServerPlayer) that features a player and a task ID that unloads the GUI after GUIManager.getPerPlayerGUIsUnloadTime() of inactivity (GUIOpenEvent, GUIClickEvent).
Manager that handles loaded players' pings.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration that translates placeholders for a ChatPluginServerPlayer.
Manager that handles ChatPlugin's integrated (and its integrations') placeholders.
Represents all ChatPlugin's integrated placeholders plus PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI extensions.
Represents the event called just before a plain message is sent through the DiscordBot.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit, Sponge, BungeeCord and Velocity) player adapter.
Represents a ChatPluginServerPlayer's displayed bossbar.
Represents the event called after a ChatPluginServerPlayer has joined for the first time.
Manager that handles messages sent by players ignored by other players.
Manager that handles ChatPluginPlayers and OfflinePlayers.
Represents an event called before a player gets pinged by another player in the chat.
Manager that handles player pings in the chat.
Represents the data types of DataContainer.PLAYERS used to store information.
Represents an event called before a player's message gets processed.
Represents an event called before a player's private message gets processed.
Represents a private message-related event.
Manager that handles private messages.
Annotation used to indicate that a method contained in a class inside of the me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common (or implementation's me.remigio07.chatplugin.common) package is available on proxy implementations only: BungeeCord and Velocity (plus their forks).
Manager that handles connections and integrations with the proxy.
Manager used to send plugin messages to the servers under the proxy.
Proxy abstraction of the MoTDManager.
Represents the event called after a ChatPluginProxyPlayer is loaded.
Manager that handles ChatPluginProxyPlayers.
Represents the event called just before a ChatPluginProxyPlayer is unloaded.
Represents a public message-related event.
Represents a punishment (ban, warning, kick, mute) handled by a PunishmentManager.
Abstract manager that handles Punishments and interacts with the storage.
Represents the type of a packet sent through the PlayerUnban, the PlayerUnwarn or the PlayerUnmute subchannel.
Manager that handles quit messages.
Represents a quit packet belonging to a player.
Manager that handles the ranged chat.
Represents a rank handled by the RankManager.
Manager that handles Ranks.
Permission adapter used to prevent compatibility issues between Bukkit's and Sponge's libraries.
Represents a rank's tag, composed of a prefix, a suffix and a name color.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to determine if a ChatPluginServerPlayer is inside of a protected region.
Represents the event called after a player's last warning gets removed.
Represents the tablist's custom suffixes' render type.
Annotation used to indicate that a field or a method depends on a ChatPluginIntegration to work.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) resource pack status adapter.
Represents a scoreboard handled by the ScoreboardManager.
Represents the event called called just before a player is added to a Scoreboard.
Represents a Scoreboard-related event.
Represents an event that triggers a Scoreboard of type ScoreboardType.EVENT.
Represents a Scoreboard's lines.
Represents a Scoreboard's line.
Manager that handles Scoreboards.
Represents a Scoreboard's numbers.
Represents the event called just before a player is removed from a Scoreboard.
Represents a Scoreboard's titles.
Represents the type of a scoreboard: default, event or custom.
Annotation used to indicate that a field or a method contains or returns sensitive or private data, like for example the Discord integration's bot's token.
Server socket.
Represents a Server-related event.
Annotation used to indicate that a method contained in a class inside of the me.remigio07.chatplugin.api.common (or implementation's me.remigio07.chatplugin.common) package is available on server implementations only: Bukkit and Sponge (plus their forks).
Holds information about a server under the proxy.
Server abstraction of the MoTDManager.
Represents the event called after a ChatPluginServerPlayer is loaded.
Manager that handles ChatPluginServerPlayers and enabled worlds.
Represents the event called just before a ChatPluginServerPlayer is unloaded.
Represents the event called after a Server has received a PacketDeserializer from a ClientHandler.
Represents the event called just before a Server is shut down.
Represents the event called after a Server is started up.
Represents the type of a packet sent through the SilentTeleport subchannel.
Represents a single-paged GUI.
Represents a single page GUI's layout.
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration able to interact with a social platform, like Discord or Telegram.
Annotation used in Packets to indicate that a packet is to be read/sent through the custom socket channel and not through the standard BungeeCord's plugin messaging channel.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) sound adapter.
Represents the Sponge's bootstrapper.
Represents an event called when a message is sent to the staff chat.
Manager that handles the Staff chat.
Represents the event called just before the DiscordBot's status is changed.
Represents the event called just before the TelegramBot's status is changed.
Represents the storage connector used by the plugin.
Represents a WHERE SQL condition.
Represents the operators supported by StorageConnector.WhereCondition.
Manager used to store, read and write the plugin's data.
Represents the supported storage methods.
Manager that handles version suggestions.
Manager that handles switch messages.
Represents a tablist handled by the TablistManager.
Manager that handles Tablists.
Represents an event called when a Tablist is sent to a player.
Manager that handles (a)synchronous tasks executed by ChatPlugin.
Environment indipendent (Bukkit and Sponge) team adapter.
Represents the Telegram bot handled by the TelegramIntegrationManager.
Manager that handles the plugin's TelegramBot.
Represents a message type sent by the TelegramBot.
Class containing implementations of TelegramMessage.
Represents the ban messages.
Represents the kick messages.
Represents the main messages.
Annotation used to describe the arguments of a TelegramMessage's TelegramMessage.getValue(Object...) method.
Represents the misc messages.
Represents the mute messages.
Not available yet.
Not available yet.
Represents the warning messages.
Represents an event called before the chat gets globally (un)muted.
Manager that handles the server's TPS.
Represents a time interval (1m, 5m, 15m).
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
Represents the event called after an unban gets processed.
Represents an event called before a player stops ignoring another player.
Represents the event called after an unmute gets processed.
Represents the event called after a warning gets processed.
Util class used to validate URLs.
Common utils class.
Proxy utils class.
Server utils class.
Util class used to calculate and fetch players' UUIDs and names.
Util class used to contain a value that can be either a fixed number or a placeholder's variable value.
Manager that handles vanished ChatPluginServerPlayers and fake players counters.
Represents the Velocity's bootstrapper.
Represents a major, minor or patch change in a version (example: 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0).
Represents a ChatPluginIntegration that provides a PlayerAdapter's version.
Util class used to grab information about the current environment's version.
Represents a Minecraft version.
Represents an AnticheatIntegration's violation handled by the AnticheatManager.
Represents the type of a packet sent through the PlayerViolation subchannel.
Represents a warning handled by the WarningManager.
Represents the event called after a warning gets processed.
Manager that handles Warnings and interacts with the storage.
Represents the event called after a player gets punished because of a warning.
Manager that handles welcome messages.