This page contains info about the syntax used by the plugin in the configuration files.
Recognized IDs
In this section you can find both the material and sound IDs recognized by ChatPlugin depending on the current environment and version.
Version | Bukkit material IDs | Bukkit sound IDs | Sponge material IDs | Sponge sound IDs |
1.8 | HelpChat | HelpChat | GitHub | GitHub |
1.9 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ - see 1.10[?] | ❌ - see 1.10 |
1.10 | HelpChat | HelpChat | GitHub | GitHub |
1.11 | HelpChat | HelpChat | GitHub | GitHub |
1.12 | HelpChat | HelpChat | GitHub | GitHub |
1.13 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌[?] | ❌ |
1.14 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ | ❌ |
1.15 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ | ❌ |
1.16 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ | ❌ |
1.17 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ | ❌ |
1.18 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ | ❌ |
1.19 | HelpChat | HelpChat | ❌ | ❌ |
1.20 | SpigotMC | SpigotMC | ❌ | ❌ |
Time periods and durations in ChatPlugin are expressed in a way that supports the following timestamps:
Timestamp | Identifier(s) | Value (ms) |
Second | s, S | 1000 = 1 * 103 |
Minute | m | 60000 = 6 * 104 |
Hour | h, H | 3600000 = 3.6 * 106 |
Day | d, D | 86400000 = 8.64 * 107 |
Week | w, W | 604800000 = 6.048 * 108 |
Month | M | 2592000000 = 2.592 * 109 |
Year | y, Y | 31536000000 = 3.1536 * 1010 |
They are used by the punishments' system, in configuration files and by some other modules. Here is an example of the accepted format: 23d,7h,39s
. Input string must not contain spaces and timestamps must be divided by a comma.
ChatPlugin - Un plugin completo ma leggero che gestisce semplicemente troppe funzionalità!
Questa wiki è attualmente aggiornata alla versione 1.9.10.
© 2024 Remigio07
Si prega di segnalare imprecisioni ed errori di ortografia come descritto a Home/Reporting issues.